April 8, 2020
Campus generated missing assignment notifications this afternoon. The teachers are doing a great job of keeping
the grade books up to date. When did you
last look at yours????
anyone needs help with their portal, please reach out to Mary Ackman at mary.ackman@k12.sd.us She checks this e-mail on a regular basis.
Have you seen our video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhBcryc1NVE
A huge thank you to MS. Farrell-Poncelet for capturing our feelings!!!!
From Mr. Siemsen…….Any individual within our district boundaries who would like to take out a petition for a seat on the Board of Education, there are 2 open seats beginning in July 2020 for a 3 year term, must contact the school at 495-4183 or email gayle.bechen@k12.sd.us to arrange for pick up and delivery of the paperwork (the petition is also available online at the South Dakota Secretary of State's web site). The signature of the candidate on the petition must be notarized before any other signatures are obtained. The final submission date for consideration on the ballot is May 8th, by 5 pm.
As I am sure you are all aware, our state has been directed to extend our school closure, continuing on the current state of school at home, for the remainder of the 19-20 year. Along with that, all spring activities, including potential rescheduling of the state basketball tournaments have been canceled. We all held out hope that we would be able to return to school this year and bring some normalcy back to our lives. However, this was not possible. This brings our focus to now maintaining the efforts to complete work for school remotely. I know this is not ideal in any way, certainly not the preference of anyone. I continue to applaud your efforts and encourage you to remain focused on all aspects of your lives, not just school or work. We will continue to provide updates on decisions that are made which will have an impact on the students going forward. Also, we will continue offering meals at the beginning of the week in conjunction with passing out/handing in assignments. If there are any changes or adjustments to this, that information will be available via the Brightarrow Outreach, the district's website (sanborncentral.com) and on the district's facebook page. As always, if you have any questions please contact the school, 495-4183 or email justin.siemsen@k12.sd.us.
Pick up/Drop off of materials and meals will take place on TUESDAY, APRIL 14th next week due to the observance of Easter Monday. We will follow the same schedule as the previous weeks: Last Name A - H from 8 - 9, I - P from 9 - 10 and Q - Z from 10 -11. Pick up is at the east entrance (gym entrance). Please call the school if you have any questions.
daily digest from Mrs. Vermeulen…..A folder has been created on our web site for
the Daily Digest. You can find it by
clicking on the Parental Information tab under the Documents Section
Aural Training- Creating Music Block Game–create a 3-note pattern and then listen to a variety of patterns to choose the one you created
Composers- Quia Composer Fun Concentration–match composer with a famous work
Musical Instruments- Flying Instruments—a Tetris-like game with three levels–matching by instrument family, by instrument, and by sound
Notation- Funbrain The Piano Player–staff and piano keys recognition
Symbols and Vocabulary- Quia Musical Elements Matching–match musical elements and their definitions
Jenny Easton
PK-12 Vocal Music Director
Sanborn Central/Woonsocket Schools
E-mail us at sanborncentral@gmail.com