Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday, August 14th

 Friday, August 14th

August 19th will be the first day of school for our 2020-2021 school year with a 12:30PM dismissal-We are counting down the days and have missed everyone's smiling faces!  Have you purchased your back to school supplies yet?  Here is your back to school supply list

August Breakfast and Lunch Menu's are ready to view! 



August Calendar-

Blue & Orange Calendar-

20-21 Calendar-          *No back to school night*

If you have not heard about our Plan for Return 2020-2021 School Year, please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the Three Phases of Mitigation.  The construction of this plan is to address the students, staff and community members of the Sanborn Central School District and provide an outline detailing how the district intends to conduct educational business in the 2020-2021 school year.

Listed with the attached link is a detailed plan to address Covid-19.  Please read the precautions that will be implemented at the Sanborn Central School as the 20-21 school year begins.

Please know the signs of Covid-19.  Loss of taste, smell, sore throat, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing are just a few.  If your child is experiencing any of these signs do not send your child to school. The attached link is a great reference to have in your home to recognize the signs

BUS PARENTS:  If your children/child will not be riding the bus home to the location where he/she is picked up please be sure to let Laura know prior to the first day. Bus route's are being established and the drivers will contact you prior to the start of school.  It is important that you discuss with you child at the start of your day where they will be going after school.  Please try to stick with the plan you have discussed with them to avoid any anxiety or confusion at the end of their day!


Mr. McCain is looking for interested parties for a paid position on the chain gang as well as FB announcer and VB clock VB filming.  Please contact if you are interested.

NO scrimmage today at MCM and no practice on Saturday.

Monday: JH/HS Practice @ Woony 2:30PM-5:30PM​  ​(HS in helmet & shoulder pads, JH in just helmets)

Tuesday: JH/HS Practice @ Woony 2:30PM-5:30PM​ (HS in full pads, JH in just helmets)

Wednesday: JH/HS Practice @ Woony 2:00PM-5:00PM (HS in full pads, JH in helmet & shoulder pads)

Thursday: JH/HS Practice @ Sanborn Central 4:00PM-6:15PM (HS & JH in helmet & shoulder pads)

Friday: HS Game at SC @ 7PM vs. Chamberlain. Bus leaves Springs at 4:45PM and picks up Woony at 5:00PM (No JH Practice)
All players need to continue to bring their own water to practice. One gallon containers are good, but athletes are still running out at the end of practice. We are going through at least a case of bottled water per day with just HS athletes. Coaches have been purchasing the water. To help with the amount of bottled water being consumed at practice and the restrictions being placed on shared water sources, we are asking parents to voluntarily purchase a case of water for the team and send it with your son to practice. We will store water in the crow's nest at the practice field. We will have close to 70 JH/HS players and if everyone purchased a cheap case of bottled water for the team, that would last the majority of the season. This is water that we are using if a player runs out of water or forgets to bring their own water. 

Feel free to contact coach Flatten with questions.

View the 2020 Volleyball Practice Schedule

Anyone interested in being a Blackhawk Football cheerleader please call, text, or email Shelley at 605 354 4231 or!!!


Are you 21 years or older, and actively farming 250 acres or more?  Eligible farmers can enroll for a chance to help a local nonprofit organization in the area with an America's Farmers Grow Communities donation, sponsored by Bayer Fund.  Please visit the following website to submit your information.