Monday, March 16, 2020

Special School Board Meeting

Due to the growing concerns with the current heath situations facing all of us, the school boards of Sanborn Central and Woonsocket felt that holding a joint meeting to discuss how to best handle things moving forward, with the help from all state and national agencies and the information being provided.  The meeting will be held at Sanborn Central at 5 pm on Thursday, March 19th.  It is the hope of both school districts that we are able to have school in the not so distant future.  However, we will take all the information and guidance provided by those in the know and make the most appropriate decisions as possible.  


Sanborn Central Board of Education

 Board of Education Meeting

March 19th, 2020

Forestburg, SD

5:00 p.m.

A.  Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance.                                                                        

B.  Additional Agenda and Disclosure Items.                                                                                      

C.  Visitors to Board Meeting. Woonsocket Board of Education and Supt. Rod Weber

D.  Approval of Agenda      

Ø  66-2019/2020.  Approve March 19, 2020 agenda.


E. Discussion Items – County dealing with infectious disease and how to handle going forward.

F.  Adjournment.

Ø  67-2019/2020.  Approve adjournment at ________ p.m. 


Next scheduled regular board meeting will be in the Sanborn Central School Conference Room on Tuesday, April 14th, 2020 at 7:00 pm in Forestburg