Saturday, April 4, 2020

April 4, 2020

April 4, 2020

The synopsis from Wednesday’s special school board meeting can be found at

A word from Mr. Siemsen……I would like to take a minute to say "Thank You" to a number of specific groups in our community. First, all our community members. It has not been an easy transition to our current means of education. Trying to balance work, family life, and now an elevated stress of helping students more than usual at home is extremely difficult. I know there are going to be trying times between your students and yourselves, but please continue making the same, strong efforts you have. It will benefit everyone in the long run. To the students of SC. I am very proud of all the time that you are spending on your work! Please continue making good decisions to finish the assignments! Remember to make contact with your teachers if there is anything that you need help with... they are there and want to help you succeed! I know this is not an easy way to learn, but keep up the hard work... I look forward to seeing you all hopefully sooner rather than later! To the staff at SC. Your dedication to your craft has always been visible to me. However, during this trying time it has become even more apparent to everyone. You have not skipped a beat. Our students are very fortunate to have professional educators in their lives who are making the best of a difficult situation. To our janitorial staff. Thank you for your continued work with the cleaning of our building, ensuring that it is where it needs to be. This is always a thankless job, but it is very important, not just during this time, but always. I know that many of you are missing the time spent in our commons. Laura Conrad and her crew miss serving you all! She, and those helping her, continue to provide a couple meals a week to you. It is not easy to plan for these things, but Laura has done a great job, so Thank You for the efforts. As we can all see, the old adage of "It takes a village to raise a kid" has never been more visible than during this time. I am sad that I cannot see all our staff and students every week, but I am also so proud to be a small part of such an inspirational group of people who are willing to do extraordinary things! Thanks Again to you all!

We will follow the same pick up schedule for the pick-up and drop from materials and meals on Monday, April 6th. The pickup will occur curbside on the EAST ENTRANCE (gym) of the school. The times for pick up will be the same as last week and are as follows: Last name A - H will be from 8am - 9am, Last name I - P will be from 9am - 10am, and Q - Z will be from 10am - 11am. As with last week, if you have a specific need, request or need a time change, please call the school, 495-4183 or email or
Mr. Justin Siemsen

From Mrs. Vermeulen…………. Are your children driving you crazy?   Check this out

PARENTS & STUDENTS – Teachers are keeping their grade books up to date – Are you checking yours?  If anyone needs help with their portal, please reach out to Mary Ackman at  She checks this e-mail on a regular basis.

Reminder of teacher ZOOM times….
Mr. Flatten's zoom hours are 7:00 PM-8:15 PM Monday through Friday.

From Mrs. Wilson: Mrs. Wilson will be available for questions on Zoom from 2:00-3:00 Monday-Friday. The link, along with all other class information is located in Google Classroom. You can also call, email, text, or message Mrs. Wilson with any questions. Students are doing a GREAT job so far! Keep up the good work!

From Ms. Farrell-Poncelett: 10-11AM and 1-2PM Monday through Friday. Feel free to request or schedule other times if those don't work!

Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain. ~Author Unknown

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