Friday, November 2, 2018

November 2, 2018

Friday November 2nd

Blue Day

The 5/6 will practice at Sanborn Central today.  Good Luck to the teams as they play in Springs tomorrow.

 Some of our FFA members are attending the Jackrabbit Invite today.  

(Last Day) October 29th-November 2nd seniors at participating high schools are eligible for up to three application fee waivers at participating in-state post-secondary institutions.  This includes all public and technical schools in south Dakota.  For more information see Mrs. Johnson.

It is time to dig out the winter coats and if you find any winter coats that no longer work for your family, consider donating them to the Sanborn Central Coat Drive. We will be collecting new and gently used coats, hats, mittens and boots starting Monday, October 8th until November 8th. A collection box will be available at Sanborn Central school.

Mrs. Reimer is scheduled to receive her last treatment for cancer today!  The school is bursting with support for her, and all the staff/students have done great in wearing a cancer related shirt to show their support.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the overwhelming support you have given me. Thank you to Abby Vermeulen for honoring me on Cancer Awareness Night. Thank you to everyone who bought a basket that evening.  Thank you to everyone that purchased a T-shirt.  Finally thank you for the meals, cards, phone calls, and visits.  You have helped make this journey much easier.  Thank You-Jill Reimer

Congratulation to Alexis Kelly who qualified for the Reginal Oral Interp contest on November 13th.  Lily and Alexis placed 6th in their duet.  Great job ladies!

Mr. Flatten is looking for 7-12 students who are interested in challenging themselves and adding a little discipline to their routine.  The Rebel Power lifting Team is working out daily after school Mon-Fri (based on Coach's availability) until 4:30.  Lifters will be required to go through a specific workout that will add strength and create a stronger, more confident individual.
There are 3 competitions that take place throughout the winter.  Athletes are not required to attend all competitions, but it is suggested they attend at least one.  So, if this sounds like something you would be interested in, show up after school and get JACKED! 
*The Rebel Power lifting Team is not responsible for the added attention from prospective suitors and does not furnish the bat that is needed to swat them away.

If you are interested in finding out about the local food drive check out our google drive       It is taking place at  the Woonsocket community Center November 7th and 5:00.

FFA members are now selling fruit, butter braids, cheese, beef sticks and popcorn from now until November 12th. 

The FFA has extra t-shirts in sizes S-2XL and hooded sweatshirts in sizes S-XL - please contact Miss. Ronning if you would like to purchase either one. T-shirts are $15 and sweatshirts are $25.

The November lunch and breakfast menu has been added to our google drive.  Please visit for the lunch  menu and to check out the breakfast menu at

In lieu selling magazines in the spring to raise money for Accelerated Reading plaques and plates Elementary students and staff are selling custom-made socks! They would appreciate your support in  student’s love of reading by purchasing these awesome Spartan/Blackhawk socks!

$15 a pair or 2 for $25

3/4th grade girls basketball program 
A form was sent home with your child for the basketball sign-up.  If you are interested in the program please sign and return by November 7th.  If you want to view the form go to

7th-12th grade Boys Basketball
The new schedule for open gym is as follows 
Mondays- 6PM-7PM at Sanborn Central
Thursdays- 5PM (7th/8th) 6PM-7PM (9th-12th) at Woonsocket
This will go on until the 1st Boys practice on Nov. 26
No boys open gym on the 19th due to scheduling conflicts

                                                                 Junior High Girls 
For all junior high girls interested in playing basketball this year you will have practice on the following dates:
Nov. 1 - junior high practice at Woonsocket
Nov. 5- junior high practice at Sanborn Central
Nov. 6 - junior high practice at Woonsocket
Nov. 7 - junior high practice at Sanborn Central
Nov. 8 -junior high practice at Woonsocket
Practice and open gyms will be from 3:45 until 5:00.

November 10 junior high girls will have a tournament in Hanson. 

The high school are also invited to open gym on those dates. Varsity volleyball players can feel free to take some time off if so desired.
Practice and open gyms will be from 3:45 until 5:00.
Open gym schedule:
Same dates as above and then the following.
Nov. 12 - at Woonsocket
Nov. 15 - at Sanborn Central
Nov. 19 - at Sanborn Central

Nov. 20 - at Woonsocket
Open gym is not required and is an option to come and get prepared for the basketball season.

