Thursday November 15th
Blue day
Girls Open Gym at SC today.
Boys Open Gym @ Woonsocket today 7/8th at 5:00 and 9-12th at 6:00.
American Education Week is honoring our teachers today. We never hesitate to let others know that Sanborn Central is proud to have the best people who have chosen to educate our youth. Our teachers not only teach reading writing, and ‘arithmetic but instill the desire to pursue dreams and seek knowledge. If you are able to read this, comprehend it, and see no typos – thank your teacher today!
Girls Open Gym at SC today.
Boys Open Gym @ Woonsocket today 7/8th at 5:00 and 9-12th at 6:00.
American Education Week is honoring our teachers today. We never hesitate to let others know that Sanborn Central is proud to have the best people who have chosen to educate our youth. Our teachers not only teach reading writing, and ‘arithmetic but instill the desire to pursue dreams and seek knowledge. If you are able to read this, comprehend it, and see no typos – thank your teacher today!
Today is teacher day and tomorrow student day for American Education Week. Elementary students may wear PJ's tomorrow 11/16. We will have movies and popcorn in the afternoon for all students. Mrs. Wilson is in charge of movies for high school. Mrs. Farmer is in charge of movies for middle school.
The Booster Club is providing pop and popcorn.
Seniors and Juniors – don’t forget FASFA Night – 6:00 pm in Mrs. Johnson’s room at SC.Seniors and Juniors – don’t forget FASFA Night – 6:00 pm in Mrs. Johnson’s room at SC. Juniors are invited too if they are wanting to plan ahead. It is sometimes really good for farming families to hear as they use prior year taxes. Juniors will be using this year's taxes for their FASFA next year.
Forms will be going home with your student today for Papa Murphy's peel a deal. A pizza party will be given to the class that sells the most cards. This fundraiser is being put on by the booster club and will help support the Sanborn Central sports complex renovations. Each card will cost just $10.00 Please visit the following link if you would like to view these forms
Mark your calendar and save your pennies – TUESDAY, November 20th the Junior Class will be selling ROOT BEER FLOATS. Cost will be $2 for pre-school thru 5th grade and $3 for 6-12th and staff. Times are yet to be determined!
3/4th Grade Girls Basketball Schedule
A new schedule has been added for the 3rd and 4th grade girls basketball. All practices will be held on Saturdays starting at 10AM and lasting an hour.
A new schedule has been added for the 3rd and 4th grade girls basketball. All practices will be held on Saturdays starting at 10AM and lasting an hour.
5th grade boys basketball schedule has been uploaded to the Google Drive. Please visit the following site for more information.
7th-12th grade Boys Basketball
The new schedule for open gym is as follows
Mondays- 6PM-7PM at Sanborn Central
Thursdays- 5PM (7th/8th) 6PM-7PM (9th-12th) at Woonsocket
This will go on until the 1st Boys practice on Nov. 26
No boys open gym on the 19th due to scheduling conflicts
Junior High Girls
For all junior high girls interested in playing basketball this year you will have practice on the following dates:
Practice and open gyms will be from 3:45 until 5:00.
Nov. 15 - at Sanborn Central
Nov. 19 - at Sanborn Central
Nov. 20 - at Woonsocket
Open gym is not required and is an option to come and get prepared for the basketball season.
Basketball practice will begin on Nov. 26
Mondays- 6PM-7PM at Sanborn Central
Thursdays- 5PM (7th/8th) 6PM-7PM (9th-12th) at Woonsocket
This will go on until the 1st Boys practice on Nov. 26
No boys open gym on the 19th due to scheduling conflicts
Junior High Girls
For all junior high girls interested in playing basketball this year you will have practice on the following dates:
Practice and open gyms will be from 3:45 until 5:00.
Open gym schedule:
Same dates as above and then the following.Nov. 15 - at Sanborn Central
Nov. 19 - at Sanborn Central
Nov. 20 - at Woonsocket
Open gym is not required and is an option to come and get prepared for the basketball season.
Basketball practice will begin on Nov. 26
November 19th 5/6th boys game has been added to the schedule. Sanborn Central vs Wess. Springs at 6:00PM. Note this is a boys game only
The FFA has extra t-shirts in sizes S-2XL and hooded sweatshirts in sizes S-XL - please contact Miss. Ronning if you would like to purchase either one. T-shirts are $15 and sweatshirts are $25.
Thursday Nov 15th Blue State VB Tourney FASFA Night 6:00 @ SC Tutoring Girls open gym at SC 3:45-5:00 Boys open gym @ Woony 5:00 for 7/8th and 6:00 9-12th Cheer @ Woony
Friday Nov 16th Orange State VB Tourney
Saturday Nov 17th State VB Tourney Winterguard @ SC
Sunday Nov 18th Winterguard @ SC
Monday Nov 19th FFA Meno 5/6th boys vs. Spings @ 6:00 Tutoring Open gym @ SC Cheer @ SC
Tuesday Nov 20th Orange HS Music Fest @ Gregory Girls open gym @ Woony Papa Murphy's due at noon
Wednesday Nov 21st Blue-Sunday November 25th-Happy Thanksgiving-No events
Friday BreakfastWW French Toast Sticks, SF Maple Syrup Cup
Friday Lunch Thanksgiving Dinner (Turkey and all the trimmings)
If you would like to include something in the Rebel e-news feel free to e-mail the information to
Friday Nov 16th Orange State VB Tourney
Saturday Nov 17th State VB Tourney Winterguard @ SC
Sunday Nov 18th Winterguard @ SC
Monday Nov 19th FFA Meno 5/6th boys vs. Spings @ 6:00 Tutoring Open gym @ SC Cheer @ SC
Tuesday Nov 20th Orange HS Music Fest @ Gregory Girls open gym @ Woony Papa Murphy's due at noon
Wednesday Nov 21st Blue-Sunday November 25th-Happy Thanksgiving-No events
Friday BreakfastWW French Toast Sticks, SF Maple Syrup Cup
Friday Lunch Thanksgiving Dinner (Turkey and all the trimmings)
If you would like to include something in the Rebel e-news feel free to e-mail the information to