Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday, February 21st 2025-Blue Day

  Information for the week of February 18th
Not only are we celebrating our FFA this week, but it is also School Board Recognition Week. Thank You to the dedicated panel of leaders who pave the way for our school to be the success that it is.
President-Mark Goral and Board Members Curtis Adams, Emma Klaas, Peggy Hinker, and Gary Spelbring Jr.

It's farmer day at our school. Grades 6-12th will participate in Ag Olympics today starting at 1:55 in the gym
National FFA Week-February 15th-22nd

Today the JH girls and boys basketball teams will be at SC vs. Iroquois-Lake Preston
Girls at 6:00
Boys at 7:00

Girls b-ball practice @ Woony
Boys b-ball practice @ SC

*Congratulations to Temperance Salathe for her acceptance into the SDSU Honor Band festival on February 21-22 in Brookings.  This is her second year making it into this honor band!  

Both the boys and girls varsity basketball teams pulled off victories last night.
Girls 54-24
Boys 65-48

The Girls BB team will have practice this Friday at Woony right after school.

Monday and Wednesday next week the gbb will have practice at Sanborn after school.
On Friday, February 21st the JH girls and boys basketball teams will be at SC vs. ILP. 
Girls at 6:00
Boys at 7:00

Save the dates
February 26th a group of 9-11 students will be touring the CTE Building in Huron. This is a great opportunity for our students to see the new elective CTE options that will be available to them and build interest. All 9th-11th grade students will be attending the tour. It will take place from 12-2:30
Mr. Flatten

March 3rd-7th is Read Across America Week
Monday-Books Knock Our Socks Off-Wear your craziest and/or mismatched socks!
Tuesday-Hats off to Reading-Wear your favorite hat!
Wednesday-Books Bring Up Together-Wear your class color Pre-K Green, 1st Yellow, 2nd Orange, 3rd Purple, 4th Blue 5th Black
Thursday-Cuddle up with a good book-No need to get dressed, wear your pajamas instead!
Friday-Books Boost Our Blackhawk Pride-Wear your Blackhawk gear, We will have Blackhawk athletes as guest readers!
Friday-Bring your Blackhawk Buddy (parents, grandparents, etc.) to breakfast 7:45-8:15-Donut and Juice Provided by the SC Booster Club

Extra Curricular
Fifth and sixth grade volleyball sign up forms for the 2025 spring season are ready. Forms will be handed out to 5/6th girls to let coaches know you are interested. Please fill out the following form and return to Laura Licht in the office. 
2-25-25 Practice @ SC 3:30-5:00
2-27-25 Practice @ SC 3:30-5:00
3-4-25 Practice @ SC 3:30-5:00
3-6-25 Practice @ Woony 3:30-5:00
3-10-25 Practice @ Woony 3:30-5:00 (tentative)
3-11-25 Practice @ Woony 3:30-5:00
3-13-25 Practice @ SC 3:30-5:00 (tentative)
3-18-25 Scrimmage @ Woonsocket 6:00-7:30

Here is the schedule for February 22nd for the Wessington Springs JH Basketball Jamboree
We will just be playing round robin. All teams will play 2 games.
Time Main Gym Rec Center
9:00 am Boys – WS vs SCW Boys – KWL vs MVP 2
9:45 am Girls – KWL 1 vs SCW Boys – HT vs MVP 1
10:30 am Girls – WS vs MVP 2 Girls – MVP 1 vs HH
11:15 am Boys – WS vs MVP 2 Boys – SCW vs HT
12:00 pm Boys – KWL vs MVP 1 Girls – MVP 2 vs KWL 2
12:45 pm Girls – KWL 1 vs MVP 1 Girls – SCW vs HH
1:30 pm Girls – WS vs KWL 2
· No Team Entry fee
· Gate Admission – Adults - $5 and Students are Free
· Concessions available
· Locker Rooms available
· Basketballs will be provided
· We will play 15 minute running clock havles. Clock will stop last minute of each half. Each team allowed 3 timeouts per game.
· Overtime will be 2 minutes – if still tied after 2 minutes game will result in a tie.
· Warm up time will be 7 minutes for each game.
· Halftime will be 3 minutes.
Music News
Pep Band dates:
Friday, Feb. 28 @ Sanborn Central
*Please arrive 20 minutes prior to the first Varsity warm-up.  Please contact Mrs. Karlen in advance of any conflicts.

Blackhawks Got Talent music contest will be held on Thursday, March 13th.  Schedule to follow.

