Thursday, February 20, 2020

Thursday, February 20th

Thursday-February 20th
Orange Day-Tutoring 3:15-5:15

SCMS Lock-In will start at 3:30 on Friday with coronation to follow at 6:30.

Eligibility and MS updates are due at noon today.

The Blackhawks will take on Mitchell Christian at SC today with a 4:00 tip off starting with girls JV
Boys JV-5
Girls V-6:30
Boys V-8
watch on Santel Channel 107 or

The drumline and 8-12 pep band will also entertain.
Come support the students competing in Ag Issues and attending the 2020 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis in October. On Thursday, February 20th, FFA members will be selling root beer floats and having a silent auction in the ag room during the basketball games. 
Concession workers for this evenings games are Jeremy & Ashly Uecker, Marty & Tambi Wormstadt, Jordan Adam, William & Shawna Kidder and Cody Rolston

The CBH academic Fest will take place Wednesday February 26th.  Students attending are Sidney S, Ellie E, Kenlie F, Hannah D, Dayton E, Mason M, Tryce S, Teya M, Brighten H, Noah W, Harley K, Lucy N, Alexis K, Samantha D, Tater M, Noah D, Katie S, Dakota K, Devyn S-T

Teacher of the year forms are due back tomorrow.

Save the date...A music (band and chorus) contest will be conducted at Sanborn Central from about 8:30-11:30 and Woonsocket from about 12:30-3:30 on Thursday, March 12th.  A more solid schedule will be coming.

March Calendar-
*Please note the K-5 family literacy lock-in March 26th
March Breakfast-
March Lunch-

All first round and second round games of the girls and boys regions will begin at 6:30.  More details on opponents and locations will be given later.

Track is right around the corner with the first meet taking place in Miller April 3rd.  View the schedule here...
* A tentative first day for practice would be Thursday, March 19th.

The Blackhawk Boy's Mentorship program will meet on Monday, February 24th at SC from 5:30-6:30PM right after boys practice.  Friday, February 21st from 5:30-6:30PM right after boys practice at the Woonsocket Gym. We will bus boys who did not sign up for the program and anyone else who needs to get back to SC right after practice. If your boy stays for the mentor program it is parent's responsibility to pick their child/children up at 6:30 from the Woonsocket Gym.

The JH GBB team will be participating in the Iroquois/Doland JH BB tourney on Saturday, Feb. 29th.  When we find out game times and bracket we will post it.

The Wessington Springs FCCLA chapter is sponsoring a 3 on 3 tournament at the WS gym Saturday, March 7th for 3rd graders to adults. If you would like additional information a copy and the registration form and tourney info is located outside the office or at Registration form Information

The Sanborn Central Booster Club is looking for a concession stand supervisor starting August 2020. If you are interested in the details of the position, please reach out to Tambi Wormstadt or Ashly Uecker.   This position is a paid position.

First Dakota National Bank is committed to higher education. In order to encourage students to pursue furthering their education, we are proud to offer scholarships ranging from $1,000 - $5,000 up to a total of $25,000 for the 2020 – 2021 school year.

I have attached our 8 ½” x 11” sign and a copy of our scholarship application to share with students. Our application can also be downloaded at

We do require the student to have a First Dakota checking account in order to apply. If the student does not currently have a First Dakota checking account, we invite them to open a new account and apply for our scholarship. I am including a special offer for students when opening a new First Dakota FirstChoice checking account.
First Dakota Scholorship-
Eligibility Requirements-
$10 New Checking-

Forms for Letcher Girls State applicants are due back to Sheri Stekl by March 20th. Girls State is held at USD campus June 1 to 6.  The Legion Auxiliary pays the cost if selected.  Parents talk to your daughters, it's a fun opportunity to meet girls from across the state and learn how government works.  Applications will be available at the school in the upcoming days for any interested Jr. girls.

The registration window for Boys State is open through March 31, 2020 for Junior boys interested in attending.  Please visit to register online.  If you have any questions please see Mrs. Harmdierks.

Join in on the fun festivities of FFA week starting with Monday as comfy day-wear your comfiest clothes for a perfect Monday!
Tuesday-Western Day
Wednesday-Hat Day
Thursday-FFA Shirt/Blue and Gold Day
Friday-I Hate Winter

The SC FFA is hosting a food drive for the food pantry in Woonsocket. Students can bring canned goods or boxed goods - please collect in your classrooms. The classes with the most food brought in get a breakfast pizza the following week!

Donuts: This year, FFA is not charging for donuts, each student will get a donut. We will either be serving these in the ag room or bringing them around to your classes at 8:15. 

Saturday, February 22nd Pre-K through 5th grade is invited to a Dr. Seuss Carnival from 10AM-12. The event is located at the L.B. Williams Elementary School Commons Area.

Letcher American Legion Auxiliary is hosting a blood drive March 5 from 4:15 - 6:15 PM. If you cannot give at the school please call Sandi Ruml 248-2568 to donate in Letcher. We will be calling you.

Friday-February 21-Blue
G B-ball at SC
B B-ball @ Woony
6th boys B-ball @ Brookings
MS Valentine Lock-In (3:30-6:00) 6:30 Coronation
TOY Forms Due
Mentor-ship Program @ Woony

Saturday-February 22
3-4 girls b-ball @ Woony
6th boys @ Brookings
Dr. Suess Carnival (DWU)

Sunday-Febuary 23
6th boys at Brookings

Monday-February 24-Orange(FFA Week)
GB Regions
B B-ball at SC
6th B b-ball at SC (6:00)

Tuesday-February 25-Blue
Tutoring 3:15-5:15
G B-ball Regions
B B-ball at Woony

Wednesday-February 26-Orange
CBH Academic Fest
B B-ball at SC
WWTS 3:45-5:15
SonShine Club

Thursday-February 27-Blue
Tutoring 3:15-5:15
BB at Woony
Girls B-ball regions
5th b-ball 6-7:30

Upcoming Menu-Chicken Ala King/Mashed Potatoes/Peas/WW Pumpkin Bar/Fruit Salad
Upcoming Breakfast-Warm WW Cinnamon Roll