Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday-February 27th

Thursday-February 27th
Blue Day
Boys HS B-ball at Woony
Boys JH B-ball at SC
Seventh & eight girls b-ball at SC
Fifth b-ball at 6-7:30 at SC

Congratulations to all of the students that competed in the Academic Fest yesterday.  Listed are the students that took home metals.
Brighten Hitchcock: Biology - 1st place
World Geography - 6th place
Noah Wormstadt:  Algebra 2 - 5th place
Dayton Easton:  Algebra 1 - 6th place
Sidney Salas:  Physical Science - tie 6th place
Katie Schmit:  Grammar 4 - tie 6th place

Eligibility is due at noon today.  Please let the office know when you are done posting. Reminder to parents and students...the end of the 3rd quarter in Friday March 6th.  How are your grades?  Take advantage of the tutoring we have to offer most Tuesday/Thursday's from 3:15-5:15  
March Tutoring-

The Blackhawk boys will have one more regular season away game vs. Wess Springs tomorrow before Regions starts March 2nd.  The game will take place in WS with tip-off at 5:15 with JH, 6:30 JV and 8:00 Varsity.  The bus will leave at 4:10 from SC.  Come and support Emma Lammey’s Senior project for kids-for-wish-kids on Friday with concessions, a silent auction, a bake sale, and a free will offering through a wishing well.
Please visit the following facebook page for detailed information
Watch on

Time is running out for our food drive.  Students bring your canned goods or boxed goods to your assigned classrooms. The classes with the most food brought in get a breakfast pizza the following week!
Ag Olympics will start at 2:15 today with Woonsocket 7th-12 grade joining us.  PK-12th grade are encouraged to partake from SC.
Tomorrow will wrap up FFA week with "I hate winter"  Imagine yourself on the beaches of Hawaii

Monday, March 2nd Marla will be here for kids quest with grade 6 in the MS Lab at 12:20 and grade 5 at 1:12

Intent to play soccer form have went home.  Please return to the office by Wednesday, March 4th!
Softball/baseball forms are due back tomorrow.

Attn. HS students an ACT prep class will be held at DSU.  Information in hanging on the bulletin board.

March Calendar-
*Please note the K-5 family literacy lock-in March 26th
March Breakfast-
March Lunch-

MS Updates
6th Grade-
7th Grade-
8th Grade-
A local music contest will be help March 12th at the SC school.  Miss. West and  Mrs. Easton have been collaborating and a music contest will take place at Sanborn Central from about 8:30-11:30 and Woonsocket from about 12:30-3:30. Please view the following link and see what time your student is scheduled to perform.

The 8-12 band will have a combined rehearsal on the following dates during 2nd block:
Wednesday, March 11th at Woonsocket

Tuesday, March 17th at Sanborn Central

The JH girls will be participating in the Iroquois/Doland JH BB tourney on Saturday, Feb. 29th.  
Girls bracket-

We are looking at doing 5th and 6th spring volleyball again this year.  Forms are going home with the girls in grade 5 and 6 today.  Please return the forms ASAP so I know how much interest we have.  I am in the process of scheduling a few games and need to know how many we will be able to play.  I will be adding your phone numbers to a remind list to keep parents posted on any changes.  I am also work on getting a practice schedule out but it will depend on the gym space.  I will get put it in the announcement as soon as it gets done.  The season will run for about for 4-6 weeks.  If you have questions please contact me at

Track is right around the corner with the first meet taking place in Miller April 3rd.  View the schedule here...
* A tentative first day for practice would be Thursday, March 19th.

The Wessington Springs FCCLA chapter is sponsoring a 3 on 3 tournament at the WS gym Saturday, March 7th for 3rd graders to adults. If you would like additional information a copy and the registration form and tourney info is located outside the office or at Registration form Information
*the registration deadline has been extended to March 5th.

Download the application for the First Dakota Bank scholarship
We do require the student to have a First Dakota checking account in order to apply. If the student does not currently have a First Dakota checking account, we invite them to open a new account and apply for our scholarship. I am including a special offer for students when opening a new First Dakota FirstChoice checking account.  Applications must be postmarked by March 10th.
First Dakota Scholorship-
Eligibility Requirements-
$10 New Checking-

Plains Commerce Bank is also offering a scholarship to HS Seniors.  This application must be submitted by April 1st.  The student, or a parent must be a customer of Plains Commerce Bank.

If you are interested in being a delegate this summer at the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State, please see Mrs. Harmdierks for registration information before February 28, 2020. 

The registration window for Boys State is open through March 31, 2020 for Junior boys interested in attending.  Please visit to register online.  If you have any questions please see Mrs. Harmdierks.


Friday-February 28-Orange Day
BB @ WS 

Saturday-February 29

6th boys b-ball in Salem
JH girls BB tourney TBA

Monday-March 2-Blue
Boys B-ball regions TBA
Conservation Speech in Woony
Kids Quest

Tuesday-March 3-Orange
Boys b-ball regions TBA

USDA Build Speech Contest in Woony

Wednesday-March 4-Blue
WWTS 3:45-5:15
Soccer forms due

Thursday-March 5-Orange
Girls so-dak 16
Letcher Aux. Blood Drive
WS 3 on 3 due

Friday-March 6-Blue
End of 3rd quarter
Redfield CDE
Boys Regions TBA
Girls State Deadline

Upcoming Menu-WG Shrimp Basket/Fries/Carrots/Fruit
Upcoming Breakfast-Assorted Fruit & Yogurt Parfaits