Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thursday, December 10th (Orange Day)

This years Christmas concert looked a bit different, but Mrs Easton, Mrs. Hofer and the student body jingled all the way to another fabulous performance.  The students gave their all in each song and the Christmas spirit is in full force at Sanborn Central!  Thank You for beaming a bright light of happiness on a year of uncertainty.

Winter sports pictures today at SC starting at 2:00

Girls b-ball @ SC
Boys b-ball @ SC

Students, semester test will take place Friday, December 18th (Orange) and Monday, December 21st (Blue)

Dig out your ugly sweater and join in with the student council as they ring in the Holiday Season with an ugly sweater day Thursday, December 17th. Prizes will be provided by the Booster Club for best sweater in the staff, elementary, middle school, and high school division.

View the latest school board agenda.  The next board meeting will take place on Monday, December 14th.

News from Mrs. Foxley
Students interested in the United States Senate Youth Program - the application has been extended to Dec 18th. The application is on Mrs. Foxley's website ( under Student Opportunities. See below for more information. 

" The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) Washington Week will be held online March 14-18, 2021. Two students from each state will be selected to attend the online program and each will receive a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship. Students may qualify to apply through leadership positions they currently hold per the USSYP official criteria for the current 2020-2021 academic year. If students are unable to hold leadership positions this year due to the pandemic, they can submit the position they held during the 2019-2020 academic year. All student leadership qualifying positions are subject to the judgement of the state selection administrator and will be verified and confirmed."

Anyone interested in signing up for a dual credit class for the spring, please talk to Mrs. Foxley as soon as possible!

A representative from the SDSU Air Force ROTC will be available to talk over Zoom on Thursday, December 10 at 1:30 am in the conference room. MS Updates-for the week of Dec 7th-11th

MS Updates-for the week of Dec 7th-11th
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade

Fruit and Butter Braids will be delivered On Tuesday, Dec 15. Students will be delivering them after school. 

FFA- Fall LDE state competition was Dec 7-8 via zoom.
Prepared Public Speaking took place December 8th. Bailey Feistner, and Brady Larson represented SC/W. Ag Broadcasting was also completed by Bailey Feistner on December 7th. Results will be released today at noon!

SC Covid Information
This is Sanborn Central most current Covid-19 information.  If a staff or student has been cleared to return to school they are not listed in our overall count.
Elementary Students-0
Middle School Students-0
High School Students-0
Please continue to self-monitor your students and keep them home if they are not feeling well.

Extra Curricular
The 2020 basketball schedule has some new updates as SBA does not have a boys Varsity, and some home games were listed at the wrong school.  Attached is the new schedule 2020 Basketball Schedule (revised)

Update on the basketball game vs. SBA at Woonsocket
1pm- Girls JV
2pm- Boys JV
3:30pm- Girls V
Woonsocket School has a mask mandate in place for school which includes basketball games, etc.  This is the only restrictions in place right now.

The JH GBB will be having a scrimmage on Saturday from 11:30-12 @ Woonsocket. This is prior to the doubleheader with SBA.

Monday, December 14th B-ball information regarding JV/V Covid Protocol at Hitchcock.

The Blackhawks will be traveling to Corsica on Thursday, Dec. 17th for a double header. Girls JV and Boys JV will start at 5:15. Boys will be in the elementary gym; girls in the high school gym. The Varsity girls will follow at 6:30 and the Varsity boys at 8:00.

We will replace our SBA Boys Varsity game that we lost this weekend due to lack of SBA players. We will play Iroquois on Thursday, Jan. 14. The game will be hosted in Woonsocket.
Game Schedule-
Boys Only
4PM- 7th
5PM- 8th
6:30PM- JV
8PM- V

We had to change our Corsica JH GB/BB date. The game was to be held on Jan. 8 and now has been moved to Jan. 25. The Girls at 6PM, Boys 7PM on Monday, Jan. 25 in Woonsocket vs. Corsica

The 5/6th boys basketball program would like to know how many boys would be interested in playing b-ball this year. Please text Scott Senska at 605-350-1657 by Monday, December 14th. Letter of Intent


Cassidy S, and Lucy N, please turn in your Volleyball Uniforms to Coach Wilson ASAP!

Rock Solid at the Letcher Community Church has been canceled for the month of December due to the number of COVID cases in our area. We will re-evaluate for January at the end of December. We are planning a virtual meeting with the Jr Youth group sometime in December and will get that word out when plans are finalized.

Friday-December 11-Blue Day
G b-ball @ SC
B b-ball @ Woony

Saturday-December 12th
G & B B-ball @ Woony vs SBA (No boys V)
JH Girls B-Ball Scrimmage

Sunday-December 13th
5/6th girls b-ball practice 5-6:30

Monday-December 14th-Orange
JH b-ball vs. Howard @ SC
girls b-ball practice @ Woony
boys b-ball practice @ SC
5/6 boys b-ball forms due

Tuesday-December 15th-Blue
boys/girls (JV-V) b-ball vs. Hitch/Tulare (Hitchcock)

Wednesday-December 16th-Orange
girls b-ball at Woony
boys b-ball @ SC

Thursday-December 16th-Orange
girls b-ball at Woony
boys b-ball at SC

Friday-December 17th-Blue
B/G vs Corsica/Stickney @ Corsica

Today's Lunch-Breakfast for lunch WG French Toast C/Sausage Patty O/Baked Tri-Tator C/Choice of Juice O

Tomorrow's Lunch-Chef's Choice