Monday, November 12, 2018

November 12, 2018

Monday November 12th

The school board meets tonight at 7:00.

A big THANK YOU to the Letcher Legion and Auxiliary for the delicious apples you have given to each staff member at the school!

We had a beautiful Veterans Day program this morning.  Thank you to Mr. Flatten and the student council for organizing the assembly as well as Mrs. Easton for the beautifully conducted music from the 5/6th grade class! Dayton Easton's rendition of The National Anthem was amazing as always and most of all thank you to all of the service men and women for your dedication to our country.

Today American Education Week is honoring our Support Staff - bus drivers, custodians, para’s, librarians, cooks, and secretaries. These are the people who work behind the scenes ensuring that your student arrives safely at school; has a clean, warm, safe environment to learn in; good food in their belly; and everything running smoothly to give them the best education possible. Please take a minute to thank these people!

**Boys BB open gym for today has been changed to 5:30PM to 6:30PM at Sanborn Central-  Coach Weber

Today there will be a short volleyball meeting in Mrs. Rodriguez's room after school, and before basketball open gym for all 9th and 12th graders.  Please bring your uniforms at this time.

Good Luck to the 5/6th grade teams as they host Hitchcock/Tulare in Woonsocket today. The girls will tip off at 6:00.

Girls Basketball has open gym in Woonsocket today at 3:45.

We want to wish Alexis Kelly the best of luck as she participates in the region Oral Interp Contest tomorrow.

Forms will be going home with your student today for Papa Murphy's peel a deal.  A pizza party will be given to the class that sells the most cards.  This fundraiser is being put on by the booster club and will help support the Sanborn Central sports complex renovations.  Each card will cost just $10.00  Please visit the following link if you would like to view these forms

Tuesday, November 13th-Band students will have study hall.  Mrs. West will be gone.

November 15th at 6:00 FASFA night for the Juniors, Seniors, and Parents.  Visit our web page for further details


The results from Hanson junior high tournament are in.  The scores and stats are as follows...
Lost to Hanson 36-13   Leaders: Tristan Jensen 7 points, Bailey Feistner 4 points and Kailynn Eggleston 2 points
Lost to Menno 23-15 Leaders: Kailynn Eggleston 7 points, Tristan Jensen and Ellie Evans 3 points, and Bella Frye 2 points

Lost to Bridgewater/Emery  Leaders:Ellie Evans and Kailynn Eggleston 6 points, Bailey Feistner 4 points, and Tristan Jensen and Jaycee Baruth 2 points

Mr. Flatten needs the following equipment from football players:

JH: Brock Edwards (No white Jersey)
HS: Alex Wormstadt (Everything)
Noah Dickson (Helmet, Shoulder Pads, & Black Jersey)
Noah Wormstadt (Everything)
Aiden Wormstadt (Black practice pants)

3/4th Grade Girls Basketball Schedule
 A new schedule has been added for the 3rd and 4th grade girls basketball.  All practices will be held on Saturdays starting at 10AM and lasting an hour.

5th Grade Boys Basketball Schedule
5th grade boys basketball schedule has been uploaded to the Google Drive.  Please visit the following site for more information.

7th-12th grade Boys Basketball
The new schedule for open gym is as follows 
Mondays- 6PM-7PM at Sanborn Central
Thursdays- 5PM (7th/8th) 6PM-7PM (9th-12th) at Woonsocket
This will go on until the 1st Boys practice on Nov. 26
No boys open gym on the 19th due to scheduling conflicts

   Junior High Girls 

For all junior high girls interested in playing basketball this year you will have practice on the following dates:

Practice and open gyms will be from 3:45 until 5:00.
Open gym schedule:
Same dates as above and then the following.
Nov. 12 - at Woonsocket
Nov. 15 - at Sanborn Central
Nov. 19 - at Sanborn Central
Nov. 20 - at Woonsocket
Open gym is not required and is an option to come and get prepared for the basketball season.
Basketball practice will begin on Nov. 26

November 13th more games are added to the 5/6th basketball schedule. 
There will be 2 shortened girls games and 2 shortened boys games with a starting time of 5:15 for the girls and the boys following at 6:30.  The games will be played in Woonsocket.

November 19th 5/6th boys game has been added to the schedule.  Sanborn Central vs Wess. Springs at 6:00PM.  Note this is a boys game only


The FFA has extra t-shirts in sizes S-2XL and hooded sweatshirts in sizes S-XL - please contact Miss. Ronning if you would like to purchase either one. T-shirts are $15 and sweatshirts are $25.
November 13th Congratulations to the following students who were selected to participate in this year's Junior High Music Festival that will be held in Platte
Choir:  Ellie Evans-soprano, Kara Wormstadt-soprano, Jessie Krueger-alto, Casady Dean-alto, Brady Larson-baritone, Cooper Goldammer-baritone
Band:  Aubry Senska-flute, Sidney Salas-clarinet, Michael Hoffman-trumpet, Toby Kneen-trombone the bus will depart Sanborn Central at 6:30 am and Woonsocket at 6:45 am with return times approximately 5:00 pm.  There will be a free concert at the Platte elementary gym at 2:30.  Family and friends are welcome to attend!


Monday Orange Nov 12th 5/6th vs Hitch/Tul @ Woony 6:00,        Veterans Program @ 9:00,      Girls @ Woony open gym 3:45-5         Boys open gym @ SC 6-7,           9-12 VB Meeting at Woony 3:30 Bring Uniform
Tuesday Nov 13th Blue JH Music Fest @ Platte     5/6 vs Platte @ Woony-5:15      Tutoring
Region Oral Interp        Cheer at Woony
Wednesday Nov 14th Orange WWTS @ Artesian             Rock Solid @ Letcher-Meal
Thursday Nov 15th Blue State VB Tourney    FASFA Night 6:00 @ SC   Tutoring    Girls open gym at SC 3:45-5:00  Boys open gym @ Woony 5:00 for 7/8th and 6:00 9-12th Cheer @ Woony
Friday Nov 16th Orange  State VB Tourney                
Saturday Nov 17th  State VB Tourney            Winterguard @ SC
Sunday  Nov 18th  Winterguard @ SC
Monday Nov 19th   FFA Meno          5/6th boys vs. Spings @ 6:00    Tutoring      Open gym @ SC     Cheer @ SC

Tuesday Breakfast Cheese Omelet, Graham Cracker Sticks

Tuesday Lunch Hot Dog on WW Bun, Sweet Potato Puffs, California Blend Vegi, Pineapple

If you would like to include something in the Rebel e-news feel free to e-mail the information to