Basketball practice will begin on Nov. 26

November 5th FFA leadership at MTI 

November 6th the next quiz bowl match will be at 9:25 Nov 6th with an undetermined opponent. We believe that Kyle Z, Madi M, Cole M, Renee F, and Alex W will come out ahead in that one! You can listen to yesterday's podcast at

November 8th (FFA)Join us for our November meeting followed by a fun night of bowling in Mitchell starting at 4 pm on Thursday, November 8th. The SCW FFA chapter will provide pizza and pop for those members that attend, the cost for the students is $3 per game (shoes included). Travel to and from the bowling alley will be up to the students, the meeting and bowling will be wrapped up by 6 pm that evening.

If you have any questions please contact FFA advisor, Miss. Ronning by e-mail or by phone at the SC school.

Nov 10th For information on the Cancer Tournament Please visit the following link games start at 9:00

November 13th more games are added to the 5/6th basketball schedule. 

There will be 2 shortened girls games and 2 shortened boys games with a starting time of 5:15 for the girls and the boys following at 6:30.  The games will be played in Woonsocket.

November 13th Congratulations to the following students who were selected to participate in this year's Junior High Music Festival that will be held in Platte
Choir:  Ellie Evans-soprano, Kara Wormstadt-soprano, Jessie Krueger-alto, Casady Dean-alto, Brady Larson-baritone, Cooper Goldammer-baritone
Band:  Aubry Senska-flute, Sidney Salas-clarinet, Michael Hoffman-trumpet, Toby Kneen-trombone the bus will depart Sanborn Central at 6:30 am and Woonsocket at 6:45 am with return times approximately 5:00 pm.  Lunch is $7.00.  Please turn lunch money into Mrs. Easton by November 1st.  There will be a free concert at the Platte elementary gym at 2:30.  Family and friends are welcome to attend!

November 15th at 6:00 FASFA night for the Juniors, Seniors, and Parents.  Visit our web page for further details

November 19th 5/6th boys game has been added to the schedule.  Sanborn Central vs Wess. Springs at 6:00PM.  Note this is a boys game only


 November 3rd at 10 a.m. a county Legion Auxiliary meeting will be held at the Letcher Community center, all area Auxiliary members are welcome.

Nov 10th Open house baby shower for Hallie Rose Stekl, daughter of Brett and Karrie Stekl.  The shower will be Saturday, Nov 10, 1:00pm, Letcher Community Center.

November 11 at 6 p.m. a pot luck Veterans day supper for all area veterans and their families.  Short program to follow with Karen Klinkner to tell us about her Honor Flight to DC. Bring a dish to share and come to Letcher. 

November 11, 2018 at 12pm at the Artesian Community Center.  The meal is free to veterans and the American Legion Auxiliary is asking for  free will donation for other guests.  Please call Laura Pearson by November 5, 2018 605-999-2139 so that we can have enough food prepared.  The meal is prepared by the American Legion Auxiliary.The snow date will be November 18, 2018.

Friday- Nov 2nd Blue FFA Jackrabbit Invite 5/6th at SC
Saturday-Nov 3rd 5/6th at Springs
Monday- Nov 5th Orange FFA Leadership MTI @ 2:00 5/6th vs. Wol/Wessington 6:00 Woony Tutoring
Tuesday- Nov 6th Blue 5/6th Practice @SC US Rep 11:45
Wednesday- Nov 7th Orange WWTS @ Artesian Sonshine/Confirmation @ Letcher
Thursday- Nov 8th Blue 5/6th @ Mitchell C 5:00 Tutoring JHG/HSG @ Woony 7/8th boys 5:00/HS Boys 6:00
Friday Nov-9th-No School

Monday lunch Sloppy Joe's on WW Bun, Mashed Potatoes, Chicken Gravy, Corn, Peaches

Monday breakfast Pancake Wrapped Sausage Bites

If you would like to include something in the Rebel e-news feel free to e-mail the information to