The VB ladies took on Ethan at SC on Thursday, September 1st and fell in 3 matches with the scores of 17-25, 24-26, 23-25. Kenna Ochsner and Kailynn Eggleston contributed with 2 aces each. Kenna Ochsner had 7 kills and Kam Ochsner had 2.
Teams Attack
Kenna Ochsner 7 kills
Kam Ochsner 6 kills
Ellie Evans 5 kills
Setting Leaders
Bailey Feistner 12 assists
Kenlie Fridley 7 assists
Kenna Ochsner 3
Kailynn Eggleston15
Bailey Feistner 13
The ladies will be @ Corsica this evening starting with the 7th ladies starting at 4:00 followed by 8th, C, JV, V. The bus leaves from SC at 2:30 Can't make the game? View from the comfort of your recliner at Corsica-Stickney Jaguars
The JH/JV FB team's will be at WS starting at 4:30 with the JH vs. Chamberlain. The JV will kick off at 6:00. Wednesday practice in Woony @ 4-630pm. Bus leaves Springs at 345pm.
*Thursday practice in Woony or Sanborn (TBD) @ 4-630pm. Bus leaves Springs at 345pm.
*Friday game at SC with the bus leaving Springs at 4:30PM Game @ 7pm v MCM.
A mini- bus and a suburban will leave right after school to take the football players to practice and the game in Wessington Springs. The game will be broadcast by KOKK 1210AM
A missing assignment report will go out every Wednesday and Eligibility will run on Thursday, September 8th.
NHS will be hosting a blood drive on Thursday, September 8th from 11:00-2:45.. If you are interested in donating, please! Blood is in low supply, please consider donating, even if you never have before!
Extra Curricular
The Cross Country runners will be hard at it tomorrow in the 281 Conference Meet. The gun will sound at 10:00 in Wessington Springs and the bus will leave Woonsocket at 8:45. Best of luck runners!
Regarding the VB game on Saturday, September 8th at Parkston -We will start with 8th at 4:00 and then 7th will follow. Those will be played in our multi-purpose gym. "C" game starts at 5:00 in our armory and will be followed by JV and Varsity.
Information on the Warbird Volleyball Tournament for Saturday, September 10th
Sign-up forms for 5th/6th basketball were sent home with students last week. The forms need to be back to Mrs. Olson-VanWinkle by Wednesday, September 14th.
5th and 6th Basketball Letter Home
6th and 6th Practice-Game Schedule
2022 Blackhawk VB Schedule with leave times
Middle School Updates
MS Updates for the week of September 5th
6th-8th Grade
From the Kitchen
Tuesday-Beef Super Nachos, Lettuce, Sour Cream, Seasoned Black Beans, Chilled Diced Pears
Wednesday-Breakfast for Lunch, Mini Pancakes, Sausage Patty, Roasted Redskin Rosemary Potato,
Assorted Juice
Thursday-Turkey Club Croissant, Lettuce and Tomato, Honey Glazed Carrots, Fresh Muskmelon
Friday-Cheese Pizza Crunchers, Steamed Mixed Vegetables, Diced Pears
September Lunch
September Breakfast
September FFV
Hero's helping with horsepower is selling tickets for a 2000 Harley Davidson Dyna (FXDS). This bike was completely designed and customized by area Veterans. Drawing by Tex Efx Mickey Harris airbrush art. The winner will be drawn on 9-10-22 at the Military Appreciation Event and you do not need to be present to win. Learn more at
Wednesday, September 7th (Orange)
9-12 VB practice @ Woony
7-8 VB practice @ SC
281 Conference X-Country
WWTS 3:50-5:30
Thursday, September 8th (Blue)
Blood Drive
VB vs. Parkston @ Parkston
Friday, September 9th (Orange)
FB vs. McCook Central-Montrose @ SC
VB 9-12 @ Woony
VB 7-8 @ SC
VB vs. Parkston @ Parkston
Saturday, September 10th
VB Varsity Tourney at Wolsey
Monday, September 12th-Blue Day
VB 9-12 @ Woony 3:45-5:30
VB 7-8 @ SC 3:45-5:15
CC in Arlington
JH FB vs. M/H/H @ WS
JH FB vs. MCM @ SC
Tuesday, September 13th-Orange Day
VB @ Woony vs. WS (7,8,C,JH,V)
Wednesday, September 14th-Blue Day
5-6 Basketball Forms Due back
VB 9-12 @ Woony
VB 7-8 @ SC
WWTS 3:50-5:30
Thursday, September 15th-Orange Day
Parent Teacher Conference 12:30 Dismissal
1-7 Conferences
NO VB practice
CC Chamberlain invite
Friday, September 16th-
FB vs. Miller Highmore @ WS
VB 9-12 @ Woony
-NO JH practice-
Saturday, September 17th
VB vs ORR @ SC (JH, JV,V)