Here is the list of dates for 2025 CDE's
Monday, March 3rd-Bridgewater-Emery-Leave SC at 8:15
Monday, March 10th-Howard-Leave SC at 8:30
Monday, March 17th-Tri-Valley W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds-Sioux Falls-Leave SC 7:45
Tuesday, March 25th Districts-4 Locations TBA (Top 4 teams go to state)
April 3-5 FFA State Brookings

Here is a tentative list of students participating
Agricultural Mechanics
1. Gage Hines
2. Evan Easton
3. Benton Eden
4. Teagen Moody
5. Alex Anderson
6. Riley Kneen
7. Cody Berscheid

1. Brinley Fuller
2. Emilie Lindgren
3. McKenzie Baruth
4. Temperance Salathe
5. Olivia Conrad
6. McKenzie Uecker

Milk Quality and Products
1. Raily Martinez
2. Morgan Eggleston
3. Greta Bott
4. Yuli Garcia

Natural Resources
1. Bryce Larson
2. Grant Edwards
3. McCoy Schulz
4. Clay Moody
5. Payton Uecker
6. Caleb Kneen

Nursery landscaping
1. Cameron Edwards
2. Tori Hoffman
3. Miley Adams
4. Luci Applegarth
5. Madilyn Morris

Veterinary Science
1. Addyson Baruth
2. Tailynn Larson
3. Hudson Fouberg
4. Sophie Kelly
5. Evalynn Olsen

1. Carter Edwards
2. Parker Ettswold
3. Eli White
4. Willam Simonds
5. Tanse Moody
6. Cordell Hines

Poultry Evaluation
1. Danielle Brooks
2. Waverly Hagman
3. Shiloh Senska
4. Ryan Eggleston
5. Jason Moran
6. Megan Kogel

Meat Evaluation and Technology
1. Samual Baruth
2. Michael Foos
3. Ian Octavo
4. Cole Wilson
5. Tyler Brueske
6. Landen Jensen

Horse Evaluation and Selection
1. Layton Zoss
2. Aubrey Moody
3. Westen White
4. Ledoux Bracha

Middle School Updates

8th Grade

Week of February 24th
6th Grade
7th Grade
A Note From Mrs. Gassman
Career Exploration Camps (Incoming 7th and 8th Graders)

With Our Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Camps students can take charge of their future and have a blast doing it. Incoming 7th and 8th graders can join our free, five-day career camp this summer. They’ll explore exciting careers, meet professionals and dive into hands-on activities that unleash creativity and ignite passion. With more camps than ever, there’s more reason to join. 

2025 Career Camps Dates and Locations:

June 15-19, 2025 | University of South Dakota + Southeast Technical College

July 6-10, 2025 | Black Hills State University + South Dakota Mines + Western Dakota Technical College

July 13-17, 2025 | Black Hills State University + South Dakota Mines + Western Dakota Technical College

July 13-17, 2025 | Dakota State University + Mitchell Technical College

July 13-17, 2025 | Northern State University + Lake Area Technical College

July 13-17, 2025 | South Dakota State University + Lake Area Technical College

Find the application form here. Each camp will accept roughly 100 participants. The deadline to apply is March 31. Students are expected to be notified of acceptance via email by the middle to end of April 2025. If availability is limited at a particular site, preference will be given to students from school districts categorized as Title I or as having high absenteeism during COVID.  


The Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Summer Camps are a partnership of the South Dakota Board of Regents, South Dakota Technical Colleges, South Dakota businesses and industry, and the South Dakota Department of Education (DOE). The camps are funded with federal dollars available to DOE through the American Rescue Plan Act.

From the Kitchen
Today's lunch update Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza, Mixed Vegi, Garden Bar, Choice of Fruit, Milk

Find out what's on the menu at

The Hunt is On-Brady is a graduate of Sanborn Central and is currently attending Mitchell Technical College for ag business. Brady was diagnosed in December with Sever Aplastic Anemia, a rare and serious condition that occurs when your body stops producing enough new blood cells. It is anticipated that Brady will have to undergo a bone marrow transplant this year as part of his treatment.

Intent to play soccer forms are out! Visit the following link if your child did not get a form to you. They are due back February 21st

The next food giveaway is Wednesday, March 5th at 4PM

Saturday, April 19th Iroquois is hosting a 3-3 for various age groups.





Girls B-Ball Region
Boys Practice @ Woony
Andy Ettswold gym 6:30-8:00

National School Breakfast Week
Boys B-Ball Region
FFA SCE Bridgewater-Emery


Girls B-Ball Region-TBD
Boys b-ball @ Woony
VB practice 3:30-5:00
Boys B-Ball Region TBA
VB practice 3:30-5:00


Girls B-Ball @ SC
Boys B-Ball @ Woony
CTE Tour in Huron 12-2:30

Central Electric pres. 4th-5th (9:30)


Girls B-Ball Region TBA
Boys b-ball @ Woony
VB practice 3-5
Girls B-Ball So-Dak 16
VB practice 3:30-5:00


Boys B-Ball vs. WS  @ SC
-Senior Night
JH 4:00
C 5:00
JV 6:15
V 7:45
Pep Band Plays

1:45 Dismissal
Boys B-Ball Region


State Weightlifting-Baltic