Wednesday– May 15, 2019
Thank you to all the amazing parents that have made another year at Sanborn Central go smooth. We wish everyone a spectacular summer that is safe, and bug free!
The Smarter balance scores for grades 3-5 and 7-8 were sent home with report cards. Grade 6 will be sent home via mail due to availability.
We will leave for Region track at Elkton tomorrow at 6:30 from Woony and SC at 6:45 am. The meet will start at 10:00. It originally says Chester on the schedule. Please note the change
The lost and found is getting quite hefty again and all items will be donated in a few days! Ask you child to check in the office if you are missing something at home.
Please view the latest school board synopsis-
Elementary students who are interested in the Wessington Springs Foothill Rodeo ticket, please stop in the office. The rodeo runs Saturday, May 25th (6PM) and Sunday May 26th (2 PM) and you will need a ticket for each day you attend. If you do attend with one of these tickets, please take the time to write a Thank You to the businesses that sponsored the ticket.
Elem-Pre-K-or 2nd Grade. We are missing a book in the library with the title "Fire, Fire" said Mrs. McGuire. Mrs. Enfield believes it was checked out by an elementary student but the card was not signed. Parents please check at home.
The Village bowl has given us passes for two free games of bowling per day-per student. MS who did not receive these passes and are interested please stop in the office.
A free baseball clinic will be held at the Letcher ballpark Sunday, May 19th. Starting at 9:00 AM for 6-9 year old boys & girls, and 10:30 for the 10-13 year old boys and girls. Register at
to view the complete flyer please visit...
The Village bowl has given us passes for two free games of bowling per day-per student. MS who did not receive these passes and are interested please stop in the office.
A free baseball clinic will be held at the Letcher ballpark Sunday, May 19th. Starting at 9:00 AM for 6-9 year old boys & girls, and 10:30 for the 10-13 year old boys and girls. Register at
to view the complete flyer please visit...
Due today...Woonsocket Comm. library summer reading program registration forms are available in the office along with the summer library list of events. The summer reading program will start Tuesday, June 4th and will end Thursday, July 25th. To be a part of the Summer Reading Program, students and/or adults will need to fill out the attached form and turn it into the library by May 15th.
All athletes need to turn in a physical packet, but only 7th and 10th graders are required to complete a physical. Any athlete can choose to complete a physical, and attached is the form you will take for the physician to fill out. Forms will be handed out this week to the 7th and 10th graders.
Anyone interested in Football cheerleading for the 2019 Football Season please get ahold of Shelley at 354-4231 or email by Wednesday, May 15th-Thanks!!! Go Blackhawks!!!!
These forms are due back before your child starts practice for their sport.
View the summer Blackhawk football schedule
(team activities/camps)
Practice schedule starting
August 12th
JH/JV Schedule
2019 Blackhawk Game schedule
View the summer Blackhawk football schedule
(team activities/camps)
Practice schedule starting
August 12th
JH/JV Schedule
2019 Blackhawk Game schedule
Girls basketball players and parents- an open gym schedule has been put together for the summer. You are strongly encouraged to attend Tuesday mornings from 7:30-9:00 AM. The complete summer schedule is as follows
View the 2019-2020 Athletic Schedule
Mr. Flatten will be conducting on off-season training program for Blackhawk athlete’s grades 7-12. Information sheets will be in the office, or can be accessed by visiting...
District I and II will hold their overnight Farmers Union Camp at Swan
Lake near Viborg on May 29, 30 and 31st. Attached is a link to the
poster showing information. You must register online for this camp.
The link is on the poster. Santel customers are eligible for $50 off
camp cost. If you want more information, contact Pat Carsrud 796-4548.
Cure for cancer 5K Walk/Run will take place Saturday June 8th, 2019 at 10:00 AM. Extra forms are in the office at SC and after the forms are filled out can be returned back to the office during school hours. They will be collected on Friday, May 17th @ 2:00 P.M. Registration will be $20 and that will include a t-shirt for the event. These forms have been handed out to PK-8th graders. All proceeds will be donated to cure kids cancer of Sioux Falls. Check out the Letcher Cure for Cancer 5K/Run/Walk Facebook Page
Check out the Letcher Cure for Cancer 5K/Run/Walk Facebook Page
Join the 3-On-3 festivities in Alexandria Saturday, June 22nd. The age division is for 13 & under, 14-18, & adults.
Lake near Viborg on May 29, 30 and 31st. Attached is a link to the
poster showing information. You must register online for this camp.
The link is on the poster. Santel customers are eligible for $50 off
camp cost. If you want more information, contact Pat Carsrud 796-4548.
Cure for cancer 5K Walk/Run will take place Saturday June 8th, 2019 at 10:00 AM. Extra forms are in the office at SC and after the forms are filled out can be returned back to the office during school hours. They will be collected on Friday, May 17th @ 2:00 P.M. Registration will be $20 and that will include a t-shirt for the event. These forms have been handed out to PK-8th graders. All proceeds will be donated to cure kids cancer of Sioux Falls. Check out the Letcher Cure for Cancer 5K/Run/Walk Facebook Page
Check out the Letcher Cure for Cancer 5K/Run/Walk Facebook Page
Join the 3-On-3 festivities in Alexandria Saturday, June 22nd. The age division is for 13 & under, 14-18, & adults.
Calendar Going Forward
Tuesday-May 16
- Region Track @ Elkton lvg Woony @ 6:30 and SC 6:45
Friday-May 17
- V Golf Pre-Region Mitchell @ 9:30
Sunday-May 19
- Baseball Region
Monday-May 20
- Drivers Ed-Woony 8-3:30
Tuesday-May 21
- Baseball Region
- V Golf Regions
- Drivers ED Woony 8-3:30
- Farmers Union Day Camp
Wednesday-May 22
- Blackhawk Skills Academy Camp
- Drivers Ed SC 8-8:30
Thursday-May 23
- Blackhawk skills Academy Camp
- Drivers Ed SC 8-3:30
Friday-May 24
- State Track @ SF
Saturday-May 25
- State Track @ SF
Monday-May 27th
- Baseball State
Tursday-May 28
- Baseball State
If there is something you would like included in your e-news feel free to send the information to