Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday, August 28th

Friday-August 28th 2020-Blue Day

HS students, the last day to drop classes is Wednesday, September 2nd.

Cheer on the Blackhawk FB team as they head to Garretson with kick-off at 7:00.  The game is open to spectators as normal, but Garretson is recommend masks and are asking that spectators socially distance themselves away from those not in their immediate family.  Please excuse Tryce S, Noah W, Mason M, Brady L, Toby K, Michael H, Attley T, Keaton F, Trey M, Cody S, Cooper G, Evan E, Payton U, and Harley K for a 3:00 departure.  The game will be broadcast on

Seniors will now take the NCRC Test on Wednesday, September 9 during Mr. Flatten's class with them.

September Breakfast-

September Lunch-

September Calendar-


Activity passes are available in the office.  Please call 605-495-4183 if you are interested in purchasing one.
Student $25 (k-12)
Adult $45
Family $85(only K-12 students)

August 31st Concession workers for the FB game are Clayton & Lannette Dean, Tera Moody, Doug & Paula Northrup, and Charlie and Christy Zoss

A HS FB game has been added to the schedule October 2nd vs Canton in Canton.

View FB/VB Roster's Below
Varsity FB Roster
JH FB Roster
JH VB Roster
JV VB Roster
V VB Roster
VB V Roster
VB JV Roster
VB JH Roster


Feeding South Dakota will be at the Sanborn County Courthouse parking lot Wednesday, September 2nd at 5:00 until gone.

Join in on a fundraiser for Eli Kortan, cousin to Cody and Cassidy Slykhuis as he prepares to fight his second battle with Leukemia.  Eli is a 2019 graduate from Hanson High School.  The drawing will be held September 22nd at the VB game with Hanson vs. Britgewater/Emery.  All proceeds will go directly to his parents Shannon and Scott with 4 prizes being offered. 1st and 2nd prize quarter beef 3rd prize $250 gift card to Cabelas and 4th prize $100 gift card to Cabelas. Tickets are $10 each or $50 for 6.  Please contact Home Instead at 605-996-0503 and talk to Brenda or Ashley.  Tickets are also available in the office.


Monday-August 31
FB practice @ SC (Varsity) 4-6
JH/JV FB @ SC vs. Chamberlain 4:00
9-12 VB @ Woony 3:45-5:45
7-8 VB @ SC

Tuesday-September 1
VB game @ SC (Parent's Night) (7-8-C-JV-V) 4:00
HS & JH @ Woony 4-6

Wednesday-September 2
FB practice (HS & JH) 4-6
Last day for HS to drop Classes
9-12 VB at Woony 3:45
7-8 VB @ SC

Thursday-September 3
No School-State Fair
VB @ SC vs. Ethan
FB practice HS & JH @ Woony 9-11
Redfield cross-country invite

Friday-September 4
NO School-State Fair 
FB @ Winner

Monday's Lunch-WG Chicken Nuggets C/Baked Beans C/WW Roll & Jelly/Granny Smith Apple C