Thursday, August 15, 2019

August 15, 2019

August 15th 2019

We survived yesterday and are back at it again today!

If you were not at back to school night please make sure your child had a packet to update or fill out their information.  In those packets are picture forms for tomorrow.  That form needs to be completed with payment and accompany your child at the time of pictures.  We have additional forms in the office.   If you are in need of another form please visit...

Today is the first Jr. High FB Practice.  HS and JH Football will be at Woony from 4-7
9-12 Volleyball at SC 3:45-6:00

From the kitchen: Juice is no longer a substitute for milk at lunch.  Juice is still available but at a la carte price.

World of Work students, there will be a meeting during lunch on Monday (August 19th) in Miss. Ronning's room. Plan to bring your lunch that day, we will be discussing expectations for the class.

Calendars are in the office for your student to bring home.  Don't forget grandparents, and friends that might be interested.  

Please note we have a correction to the bottom of the August schedule that was sent home.  School is in session September 30th, but September 20th we do not have school.
Our first Cross-County meet will take place at the Mitchell Invite August 31st at 10:00.  For additional dates visit the following link.

To view the updated Volleyball game schedule please visit:

A new band schedule has been released.  Please note the dates for the Winter Concert December 3rd and Spring Concert April 21st.

If you are interested in the fall hunters safety course contact Tom at You must turn 12 before Jan 1st

  Friday-Aug 16
·         HS & JH Football at Woony (4-7)
·         9-12 VB @ SC 3:45-6:00
·         School Pictures
Saturday-Aug 17
·         HS & JH FB @ Woony (8-11)
·         9-12 VB @ SC 8:30-11:30 and 1:00-3:00
Monday-Aug 19th
·         HS & JH FB @ Woony 4-6
·         9-12 VB Woony at 3:45
·         7-8 at VB @ SC 3:45-6:00
·         World of work meeting during lunch
Tuesday-Aug 20th
·         HS & JH FB @ Woony (4-6)
·         9-12 VB Woony 3:45
·         7-8 VB SC 3:45-6:00
Wednesday-Aug 21st
·         HS & JH FB @ Woony (4-6)
·         9-12 VB at Woony 3:45-6:00
·         7-8 VB @ SC 3:45-6:00
·         WWTS
Thursday-Aug 22nd
·         HS & JH FB @ Woony (4-6)
·         9-12 VB @ Woony 3:45-6:00
·         7-8 VB @ SC 3:45-6:00

Tomorrow’s Breakfast-Warm WW Cinnamon Roll
Tomorrow’s Lunch-Pork Rib on a WW Bun