Books written by Literacy Night guest reader are available by completing the attached order form. Send your order form and money to the school by Friday, April 1st. Book Order Form
Today's happenings
Track practice at Woony.
Golf practice starts
Try-valley CDE-The bus will leave SC at 8:00 and return at 3:00
Students attending the CDE's are as follows. Zachary Jones-Nelson, Toby Kneen, Keaton Fridley, Alex Schelske, Cody Slykhuis, Brady Larson, Trey Moody, Bryce Larson, Casady Dean, Averie Johnson, Kenlie Fridley, Ellie Evans, Teagan Moody, Trinity Harford, Malorie Mattke, Morgan Hoffman, Aubrey Senska, Kara Wormstadt and Brooklyn Johnson.
The bus will load SC at 8:30 and the Concert will begin at 4:00
Sports pictures will take place in Woonsocket on Wednesday, March 30th. Families may pre-order and pre-pay online at this link through the night before picture day. Simply click on your school event name (look for SCW Spring Sports 22). You can combine online orders by entering each student’s name when prompted in the beginning. Order Link:
Mark will photograph the players/students who hand him a paper form with payment or those who have an online order (he prints a list prior to the event).
Please visit our website at if you have any questions, you can find many answers on the FAQ’s page, but feel free to contact the studio also at 605-724-2559.
-2:30PM- Girls and Boys Golf
-3:00PM- Girls and Boys Track
Bus leave times
May 19th a JH meet was added at 1:00PM at Huron-Memorial Course
Menu-Notes from the kitchen
Breakfast-Pick 1 Breakfast Item-Mini Donuts, Smoothies, Scrumptious Coffee Cake,
Pick 2 Breakfast Items-Cereal, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Trix
Monday-WG Corndog, Fresh Cucumber, Breaded Cheddar Potato Munchers, Choice of Fruit
FFV-Tomato Wedges
Tuesday-Ultimate Chicken Queso Wrap, Fiesta Black Beans, Baked Tortilla Chips, Fresh Granny Smith Apple
Wednesday-Chicken Alfredo, Steamed Broccoli, Strawberry Cup
Thursday-Turkey Pot Pie, Steamed Mixed Vegi. Warm Caramel Roll, Fresh Banana
Friday-Cheese Breadstick, Warm Marinara Sauce, Steamed Carrots, Choice of Fruit
Middle School Updates
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Dean of Students Announcement
- Sanborn Central or Woonsocket senior
- Preference given to one with an agricultural background
- Due March 31, 2022
- Must be graduating from one of the following counties: Beadle, Clark, Hand, Jerauld, Kingsbury, Sanborn or Spink.
- Must be interested in and intend to pursue a healthcare-related degree.
- Preference will be given to applicants who indicate financial need and plan to seek employment in the Huron, SD area after graduation.
- Due March 31, 2022
Sanborn Central District Covid-19 Update 21-22 School Year
Elementary (Grades PK-5)
*Current Positives-
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
*Current Positives-
High School (Grades 9-12)
*Current Positives-
*Staff not associated with a particular grade, currently positive-
*Staff recovered and not associated with a particular grade-2
Help Wanted-The SC Conservation Office is now taking applications for a tree crew, and fabric installation crew for the 2022 planting season. This is a rewarding seasonal job. You must be 16 years of age to apply. Starting hourly wage is $16 per hour. Applications are due April 3rd, 2022. You may pick up an application at 203 W 7th St. Suite 200 at the USDA Service Center Building in Woonsocket. If you have any questions please contact the District Manager Amanda Waldner 605-651-0795 or 605-796-4476 ext. 3 or stop by the office.
Help Wanted-the Prehistoric Indian Village is looking for summer workers. Jobs are available in the gift shop, Archeodome tour guide, and museum guides. This would be a great experience for students interested in history and archaeology. Wages are competitive and you can fulfill as many hours as you choose. Students from Great Britain and Augustana University will be digging in the Dome June 13-July 13.
Braxton Gentels is hosting a senior project 10k, 5k and 3k in Woonsocket on April 9th starting at 11:00 at the North side of the Woonsocket Lake. All proceeds will be going to the Ronald McDonald House Charity. If you are interested in signing up, please click on the following link
Tuesday, March 29th-Orange Day
Track practice @ Woony
5/6th VB practice @ Woony
EL Band Fest.-Mitchell
8th Grade boys b-ball @ SC
Spring Sports Pictures
Track Practice @
WWTS (3:45-5:30)
Track Practice @ Woony
5-6 VB game @ Hitchcock
8th grade boys b-ball @ Woony
Sunshine Bible Track Meet-Miller
8th Grade Boys B-Ball @ SC
Monday, April 4th-Orange Day
5/6 VB practice @ SC
Track practice @ Woony
Tuesday, April 5th-Blue Day
Track practice at Woony
Sonshine Club and confirmation-Letcher
WWTS (3:45-5:30)
JH track meet at MV
Mitchell Lakeview golf
Track practice @ SC