Monday– May 6, 2019
Blue Day
Take advantage of the tutoring tomorrow. Not long now and grades will be final on your
report card!!!
If you have a book that is due
back to the library please return it.
Students: Semester testing starts on
Friday with blue day classes. And Monday
May 13th with orange day classes……If you are failing any class you
must be at school the entire day(s) during semester testing. You must be
present for any class that a semester test is given in. Teachers may also
ask you to attend a class period even if they are not administering a semester
test. Be sure to check with all your teachers and not assume that you
don’t need to be here.
Eligibility is due at noon Thursday May 9th. Please
let the office know when you are done posting.
Campus will generate the missing assignment
report Wednesday afternoon - please mark assignments as missing.
Joint Practice will be at Woony today (dependent on weather.)
Thank You to the local Auxiliary’s for the Popper Poster Competition. The winners are announced for both the Artesian and the Letcher branch.
American Legion Poppy Poster Winners (Artesian Branch)-McKenzie Uecker, Chayda Johnson, and Talea Wipf.
Letcher Branch-Madi Morris 1st, Alanna Wurtz 2nd, Olivia Conrad 3rd, (Division One) Keith Wurtz 1st, Miley Adams 2nd,Cami Edwards 3rd, (Division 2) Austin Wurtz 1st, Jaden Wurtz 2nd, Rebecca Wurtz 3rd (Division 3)
Good Luck to Katie and Cayden as they travel to Howard today for a golf meet!!
Results from the Howard Wood track meet.
100M Dash: Trey Ulmer 11.9 54th place
300M Hurdles: Spens Schlicht 44.48 56th place
Boys 4x200: 137.55 11th place [SC/W Record] (Trey Ulmer, Austin Schmit, Sawyer Senska, Spens Schlicht)
Boys 1600 Medley: 3:55.61 16th place (Trey Ulmer, Austin Schmit, Tyler Eddy, Spens Schlicht)
Girls 1600 Medley: 4:49.3 23rd place (Megan Poyer, Cassidy Slykhuis, Trinity Boschee, Taylor Lindsey)
Girls 4x400: 4.27.43 15th place (Trinity Boschee, Trista White, Taylor Lindsey, Megan Poyer)
Today the MS will have a lock in from 3:30-6:00 replacing the dance. At 6:15 Coronation will take place.
If you are interested in ordering a 2019-2020 yearbook please do so by May 10th. They will arrive in the fall to be handed out. Order forms are available in the office or you can visit the following link
It's that time of year again for Sr's and 8th graders to be graduating. For a list of Sr's please visit
Woonsocket and SC will be holding driver's ed classes together again this year. The instructor is Mitch Korbel. Your cost for the program will be $250 per student: payable to the Woonsocket School District. There are a limited number of spots and priority will be given to the oldest students who submit their form by the deadline of May 6th. The fee includes the classroom session and behind the wheel.
Tomorrow the HS 281 Conference trackmeet will take place in Miller Redfield with the bus leaving at 7:30 and the meet starting at 10:00. The participants are as follows; Shania C, Dana S, Cassidy S, Jena S, Tryce S, Noah W, Leighton T, Harley K, Teagen S, Tator M, Aiden W, Sawyer S, Austin S, and Samantha D.
Wednesday, May 8th the baseball team will travel to Miller for a 6:30 game against WWMH.
Thursday, May 9th V golf will be at the JVC invite starting at 10:00.
May 7th Soccer games will be at SC (All)
Thursday, May 9 soccer games will be at Springs (All)
Saturday, May 11th soccer will be at Woony (All.)
Thursday, May 9 soccer games will be at Springs (All)
Saturday, May 11th soccer will be at Woony (All.)
The Lady Blackhawks will be hosting a little Blackhawk camp for girls in grades 1st-6th. The camp will be two hours long with proceeds going to the volleyball fund and will take place in the Woonsocket gym. Mrs. Moody will be handing out camp forms and you can also pick up a copy in the office. Please visit the following link for more information the forms are due to Dayna Rodriguez or Tracy Moody by May 14th.
Mr. Flatten will be conducting on off-season training program for Blackhawk athlete’s grades 7-12. Information sheets will be in the office, or can be accessed by visiting...
The FFA Banquet is Thursday, May 9th at 6 pm at Sanborn Central.
FFA members in the following grades are in charge of bringing the following for the banquet meal
Maincourse - Juniors
Salads - Freshmen and Seniors
Desserts - Sophomores
Families - please RSVP to Miss. Ronning so that we know how many will be attending.
WWTS will have a pizza party and movie night on Wednesday, May 8th from 5:30-7:30 pm. This will be their last gathering before summer break. The youth will watch the movie “Daniel and the Lion’s Den”. The group is encouraged to invite their friends to come and parents are welcome.
Spring Cleaning Season is upon us.....T-Hugs is in need of any cancer related T-shirts that you may want to get rid of. Please drop them off at the Sanborn Central Office, Woonsocket School, or Zesto in Mitchell. These quilters have provided many Chemo Patients with warm loving thoughts during their treatments in Mitchell. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!
Letcher Women's fellowship will take place at the Letcher Community Church Thursday, May 9th and is a guest day starting with a short program at 1:30. It will be followed by a free salad lunch, and all are welcome to attend.
