Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020

The spring pre-school screening for the 20-21 school year will be done prior to the start of the 20-21 school year. Information will be mailed early August to those on our census.

SCW FFA members who plan to compete in the McCook ONLINE CDE, make sure to sign up on SCW Google Classroom by this Friday, April 17th! The competition will be held April 23-24th. If you have questions, please contact Miss. Ronning

Have you checked out the links on our website and submitted a message for the SC YouUplift Board?

Are you staying in touch with your teachers? if you have forgotten their zoom times, please refer to the April 9th blog. - Click on the link on our web site.

Parent/Student portal problems - please contact Mary at

Mrs. Foxley has ACES for both Sanborn Central and Woonsocket students on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. There is a link to join the “ACES at Home” on her website: All ACES will be for Sanborn Central AND Woonsocket students now. See below for what time to join! NOTE:
K-4: 1:00-1:45
5-8: 2:00-2:45
9-12: 3:00-3:45

If you are upset or struggling and would like to talk with Mrs. Foxley via Zoom, send her an email at to get something set up!

Have patience, my friend, have patience;
For Rome wasn't built in a day!
You wear yourself out for nothing
In many and many a way!
Why are you nervous and fretty
When things do not move along fast;
Why let yourself get excited
Over things that will soon be past?
~Gertrude Tooley Buckingham, "Patience" (1940s)

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