Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tuesday, December 15th (Blue Day)

Today the boys and girls will travel to Hitchcock to compete with Hitchcock-Tulare.  Girls JV will start at 4 followed by boys JV at 5.   The girls Varsity game will start at 6:30, and boys V at 8:00.  The bus will leave SC at 2:00.
Can't attend the game? Tune in to http://httv.live/ or http://blackhawks.liveticket.tv   There will be play by play for the varsity games.

It's a great day for another quiz bowl!  Were cheering you on  Captain Brighten Hitchcock, Noah Wormstadt, Tryce Slykhuis, Shania Cornelius, & Mason Moody as they try to top Avon.  A podcast can be heard at https://q107radio.com/quiz-bowl-podcasts/ a few days after the competition and you can view brackets at https://q107radio.com/quiz-bowl-2020/

Eligibility is due at noon Thursday, December 17th. Campus will generate the missing assignment report Wednesday afternoon.

Students, semester test will take place Friday, December 18th (Orange) and Monday, December 21st (Blue)

Dig out your ugly sweater and join in with the student council as they ring in the Holiday Season with an ugly sweater day Thursday, December 17th. Prizes will be provided by the Booster Club for best sweater in the staff, elementary, middle school, and high school division.

December 22nd school dismisses at 11:00am to start Christmas break.  HS and MS students will not have classes that morning and attendance will not be taken.  If you wish to stay home on the 22nd, parents will need to send a note or call the school and excuse you.

News from Mrs. Foxley
Students interested in the United States Senate Youth Program - the application has been extended to Dec 18th. The application is on Mrs. Foxley's website (https://blackhawkcounselor.weebly.com/) under Student Opportunities. See below for more information. 

Juniors or seniors interested taking dual credit classes in the spring semester need to talk to Mrs. Foxley by Friday, December 18. 

MS Updates-for the week of Dec 14th-18th
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade

Fruit and Butter Braids will be delivered today. Students will be delivering them after school. 

Brady Larson placed 12th in the State LDE's (public speaking), and Bailey Feistner 14th!  Bailey also brought home 11th place in Ag Broadcasting.  Way to to make up proud Bailey and Brady.

SC Covid Information
This is Sanborn Central most current Covid-19 information.  If a staff or student has been cleared to return to school they are not listed in our overall count.
Elementary Students-0
Middle School Students-0
High School Students-0
Please continue to self-monitor your students and keep them home if they are not feeling well.

Extra Curricular
View the JV/V boys and girls basketball roster

The Blackhawks will be traveling to Corsica on Thursday, Dec. 17th for a double header. Girls JV and Boys JV will start at 5:15.  The bus will leave SC at 3:15.  Boys will be in the elementary gym; girls in the high school gym. The Varsity girls will follow at 6:30 and the Varsity boys at 8:00.
Tune it to http://jags.live/ to view the games.—the girls JV(no sound probably) and the two varsities. The JV boys will not be because they are in the elementary in Corsica
Corsica/Stickney has a mask mandate for all who attend the games.

View the 2020 Holiday Classic pairings.  Both the girls and boys will battle it out with Lower Brule.  Girls will kick off the games first on December 29th and the boys to follow on the 30th.
Are you attending the Holiday Classic in Huron?  Here is a list of information regarding the rules in place.  Rules
If you are interested in livestreaming the games please visit https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/huron-high-school-huron-sd
If you want to watch on your phone, you need to download the NFHS app.
If you are watching on a computer, you will need to update your browser. (Chrome, Fire Fox or Edge seem to work best with the NFHS system.)

Cassidy S, and Lucy N, please turn in your Volleyball Uniforms to Coach Wilson ASAP!

Wednesday-December 16th-Orange
girls b-ball at Woony
boys b-ball @ SC

Friday-December 17th-Blue
B/G JV/V vs Corsica/Stickney @ Corsica

Friday-December 18th-Orange
Semester Test
JH vs. WS @ Woony
Girls b-ball @ Woony
Boys b-ball @ SC

Sunday-December 20th
5/6th girls practice @ SC

Monday-December 21st
Semester Test
JH b-ball @ Mt. Vernon (old gym)
Girls b-ball @ SC
Boys b-ball @ Woony

Tuesday-December 22nd-Orange
11:00 Dismiss
G/B b-ball @ MVP (JV,V)-@ Plank.

Today's Lunch-Chicken Fajita C/Spanish Rice O/Fiesta Black Beans C/Mandarin Oranges O
Dec 16th-21st-Chef's Choice
Today's FFVP-Baby Carrot

Wednesday's-Monday's Lunch-Chef's Choice
Thursday's FFVP-Blackberries