Friday, March 13, 2020

School Closing March 16-20

Attention Sanborn Central Community Members:

After much deliberation and thought, we have decided to take the recommendation of Governor Noem and close school during the week of March 16-20.  There were conflicting reports that stated she had mandated school be closed during this period, but in actuality it was a recommendation, which the majority of districts are following.  As it pertains to the time lost in our schedule, as it stands now, we would not have to make any time up as we have not lost time due to any other incidents this year.  Also, as there was a declaration of emergency made by the Governor, the loss of time may be waved and not required to be made up anyway.  During the next week, the district buildings will be off limits to all nonessential personnel.  This includes the gym, exercise room and weight room.  If you have any question regarding this, please reach out to Superintendent Siemsen via email:  It is our hope that these few days will be the only ones that are missed.  If the issue persists beyond that, we as a district will make sure that all our community members are made aware.  Please use this time to take the cautionary steps to help prevent the spread of this virus in your own homes and areas that you frequent.

Also, the Artesian Fire Department is postponing their pancake feed this week to a date to be determined at a later time.