Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday, November 27th 2023-Blue Day

If you ordered fruit and butter braids from the SCW FFA they will arrive on Tuesday, December 5th. They need to be picked up that day any time after 2:00.

HS boys practice at Woonsocket 7:30 PM 
G B-Ball @ SC after school-The parent meeting has been moved to Tuesday at 6PM at SC.

The Sanborn Central HS Student Council will be accepting donations for the food pantry in the form of paper towels, toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, laundry detergent etc. Please drop off at the school from December 4th-15th. 
Toilet-Tree Information

Here is a link to the Blackhawk Apparel Store through CreativeWeb: Online orders are due November 30th

The Gym Schedule is posted on our website for your convenience. Please visit 
and click on the black box labeled gym schedule.

Upcoming music schedule:
You are invited to the Sanborn Central Christmas Concert "A Classic Cozy Christmas" December, 7th at 6:30 pm. The staff and students have been working hard in hopes of being the winner of the Door Decorating Contest this year and the community will again be invited to judge the decorated doors in the school building. Come early to see our festive talents! The elementary winner will receive cookies provided by the Booster Club to decorate and eat. Staff and older students will choose their prize at a later date.
Basketball Pep Band December 12th at Woony: time TBD
Basketball Pep Band December 19th at Woony: time TBD

Lunchroom News: 

Follow this link for more information: The Food Service Department is excited to offer My School Menus Mobile App as a valuable nutrition resource. You can access the web version by visiting out website at  

Extra Curricular
JH girls basketball practice will start on Monday, November 27th (after Thanksgiving break).
Due to quite a few girls and parents gone,  The Girls Basketball Parent meeting scheduled for tonight at 6pm has been moved to Tuesday night at 6pm.  It is still at Sanborn Central.  I apologize for the short notice. Coach Baruth 

Please visit the following link for this years basketball schedule.
Practice Schedule

The Dec. 8 JH girls BB game vs Wolsey at Woonsocket will start at 4PM instead of 6PM due to the Letcher parade of lights. 

Speech & Debate-more information to come
December 9th-Lennox
December 15-16-Brookings

Winter Picture Schedule for Thursday, Dec. 7 at Woonsocket

2:10PM JH girls-  NO Practice

2:30PM JH boys-  

3:00PM- Girls BB High School- NO Practice

3:30PM- Boys BB High School
4:00PM- Cheerleaders- 
1:45 PM will be the leave time for JH athletes on Gary's bus and will return for the route. 2:30 for HS girls. HS Boys will be dismissed at 3:00.

Notes from Ms. Amundson
Other scheduled upcoming visits:
Monday, November 27 - ThinkBig Scholarship Program - Butler/Caterpillar - 11:45 AM - Ms. Amundson's room
Wednesday, November 29 - Northern State University - 11:45 AM - Ms. Amundson's room
Tuesday, December 5 - Mount Marty University - 11:30 AM - Ms. Amundson's room
Thursday, December 7 - Huron Regional Medical Center - 11:30 AM - Ms. Amundson's room

Just a reminder that our seniors still have until Thursday, November 30th to complete their college applications during the free college application period (South Dakota colleges only).
Thank you so much for your cooperation!

Here is the 3/4th grade boys basketball schedule.
3/4th boys basketball
Practices will be for 1 1/2. Most of the time a coach will be there before and after practices so if kids want to shoot around or want more 1 on 1 time you can do so. The practices will be with a large group and several parents helping our with different stations to learn the fundamentals of basketball.
November 28th @ SC 6:30-8:00
November 30th @ Woony 6:30-8:00 

Added to the calendar, WWTS rehearsal in Artesian Tuesday, December 5th from 3:50-5:30.

Artesian Area WWTS to Present“Double Take”The Artesian Area WWTS (Walking With the Savior) youth group will present their Christmas program titled “Double Take” on Wednesday, Dec. 6th at 6:30  pm at the Artesian First Lutheran Church. It is the story of Jesus’ birth told with humor, mystery, and awe. Jesus’ birthday will also be celebrated. A supper will be served by the church ladies following the program. All are welcome.

Friday, December 8th at 6PM Cooper Goldammer is taking over the Letcher parade of lights for his senior project! Starting at 5 as there will be a s'mores tent set up, just bring a canned good for the Sanborn County Food pantry and let the 4H kids serve you up a s'more! Let's keep the tradition going! Message Cooper to enter your float or with any questions at 605-968-3245

St. Wilfrid's Turkey Shoot is Back! Turkey dinner is on Sunday, December 10th at st. Wilfrid's Catholic Church Parish Hall in Woonsocket, SD
Turkey and all the trimmings will be served from 5-7

Wednesday, December 6th at 4:00PM (or when the delivery is unloaded) until the boxes are gone the Sanborn Co. Courthouse will be distributing boxes of food weather permitting.
The  will not be doing our food giveaway again until February 7th, 2024 again but the food pantry at the Courthouse is open.
December Food Giveaway

Do you have a prom dress that is taking up space in your closet? Please consider donating to the Priceless Prom Resale Event

Sophie Kelly and Letcher Junior Post 93 Legion Auxiliary are collecting gently used shoes for Veterans again this year. A collection box is located outside the office.

Tuesday, November 28th
3/4th boys b-ball @ SC 6:30-8
Girls b-ball @ SC 
Boys b-ball @ Woony

Wednesday, November 29th
Girls B-Ball @ SC
Boys B-Ball @ Woony
Sonshine Club

Thursday, November 30th
3/4th b-ball @ Woony 6:30-8:00
Girls b-ball @ SC
Boys b-ball @ Woony

Friday, December 1st
Oral Interp-State in Harrisburg
G B-Ball @ SC
B B-Ball @ Woony

Saturday, December 2nd 
Oral Interp-State in Harrisburg
Wolsey girls/boys b-ball Jamboree

Monday, December 4th
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC
Raleigh Larson 5/6 girls b-ball practice 6-7:30

Tuesday, December 5th
Woony concert
girls b-ball @ SC No boys b-ball-No JH practice
Mt. Marty University 11:30
WWTS 3:50-5:30

Wednesday, December 6th

Sonshine Club
WWTS Christmas Program @ 6:30
Girls b-ball @ Woony
Boys b-ball @ SC

Thursday, December 7th
Christmas Concert 6:30
Winter Sports Pictures @ Woony
Huron Regional Medical Center Presentation 11:30

Friday, December 8th-12:30 Dismiss
JH b-ball girls vs. Wolsey-Wessington @ Woony 6PM

Saturday, December 9th
Speech Debate-Lennox
G/B B-Ball @ SBA (G JV 12:30, B JV 1:30, G V 2:30 B V 4:00)

Sunday December 10th
Sonshine Club Christmas Program

Monday, December 11th
JH G/B b-ball @ Howard 7th G 4:30, JH B @ 5:30
G b-ball practice @ SC
B b-ball practice @ Woony
School Bd. Mtg.