From Mrs. Foxley ( )............Seniors - continue to check Mrs. Foxley's website to apply for scholarships! There are many due in March and April. If you need transcripts, please email her and she will get them to you as needed.
Wednesday, April 1 Mrs. Foxley will be doing another "ACES from Home" zoom session for Sanborn Central students. There will be links to join the Zoom session on her website on the ACES from Home tab.
K-4 - 1:00 - 1:45
5-8 - 2:00-2:45
9-12 - 3:00-3:45
All students, please check Mrs.Foxley's website for resources and things to do similar to what is covered in ACES (classroom guidance). Go to her website -
If you are someone you know is experiencing a crisis after school hours, please use the resources below. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255 (800-273-TALK) Helpline Center 211 //...
Dual credit registration for Fall 2020 will begin April 1. Sophomores and juniors - please check your email for information on an opportunity to learn more about Dual Credit. Contact Mrs. Foxley with any questions.
Students, if you want to get in contact with Mrs. Foxley to talk, please send her an email at and she will arrange a time to connect over the phone or by Zoom!
The Girl's State application deadline has been extended to April 15. Please contact Mrs. Foxley if you have any questions or are interested.
The April 4, 2020 ACT test date has been rescheduled to June 13, 2020 due to COVID-19. More information will be coming to your email if you were registered for the April 4 test date.