Monday, December 9, 2019

Monday, December 9th

Friday, December 9th
Blue Day
Tutoring tomorrow from 3:15-5:15.  Please click on the following link to view the December tutoring schedule.

FFA Students are currently representing us at the State level today. Wishing you luck Katie S, Sam D, Aiden W, Devyn S-T, Mason M, Tryce S, and Noah W

Girls Basketball at Woony

Boys Basketball at SC

Get into the Christmas spirit with the Colony Christmas Concert Tuesday, December 10th at 7:30

Wear your favorite ugly or holiday sweater to school on Wednesday, December 11 for a chance to win a sweet treat!  One elementary student, one middle school student, one high school student, and one staff member will be chosen!

Times for the first basketball game of the season has been changed (Dec 14th)
1:45 girls JV
3:00 girls V
4:30 boys V
*Please note SBA does not have a boys JV team

The schedule for junior high on Dec. 16 at Howard is as follows.
7th Girls 4:30
8th Girls 5:15
7th Boys 6:00

8th Boys 6:45

Winter sports pictures have been scheduled for Thursday, December 12th.

FFA members - don't forget to pick up your fruit and butterbraids today! If you cannot pick items up, please make arrangements with Miss. Ronning.

Our FFA is going places and the next stop...state on December 8-9th in Pierre.  We have some serious potential to bring home some state bragging rights, so follow their newsletter at

Monday, December 9th at 6:30 in the SC Ag room there will be an FFA Christmas party for all FFA members.  Please bring a fun pair of socks for the secret sock exchange, White Elephant Style.  You may also bring treats to share, and hot coco will be provided.
5th and 6th grade band students:
Permission forms and $5 for the Mitchell Area Young Band Festival is due on Thursday, December 12th. Please contact Miss. West if you have any questions about the festival.

Counselors Corner
Seniors or juniors interested in taking a dual credit class next semester, please come see Mrs. Foxley! Dual credit registration for the Spring 2020 semester opened the beginning of November.  

There will be an online presentation on the Build Dakota Scholarship on Monday, December 9  Tuesday December 17th at 2:00 pm in Mrs. Foxley's room for sophomores - seniors. Build Dakota is a full-ride scholarship for some programs offered at technical schools in South Dakota. 

Tuesday, Dec. 10th—WWTS Christmas program dress rehearsal at 3:45-5:30 at Artesian First Lutheran
Wednesday, Dec. 11th—WWTS Christmas program at 6:30 pm at Artesian First Lutheran.  Youth please be at the church by 6:10.

WWTS Christmas program set for Dec. 11th.

The WWTS Christmas program will be held Wednesday evening, Dec. 11th at 6:30 pm at Artesian First Lutheran.  The youth will be
presenting the play “The Good News Flash”.  The play combines the past and present.  You can use your imagination, for although
the times have changed, Jesus Christ is present and is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Jesus’ birthday will also be celebrated.
Lunch will be served by the church ladies following the program.  All are welcome to attend.  Come and experience the true meaning
of Christmas.

Tuesday-Dec 10 (Blue)
G B-ball at SC
Boys B-ball at Woony
WWTS Dress Reh. 3:45-5:30

Wednesday-Dec 11 (Orange)
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Sonshine Club 3:45
G B-Ball @ W

B B-Ball @ SC
WWTS X-Mas Program @ 6:30

Thursday-Dec 12 (Blue)
Winter sports pictures @ SC
Girls and Boys b-ball @ SC

Friday-Dec 13 (Orange)
Girls B-ball @ Woony

Boys B-ball @ SC

Saturday-Dec 14
3-4 girls b-ball 9:00AM @ SC
G/B b-ball @ SBA 

Sunday-Dec 15th
Christmas Program Letcher Church

Tuesday-Breakfast-Sausage, Egg & Cheese Sandwich
Tuesday Lunch-Taco Soup, Tortilla Chips, Steamed Mixed Vegi, Pineapple Tidbits
Feel free to e-mail us at if you would like something included in our e-news.