Sanborn Co. 4-H Farmers Union Camp will take place Tuesday, May 21st with registration at 8:30. This will be for ages 6-13 and camp from 9-4:30. Forms are due back to office by May 13th with payment.
Woonsocket Comm. library summer reading program registration forms are available in the office along with the summer library list of events. The summer reading program will start Tuesday, June 4th and will end Thursday, July 25th. To be a part of the Summer Reading Program, students and/or adults will need to fill out the attached form and turn it into the library by May 15th.
Cure for cancer 5K Walk/Run will take place Saturday June 8th, 2019 at 10:00 AM. Extra forms are in the office at SC and after the forms are filled out can be returned back to the office during school hours. They will be collected on Friday, May 17th @ 2:00 P.M. Registration will be $20 and that will include a t-shirt for the event. These forms have been handed out to PK-8th graders. All proceeds will be donated to cure kids cancer of Sioux Falls. Check out the Letcher Cure for Cancer 5K/Run/Walk Facebook Page
Check out the Letcher Cure for Cancer 5K/Run/Walk Facebook Page
Join the 3-On-3 festivities in Alexandria Saturday, June 22nd. The age division is for 13 & under, 14-18, & adults.
The Woonsocket Sophmore Class Fundraiser is selling blackhawk hats. Order forms can be found in the SC office, and are due back by May 9th. Please visit the following link for a print out.
Sanborn Co. 4-H Farmers Union Camp will take place Tuesday, May 21st with registration at 8:30. This will be for ages 6-13 and camp from 9-4:30. Forms are due back to office by May 13th with payment.
Woonsocket Comm. library summer reading program registration forms are available in the office along with the summer library list of events. The summer reading program will start Tuesday, June 4th and will end Thursday, July 25th. To be a part of the Summer Reading Program, students and/or adults will need to fill out the attached form and turn it into the library by May 15th.
Cure for cancer 5K Walk/Run will take place Saturday June 8th, 2019 at 10:00 AM. Extra forms are in the office at SC and after the forms are filled out can be returned back to the office during school hours. They will be collected on Friday, May 17th @ 2:00 P.M. Registration will be $20 and that will include a t-shirt for the event. These forms have been handed out to PK-8th graders. All proceeds will be donated to cure kids cancer of Sioux Falls. Check out the Letcher Cure for Cancer 5K/Run/Walk Facebook Page
Check out the Letcher Cure for Cancer 5K/Run/Walk Facebook Page
Join the 3-On-3 festivities in Alexandria Saturday, June 22nd. The age division is for 13 & under, 14-18, & adults.
The Woonsocket Sophmore Class Fundraiser is selling blackhawk hats. Order forms can be found in the SC office, and are due back by May 9th. Please visit the following link for a print out.
Calendar Until the End of the Year
Saturday-May 4th
- Howard Wood
- Hunters Safety Course (8-12)
- Soccer games at SC (All)
Sunday-May 5th
- Baseball vs Elkton (V-DH) @ home 2:00
- Soccer games
@ SC U10 & U12 @ HuronU8 U10 U12 @ Huron
Monday-May 6th Blue
- V golf @ Howard 1:30
- Soccer games SC @ Springs U6/U10
- Joint track practice
- Drivers Ed. forms due
- Play at 10:00
- MS lockin 3:30-6:00/6:15 coronation (replacing dance)
Tuesday-May 7th Orange
- HS 281 cont. track lvg SC 6:30
- 7-8th golf @ DeSmet
- Soccer games at SC (all)
- tutoring
- K & 1 and 3rd Field trip lvg @ 8:20
- 3rd grade field trip
Wednesday-May 8 Blue
- Practice @ home
- WWTS @ Artesian End of Year party
- 1-4 Declaim 1st grade-4th
- 4-5th Field trip
- Baseball @ Miller-6:30 against WWMH
- Booster club mtg @ 8:00
- Library closed
Thursday-May 9 Orange
- Track @ home
- V golf JVC invite 10:00
- FFA Banquet 6 SC
- Soccer at Springs U8/U12
- Tutoring
Friday-May 10-Blue
- Practice @ Home
- V Gold Fishlake Shootout TBA
- Semester Testing
- Yearbook order forms due
- Coborn's receipts due
Saturday-May 11
- Soccer Games @ Woony (All)
- Graduation 4:00
Sunday-May 12
- Baseball District
Monday-May 13-Orange
- Baseball Dist
- Practice @ home
- Semester testing
- Board Mtg
- Pre-School Play @ 2:00 in the Music room/Parents invited
- No Speech
- JH KWL trackmeet KWL(tbd)
- 4-H Registration Camp Forms Due
Tuesday-May 14-Blue
- Baseball Dist
- Joint Track
- JH& JV 281 Golf Noon
- V Golf 281 Springs Noon
- Colony Graduation (2:30)
- 2nd grade field trip
- Little Blackhawk VB Form Due
Wednesday-May 15-Orange
- 11:00 Dismiss (Last Day)
- Joint Track
- WWTS @ Artesian
- El Track & Field
- Woony Comm. Library Rdg Form Due
lunch- Pork Rib on WW Bun, Baked Tri-Tator, Peas, Fruit
Breakfast-Homemaid Granola Bar
If there is something you would like included in your e-news feel free to send the information to