Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday, March 31st 2023-Orange Day

 Our very own Mrs. Wilson has been selected as one of the three mathematics teachers in South Dakota who have been selected as a state-level finalist for the (PAEMST)Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Testing.  The final announcement timeline is from March 21st-April 29th, 2023 but could take much longer due to ties with the President's recognition purposes. Presidential awardees receive a citation signed by the President of the United States, a trip to Washington DC to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities, and a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation. It may be some time before the announcement is made, but we are proud to have Mrs. Wilson teaching our student body at Sanborn Central!

No track or golf practice today after school.

Due to the impending storm Sanborn Central will dismiss today at 1:00PM.

Can't find old information that was in a blog? Hop on over to our website, it might be in a newsfeed or document!

Extra Curricular
The junior high track meet scheduled for Mt. Vernon on Thursday, April 6th has been cancelled.

Here is the 2023 track schedule
View the 2023 track practice schedule.
Track practices will be held at Woony unless announced differently. All practices will be done
between 4:45-5:00. Athletes will be bussed to each school and back. 
View the track schedule with bus leave times.
View the list of Track Athletes for 2023

Visit the 2023 Golf schedule.
SC Golf Athletes are Sidney S, Parker E, Teagen M, Bryce L,  Sean B, and Evan E

MS Updates

The next CDE is at Howard on April 3rd. State will be held on April 16-18th in Brookings.
Students attending on April 3rd are...
The bus will leave on Monday for Howard at 8:15 from Woony and 8:30 from SC!
1. Ellie Evans
2. Parker Ettswold
3. Alex Schelske
4. Keaton Fridley
5. Casady Dean
6. Kenlie Fridley
7. Teagan Moody
8. Hudson Fouberg
9. Cody Slykhuis
10.Brady Larson
11.Trey Moody
12.Bryce Larson
13.Aubrey Senska
14.Kara Wormstadt
15.Brooklyn Johnson
16.Layton Zoss


The Artesian 1st Lutheran Ladies will have their annual Easter bake sale on Saturday, April 8th from 9:30-11:00 am at the Artesian Community Center. Coffee, juice, and rolls will be served. The ladies are also having a quilt raffle. Tickets will be sold in advance, and will also be available the day of the bake sale. The winner of the quilt will be drawn at the end of the bake sale. This event is held in conjunction with the CIA Easter Egg Hunt

Baseball season is getting closer, which means we need to find out who is intending to play Hawks Teener Baseball for the 2023 season. Please click on the link to fill out the Intent to Play Form. Please try to have the form filled out by Saturday, April 1st.

Baseball letters of intent will be going out today to grades PK-5 for summer baseball/softball. Anyone that is 12 years and younger by January 1st is welcome to sign up.

Baseball letters of intent

The first youth soccer practice (grades PreK-6th) will be Monday, April 3rd in the Sanborn Central gym.  There will be a parent meeting at 5:30 for ALL PARENTS.  There will also be an equipment swap that night, please bring any outgrown cleats and/or shinguard you are willing to pass along to the next generation of players.  We have A LOT of cleats and shinguards in smaller sizes, so check out the swap BEFORE you go buy new!  If you have any questions, please email or call
Please bring your annual soccer dues ($20 per family) to the meeting!

The next food pantry will take place Wednesday, April 5th that the Sanborn Co. Court House (Weather Permitting) April Food Pantry

April is the month of the military child and the VFW Post 2750 Auxiliary in Mitchell has teamed up with Logan Luxury Theaters and Community Sponsors to purchase tickets for our military kids in the area! Tickets (including a small pop and popcorn are for military kids under 18, including current SD Natuonal Guard, Active Duty and Veteran's children with a valid Military or VA ID. 
Pick up tickets starting Thursday, March 16th from 5:30-7:30PM and Saturday, March 18th from 12-3PM, then Mon-Fri 5:30-7:30PM and each Saturday, 12-3PM until Fri April 14th at the VFW Post 2750 in Mitchell or until gone.
REMEMBER-PURPLE UP Day in South Dakota is Friday, April 21st 2023, wear support of our military kids!
If you would like to sponsor tickets, monetary donations can be dropped off at the VFW Post 2750 12-8PM daily or call the VFW Auxiliary President, Ruth Ragels at 605-770-2277 to make arrangements. -Thank You Sponsors-

Sophie Kelly is collecting donations as a Letcher Junior Post 93 Legion Auxiliary mission. Please bring your used tennis shoes to the Sanborn Central School to help out Veterans. This will be going on March-May.

Saturday, April 1st
Baseball intent doc. due

Monday, April 3rd-Blue Day
CDE in Howard
Soccer Practice @ SC
VB practice @ SC

Tuesday, April 4th-Orange Day
Parkston Track Meet
VB game vs. Hitchcock-Tulare @ Woony

Wednesday, April 5th-Blue Day
Senior Work Day
VB game @ WS
Letcher Sonshine Club
WWTS (3:50-5:30)

Thursday, April 6th-Orange Day 1:00 Dismissal
JH track meet in Mt. Vernon

Friday, April 7th

Monday, April 10th-EASTER MONDAY
JV track Meet @ WS
V Golf at Lakeview in Mitchell

Tuesday, April 11th-Blue Day
School Bd. Meeting
JH-JV track @ WS
VB game vs. Redfield @ Woony

Wednesday, April 12th-Orange Day
WWTS (3:50-5:30)

Thursday, April 13th
Sr. Presentations
Desmet Booster Relays (V)
Corsica track meet (JH)

Friday, April 14th
No preschool 
VB Scrimmage @ Woony

Sunday, April 16th
FFA State @ SDSU

Monday, April 17th-Blue Day
FFA State @ SDSU

Tuesday, April 18th-Orange Day
FFA State @ SDSU
Howard Relays