August 5th 2019
Ready or not...the school year at Sanborn Central School will start on Wednesday, August 14th! School will dismiss on the first day at 12:30. Lunch will be served.
Back to School Night is scheduled for Monday, August 12th beginning at 5:30-7:00. You will receive your child's student packet at this time for you to complete and return with them one the first day of school. A FREE picnic supper will be served. Please feel free to bring your supplies that evening to place in your locker. School supply list are located at Walmart, or you can access the list with the attached link
Don't forget that school picture will take place Friday, August 16th
No school August 29-30 and September 2nd due to the state fair.
Box Tops no longer need to be clipped. Just download the box top app on you phone and scan your receipt within 14 days of purchase. The money automatically goes to your selected school. Help us out by following the link
All 7th and 10th graders participating in athletics need to get a physical before their sport begins. Other athletes in other grades may get a physical if they want one. Forms are with the attached link.
For all 7-12th grade volleyball players from SC and Woonsocket there will be a volleyball parent meeting at Sanborn Central on Monday August 12th at 7pm after Sanborn's open house.
A Volleyball Practice schedule is a follows...
August Breakfast/Lunch
August Breakfast Menu: