Girls B-ball @ SC
Boys B-ball @ W
Dig out your ugly sweater and join in with the student council as they ring in the Holiday Season with an ugly sweater day Thursday, December 17th. Prizes will be provided by the Booster Club for best sweater in the staff, elementary, middle school, and high school division.
Sanborn Central 2020 Christmas Concert
Our music staff, Mrs. Easton and Mrs. Hofer and their students have been working hard to learn and prepare pieces of music to celebrate the season. As a district, it is important that we give them all an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned and allow a platform to perform on, even in this difficult time that we are experiencing related to the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure that we have a program, we are changing the format this year. On December 8th, 2020, our concert will be held as scheduled. However, the timeframe will be changed. Beginning at 1:30 pm, the SC Middle and High School will kick off the afternoon with their portion of the program. Once they have completed their concert, they will then be released back to class for the remainder of the school day. Then at 2:30 pm, the SC Elementary School portions of the concert will commence.
Regarding attendance, we encourage all in-house family members to come and enjoy the program. If extended family would like to attend, this will be allowed as well. Currently at SC we are in our “BLUE” level of our Stay Well Plan, which means that we will require anyone in our building to wear a mask while inside and social distancing will be practiced. We will not have any refreshments as in the past and unfortunately Santa Clause will not be able to be in attendance this year. Also, this concert will be broadcast on our Santel channel as well as live streamed for those who would like to watch but cannot or choose not to attend in person.
We appreciate all the understanding and patience that everyone has had throughout this year. It has been and will continue to be difficult to navigate. Hopefully, this activity will provide everyone with a little cheer to lift our spirts!
Parents, if you have an elementary student that you will be taking home after the concert tomorrow please contact the school at 605-495-4183, or e-mail Laura at
News from Mrs. Foxley
Students interested in the United States Senate Youth Program - the application has been extended to Dec 18th. The application is on Mrs. Foxley's website ( under Student Opportunities. See below for more information.
" The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) Washington Week will be held online March 14-18, 2021. Two students from each state will be selected to attend the online program and each will receive a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship. Students may qualify to apply through leadership positions they currently hold per the USSYP official criteria for the current 2020-2021 academic year. If students are unable to hold leadership positions this year due to the pandemic, they can submit the position they held during the 2019-2020 academic year. All student leadership qualifying positions are subject to the judgement of the state selection administrator and will be verified and confirmed."
Anyone interested in signing up for a dual credit class for the spring, please talk to Mrs. Foxley as soon as possible!
A representative from the SDSU Air Force ROTC will be available to talk over Zoom on Thursday, December 10 at 1:30 am in the conference room. MS Updates-for the week of Dec 7th-11th
MS Updates-for the week of Dec 7th-11th
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Elementary Students-0
Middle School Students-0
High School Students-0
Please continue to self-monitor your students and keep them home if they are not feeling well.
1pm- Girls JV
2pm- Boys JV
3:30pm- Girls V
Tuesday-December 8th-Orange
Christmas Concert
Girls and Boys b-ball @ Woony
Wednesday-December 9th-Blue
Girls b-ball @ SC
Boys b-ball @ Woony
Thursday-December 10th-Orange
Winter sports pictures @ SC 2:00
G B-ball @ SC
B B-ball @ SC
Friday-December 11-Blue Day
G b-ball @ SC
B b-ball @ Woony
Saturday-December 12th
G & B B-ball @ Woony vs SBA (No boys V)
Sunday-December 13th
5/6th girls b-ball practice 5-6:30
Monday-December 14th-Orange
JH b-ball vs. Howard @ SC
girls b-ball practice @ Woony
boys b-ball practice @ SC
Tuesday-December 15th-Blue
boys/girls (JV-V) b-ball vs. Hitch/Tulare (Hitchcock)
Wednesday-December 16th-Orange
girls b-ball at Woony
boys b-ball @ SC
Today's Lunch-Italian Beef Sand. C/Stamed Key West Vegi O/Fugi Apple C
Tomorrow's Lunch-WG Beef & Cheese Burrito C/Refried Beans O/Mixed Berry Cup C