Monday, November 6, 2023

Monday, November 6th 2023-Orange Day

Fifth and sixth B-Ball Games today at Wolsey. 
G @ 6:00 B @ 7:00

If you would like to place an FFA fruit and butter braid order please contact Mr. Welch at Orders are due by November 9th
Enter the Student Code: VYWB-6568

Thursday, November 9th at 9:00 you are invited to a Veterans Day program at the Sanborn Central School Gymnasium. In addition if your child has a family member that is a Veteran (who has not previously been included in the Veterans Day slideshow) please email a picture of the Veteran as well as their relationship to your student.

On November 13th (Orange Day) all 7-12 students will be attending a distracted driving presentation in Woony from 9-10 AM. All students and teachers will load the buses at 8:35 AM for the presentation and will return directly after the presentation.

Save the date-November 21st is 4th and 5th Declaim at 8:30. All are welcome to attend.
Sanborn Central Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 7th at 6:30
8th grade CPR training will take place November 7th in two different groups
Group one 8:30-11:30
Group two 12:00-3:00

Next week is American Education Week. We will be celebrating our amazing staff that helps keep Sanborn Central in tip-top order.

We have an open position available for a para. If you would like to be part of the Sanborn Central team please apply at

Lunchroom News: 

Reminder to staff, students, and parents we are a fish free school. Please do not send any form of fish fresh or saltwater with your student for lunch. We aim to keep everyone safe and protect those that have a food allergy! Thank you for understanding.

Available at the touch of the screen: My School Menus Mobile App in the iTunes Store or the Google Play store. Follow this link for more information: The Food Service Department is excited to offer My School Menus Mobile App as a valuable nutrition resource. You can access the web version by visiting out website at  

Please let Laura Conrad in the kitchen know if you need any additional information on how to use this information to support your student’s specific nutrition needs. 

MS Updates

6th Grade-Week of November 6th
7th Grade-Week of November 6th
8th Grade-Week of November 6th

Extra Curricular
The 23-24 boys and girls practice schedule has been released. Please visit the following link.
Practice Schedule

Boys HS open gym schedule

Nov. 7th - Woonsocket @ 7:30 PM
Nov. 9th - Woonsocket @ 7:30 PM
Nov. 14th - Sanborn Central @ 7:30 PM
Nov 16th - Sanborn Central @ 7:30 PM
Nov. 20th - Sanborn Central @ 7:30 PM
November 21 (Tuesday): Woonsocket 7:30 PM 

The 7th & 8th Grade GBB team will be participating in the Hanson Early Bird Tournament on November 11 at Hanson School in Alexandria.  Visit the following bracket for details
2023 JH Basketball Tourney-Revised

2023 5th & 6th grade Basketball Cancer Tournament
November 11th @ Woonsocket - 9:00am
Bracket and Tournament information here

We will only have a few limited practices for the girls as the gym is pretty busy this time of year.  If you have any questions feel free to contact Coach Rob Baruth at or my cell is 605-354-2699.
Practice Schedule:  All practices are right after school until 5:15pm.  We will have a bus for them to take them back and forth.
Monday, November 6th at Woonsocket
Tuesday, November 7th at Sanborn Central
Friday, November 10th at Woonsocket
Rob Baruth

Oral Interp
November 8th-Districts-Mitchell
Kids Attending
Miley Adams
Hudson Fouberg
Carter Edwards
Ian Octavo
Grant Edwards
Riley Kneen
Layton Zoss
Temperance Salathe
Isabella Bitterman
Olivia Conrad
Lucy Applegarth
Sean Bitterman
November 14th-Regions-Mitchell
December 1-2-State-Harrisburg

Speech & Debate-more information to come
December 9th-Lennox
December 15-16-Brookings

The following students will be attending the JH festival in Platte on Tuesday, November 14th:
Olivia, Sophie, McKenzie, Brooklyn, Lucy, Madilyn, Carley, Landree, Ledoux, Hector, Westen, Ramsey, and Kaidence.
The bus will leave Sanborn Central at 6:25 am. The bus will leave Woonsocket at 6:40 am.  Return time is approximately 5:00 pm.  
Students please bring music folders, pencils, water bottles, and extra money in case we stop.  If you are planning on riding home with a parent, they will need to tell Mrs. Easton.
Please turn in $8.00 lunch money asap Hector and Ledoux.

Notes from Ms. Amundson
Here is a list of upcoming college and career visits that will be coming here to the school:
November 7 - Build Dakota Scholarship - 2:30 PM
November 8 - Jack Links - 2:00 PM
November 20 - Mitchell Technical University - 11:30 AM
November 27 - Butler/Cat Program/Scholarship - 11:45 AM

Do you have a PK-6 girl or boy that would be interested in wrestling? Please contact Luke Tiesler: (605) 999-8622
Jeremy Gunkel: (605) 999-7594
Ashley Baker: (605) 999-7310
for questions regarding the program. 2023-2024 Youth Wrestling Student Flier

The Town & Kountry Kids 4-H Club- Blue Group will meet Tuesday, November 7 at the Letcher Community Center at 6:30.  New members are welcome and encouraged to attend! 
If you have questions contact Janet Maeschen or Stacy Zoss.  

Letcher Community Church fall family bingo night is Wednesday, November 8th from 5:30-7ish
A meal will be served and everyone is welcome to attend.
Letcher Community Church

On Sunday, November 12th at 6PM all veterans and their families are invited to attend a Veterans Day supper at the Letcher Community Center Veteran's Day Potluck Supper

Do you have a prom dress that is taking up space in your closet? Please consider donating to the Priceless Prom Resale Event

November food pantry information

Sophie Kelly and Letcher Junior Post 93 Legion Auxiliary are collecting gently used shoes for Veterans again this year. A collection box is located outside the office.

Tuesday, November 7th
Boys open gym @ Woony
SoDak 16 VB
Build Dakota Scholarship Presentation
5/6 b-ball game @ SC vs. Iroquois-Lake Preston G@ 6:00 B@ 7:00
7-8 GBB practice @ SC  Woony after school

Wednesday, November 8th
Oral Interp-Districts Mitchell 
Jack Links presentation
WWTS 3:50-5:30
Sonshine Club

Thursday, November 9th
Boys open gym @ Woony 
FB State
ASVAB testing Mrs. Amundson

Friday, November 10th
FB State

Saturday, November 11th
FB State
Sonshine Club
Cancer Tourney @ Woony
Hanson Early Bird Tourney

Monday, November 13th
School Board Meeting
Distracted driver assembly

American Education Week
Tuesday, November 14th
Oral Interp. Regions-Mitchell
HS boys b-ball @ 7:30
JH Music Fest. Platte

Wednesday, November 15th
WWTS 3:50-5:30
JH Music Fest-Platte

Thursday, November 16th
VB State @ RC
HS boys b-ball @ SC 7:30

Friday, November 17th-18th
VB State @ RC

Monday, November 20th
MTI rep here at 11:30
HS boys b-ball practice @ SC 7:30

Tuesday, November 21st