Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thursday December 12th

Thursday, December 12th
Blue Day

Only two more tutoring days before your grades go on report cards.  Please let Mrs. Diane Moody know if you will be attending tonight.  Next Tuesday (Dec 17th) is the last scheduled tutoring day in Dec.

New photos have been added to the web site!!!!  There are two ways to access the photos.  Go to and watch them scroll on the front page.  If you want to quickly scan the photos, again go to our web site, click on menu in the upper right, and just below district information click on photo gallery.   Thanks for visiting!

Girls and Boys B-ball at SC.

Eligibility will be ran today at noon.  Students, next week grades will need to go on RC and no missing assignments will be accepted after noon on December 19th

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the ugly Christmas sweater contest yesterday.  We had a few sweaters that were extra Ugly and won themselves a prize!
Pre-K-1st Ethan McGuire
2-5 Evie Olson
MS Cami Edwards
HS Harley Kneen
Staff Mrs. Tracy Moody

Sport’s pictures are today!
2:00PM JH girls Pics-  
2:30PM JH boys Pics- 
3:00PM- Girls BB High School-
3:30PM- Boys BB High School-
4:00PM- Cheerleaders

There will be a presentation for the Jr’s today with Sgt. Russ from the SD National Guard at 11:30

Miss West will be gone today from 8-11:30
Tomorrow Mrs. Foxley will be leaving at 2:00

The synopsis of the board meeting is on the google drive.  Please click on the following link to view

A basketball leave time schedule has been created and is available for your viewing...

Times for the first basketball game of the season has been changed (Dec 14th)
1:45 girls JV
3:00 girls V
4:30 boys V
*Please note SBA does not have a boys JV team
The game can be live streamed at...

The schedule for junior high on Dec. 16 at Howard is as follows.  The bus will leave at 3:10 from Woony and then on to SC. 
7th Girls 4:30
8th Girls 5:15
7th Boys 6:00
8th Boys 6:45

5th and 6th grade band students:
Permission forms and $5 for the Mitchell Area Young Band Festival is due today.  December 12th. Please contact Miss. West if you have any questions about the festival.

Counselors Corner
There will be an online presentation on the Build Dakota Scholarship on Monday, December 9  Tuesday December 17th at 2:00 pm in Mrs. Foxley's room for sophomores - seniors. Build Dakota is a full-ride scholarship for some programs offered at technical schools in South Dakota. 

The Letcher Christmas program is at 5:30 PM on Sunday December 15th at the Letcher Church with a Soup and Sandwich supper (free-will offering) to follow. 

The Woonsocket baseball program will be doing a free will baked potato feed with all the fixings on Thursday Dec. 19th at the double header basketball games where SC/W will host Corsica/Stickney in Woonsocket. The Woonsocket National Honor Society and student council will also be doing a free will bake sale of Christmas goodies. ALL proceeds from these feeds will be presented to the Chad Wentland family to help defray their medical cost in Chad's fight against cancer at halftime of the varsity boys game. Chad has neuroendocrine cancer.
3 years ago he was first diagnosed when they found a tumor on his pancreas. He had 1/3 of his pancreas and his spleen removed then. This last October he went back for his regular 6 month checkup. The CT scan was abnormal. After all the testing, it was found that new tumors had moved to his liver and 3 different bones.  Chad  is an active board member of  the I 90 baseball association that the Artesian-Letcher and Woonsocket baseball teams are a part of during the summer.
Chad has also been a coach of the Pony Hills Thunder baseball teams that several area kids have been a part of over  the years.
The Sanborn Central and Woonsocket fans would also like to invite the Corsica/ Stickney fans to join them in an ugly Christmas sweater night as well.

Friday-Dec 13 (Orange)
Girls B-ball @ Woony
Boys B-ball @ SC

Saturday-Dec 14
3-4 girls b-ball 9:00AM @ SC
G/B b-ball @ SBA 

Sunday-Dec 15th
Christmas Program Letcher Church 5:30

Monday-Dec 16 (Blue)

JH B/G @ Howard
G b-ball practice @ SC
B b-ball practice @ W

Tuesday-Dec 17 (Orange)

G/B vs Hitch/Tulare @ SC-Parents's Night
 pep band SC 8-12th
Build SD presentation

Wednesday-Dec 18 (Blue)

WWTS 3;45-5:30
Girls B-ball @ SC
Boys B-ball @ Woony
Blue Semester test

Thursday-Dec 19

G/B vs Corsica/Stickney @ Woony
Pep band @ Woony
Orange Semester test

Friday-Dec 20

End of 2nd quarter
11:00 Dismiss
JH B/G @ Springs 
Girls b-ball at SC
Boys b-ball at Woony

Upcoming-Breakfast-Breakfast Buffet Cooks Choice
Upcoming Lunch-Christmas Dinner
Feel free to e-mail us at if you would like something included in our e-news.