Parents and students, in celebration of Spring break there will be no school on Friday, March 19th. In addition to our March no school day's, there will be a no school on Thursday, March 18th. Wednesday, March 17th staff that has chosen to receive the Covid-19 shot will have the option to do so.
Teachers, there will be no more combined band practices. The Large Group Contest scheduled on March 23rd has also been cancelled. On March 23rd the band students will be gone from 11-1 with Mrs. Hofer. Students that will be gone are; Dayton Easton, Dana Schelske, Alexis Kelly, Casady Dean, Caleb Kneen, Payton Uecker, Morgan Hoffman, Alex Schelske, Evan Easton, Bryce LarsonSeniors, please submit a senior picture and a baby picture to Ms. Farrell-Poncelet ASAP!
Turn in girls basketball uniforms to Mrs. Henriksen at Woonsocket and Mr. McCain at Sanborn Central asap.
Congratulations to the following girls on selection to the 281 all-conference teamsTrista White - first team
Trinity Boschee - second team
Brooke Doering - third team
281 Girls All Conference
Tryce Slykhuis - second team
Hayden Beigh - third team
281 Boys All Conference
Teachers the following students that will be gone for FFA competition on Wednesday March 17th and Monday, March 29th. These events are graded, and eligibility will not pertain. Students that will be absent are; Brady Larson, Brooklyn Johnson, Harley Kneen, Malorie Mattke, Casady Dean, Cassidy Slykhuis, Kenlie Fridley, Averie Johnson, Keaton Fridley, Cody Slykhuis, Jared Edwards, Mason Moody, Ellie Evans, Aubrey Senska, and Kara Wormstadt.
View the newest FFA apparel. If you would like to place an order please submit your form by Thursday, April 1st. FFA Order Form
Are you looking for current information regarding our track schedule (practice included)? View Mr. Flatten's Google Calendar
Teachers, the following students will be partaking in the 2021 track season. Please view the attached form for a complete athlete list
News From Mrs. Foxley
Juniors interested in applying for a $750 scholarship from Central Electric, please come see Mrs. Foxley.
Students interested in learning about healthcare jobs in SD can attend the Virtual Scrubs Camp on Wednesday, March 17th, 2021. Students will have the option of attending either a half-day in the morning or afternoon or for full day. Please see Mrs. Foxley if you are interested in attending!
Boys State applications are open to all juniors and seniors for the 2021 session! Boys State will be held May 31-June 4 on Northern State University's campus. Applications are due May 1. Please see Mrs. Foxley with questions about how to apply.
Any sophomores or juniors interested in attending the HOBY leadership seminar, please contact Mrs. Foxley. The seminar will be held virtually June 10-12, 2021.
SC Covid Information
This is Sanborn Central most current Covid-19 information. If a staff or student has been cleared to return to school they are not listed in our overall count.
Elementary Students-0
Middle School Students-0
High School Students-0
Please continue to self-monitor your students and keep them home if they are not feeling well.
Elementary Students-0
Middle School Students-0
High School Students-0
Please continue to self-monitor your students and keep them home if they are not feeling well.
The Event Management Class at WSHS is putting on a one day soccer tournament for students and adults. Please see flier attached and information for details.
A.H.hhh...Dance out of Mitchell is having dance tryouts for the senior team next week. This is open to 9th through 12th grade for the 2021-2022 school year. We would love to have any girls interested to be apart of our team!
Here is the tryout schedule: All nights will be held at Mitchell Christion School (805 W 18th Ave)
Tuesday March 16th Tryout
The first soccer practice will be Tuesday, March 30th at 5:30 at Sanborn Central. We will have a brief parent meeting at the beginning and you will receive schedules for the year.
Wednesday-March 17-Orange
WWTS (3:45-5:30)
Rock Solid (6:30-7:30)
District IV CDE contest-Tyndall
Thursday-March 18th
Boys State B-Aberdeen
Friday-March 19th
NO SCHOOL-Spring Break
Boys State B-Aberdeen
Saturday-March 20th
Boys State B-Aberdeen
Monday-March 22nd
JH Track Practice Starts
We will be serving yesterday's menu today:
WG Chicken Nuggets
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Steamed Corn
Dinner Roll & Jelly (9-12)
Granny Smith Apple
Tomorrow we will be serving:
Hot Ham & Cheese
Oven Baked Potato Wedges
Fresh Celery & Peanut butter
Fresh Pear
Today for FFVP:
All March Breakfast will consist of choice of cereal/assorted fruit/string cheese and milk; Chocolate chip muffin/assorted fruit/and milk; cinni minis/string cheese/and juice; Pop tart/assorted fruit and milk