Friday, March 5, 2021

Friday, March 5th (Blue Day)

Today and Monday, March 8th a combined band rehearsal will take place at SC from 10:45-11:30.  SC students in attendance are Dayton E, Dana S, Alexis K, Casady D, Caleb K, Payton U, Morgan H, Alex S, Evan E, and Bryce L.

View the girls basketball state qualifier's girls basketball state qualifiers

Seniors, please submit a senior picture and a baby picture to Ms. Farrell-Poncelet ASAP!

There will be an Army Active Duty and Reserve member available to meet with students today at 1:00.  1:00 am in the Commons

Best of luck to the State Powerlifters as they compete today and tomorrow in Brandon. All female lifters and male lifters in weight classes 145lb and below will compete Friday beginning at 4PM. Saturday lifters will be males in the 163lb weight class and above. Coach Flatten will discuss transportation with athletes.  Each lifter will be given two fan vouchers for attendance.
Athletes competing Friday: Sidney Salas, Evan VonEye, and Joshua Tucker. Saturday: Noah Wormstadt, Camden Jost, Michael Schmeidt, & Kaden Wolter.

Parents, if your child is going to be gone please call 605-495-4183 or e-mail Laura at  Laura can pass the message along to the bus driver and appropriate teachers.  Teachers may not check their class Dojo before attendance is taken.

Turn in girls basketball uniforms to Mrs. Henriksen at Woonsocket and Mr. McCain at Sanborn Central asap.

The regular board meeting scheduled for Monday, March 8th has been moved to Tuesday, March 9th at 7PM.  View the March school board agenda

Reminder to all students that the quarter ends Thursday, March 11th.  How are your grades?  A missing assignment report will generate tomorrow and Thursday will be eligibility.

Senior project day is Thursday, March 11th and you will be required to attend all day.  This day will be dedicated to fine tuning your project for your final presentation.

Prom is scheduled for Saturday, April 10th.
Prom pictures have been scheduled. Please come during your grade level's scheduled picture time as a class picture will be taken.
Freshmen & Sophomores: 3-3:45pm
Juniors & Seniors: 3:45-4:30

The SCW will be competing in the contests listed below.   Students that will be traveling to the March 8th and 17th competitions are; Casady Dean, Ellie Evans, Keaton Fridley, Kenlie Fridley, Averie Johnson, Brooklyn Johnson, Harley Kneen, Brady Larson, Malorie Mattke, Mason Moody, Aubrey Senska, Cassidy Slykhuis, Kody Slykhuis, and Kara Wormstadt
Monday, March 8th: McCook Central CDE Contest - Salem, SD
Wednesday, March 10th: Bruce Co. Livestock Judging (Kara W, Aubrey S, Ellie E)
Wednesday, March 17th: District IV CDE Contest - Tyndall, SD
Monday, March 29th: Tri-Valley CDE Contest - Sioux Falls, SD
Sunday, April 11th-Tuesday, April 13th: State FFA Convention - Rapid City, SD (students attending will be announced after District's)

March Calendars

MS Updates
MS Updates for the week of March 8th
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade

Extra Curricular
The Pops and Pep band concert is this coming Monday, March 8th at Sanborn Central. The concert starts at 7 pm. 5-7 band students need to meet in the Sanborn Central music room at 6:45pm. Students should dress up for the concert. Please contact Mrs. Hofer with any questions at

Thursday, March 11th will be an in house vocal and band contest located in the band room.  Parents are welcome to attend.  For a complete list of participants with times, please visit the following link. Vocal/Band Contest

It's beginning to look a lot like...track season.  Track practice will start Monday, March 15th with the first meet taking place at Sunshine Bible Academy (Miller) on April 1st.  Track Schedule

News From Mrs. Foxley 
Students interested in learning about healthcare jobs in SD can attend the Virtual Scrubs Camp on Wednesday, March 17th, 2021. Students will have the option of attending either a half-day in the morning or afternoon or for full day. Please see Mrs. Foxley if you are interested in attending!

Boys State applications are open to all juniors and seniors for the 2021 session! Boys State will be held May 31-June 4 on Northern State University's campus. Applications are due May 1. Please see Mrs. Foxley with questions about how to apply. 

Girls State applications are open! The event will be held on May 31-June 5 on University of South Dakota. Applications are due March 15. Please see Mrs. Foxley with questions about how to apply. 

Any sophomores or juniors interested in attending the HOBY leadership seminar, please contact Mrs. Foxley. The seminar will be held virtually June 10-12, 2021. 

SC Covid Information
This is Sanborn Central most current Covid-19 information.  If a staff or student has been cleared to return to school they are not listed in our overall count.
Elementary Students-1
Middle School Students-0
High School Students-0
Please continue to self-monitor your students and keep them home if they are not feeling well.

Join us for a Fish Fry/Chili Feed and Silent Auction on March 14th @ 2pm  at Jake’s in Letcher in support of John Baysinger. (family of Cooper Goldammer)
John was diagnosed in December with Stage 4 Colon Cancer. He has completed chemo treatments locally and will be traveling to Mayo Clinic on March 15th to meet with surgeons. Proceeds from the day will be given to John to assist with expenses. Donations for the Silent Auction can be made to Jen Fouberg, Steve Zoss, Jerilyn Moody, Stacy Zoss, Marli Baysinger, and Lacy Bechen. Learn more about the Silent Auction by finding it on Facebook at John Baysinger Benefit at Jake’s Lounge and John Baysinger Benefit Fundraiser.

The Event Management Class at WSHS is putting on a one day soccer tournament for students and adults.   Please see flier attached and information for details.

Saturday-March 6th
State Powerlifting-Brandon

Monday-March 8th-Orange
Band Concert
Board Meeting
SC Conservation Speech Contest
Combined Band Rehearsal
Legion Essay's Due (Artesian & Letcher)
McCook Central CDE (FFA)

Tuesday-March 9-Blue
Board Meeting
Boys So-Dak 16

Wednesday-March 10-Orange
WWTS (3:45-5:30)

Thursday-March 11-Blue
End of the 3rd Quarter
Girls B-Ball State B-(Huron)
Vocal/Band Contest @ SC
Senior project day

Friday-March 12
Spring Break-NO School
Girls B-Ball State B (Huron)

Saturday-March 13th
Girls B-Ball State  B (Huron)

Monday-March 15th-Orange
Girls State Application Due
Track Practice Starts

Tuesday-March 16th-Blue
Combined band rehearsal (8th-12th grade)

Wednesday-March 17-Orange
WWTS (3:45-5:30)
Rock Solid (6:30-7:30)
District IV CDE contest-Tyndall

Thursday-March 18th-Blue
Boys State B-Aberdeen

Friday-March 19th-NO SCHOOL
Boys State B-Aberdeen

Saturday-March 20th
Boys State B-Aberdeen

Friday's Lunch-Cheese Breadsticks (C)/Marinara Sauce (O)/Garden Fresh Salad (O)/Cheese Pizza Quesadilla (C)/Steamed Carrots (O)/Choice of Fruit (C)
Monday's Lunch-WG Corn Dog (C)/Smiley Potatoes (O)/Fresh Cucumber (O)/Strawberry Cup (C)