Thursday - September 28, 2017
Blue Day - Tutoring
Happy Birthday Wylie Bracha!
Congratulations to our Spirit winners
yesterday: Willow Sentell, Adalie
Enfield, Brody Uecker, Cooper Hemminger, Michael Hoffman, Jaslyn Swearingen,
Kendra Morgan, Levi Swearingen, and Vickie Fox!
May the SC
Gym be filled with Blackhawk Fever tonight!
Lady Blackhawks play Iroquois at 6:00 in the 281 Tourney – theme is Red,
White, and Blue. Faithful watchers of
activities in the SC gym know that we have been struggling with television and
cube broadcasts. We are working with
Santel to resolve the problems.
Tonight’s VB games will be aired on Santel Channel 107 and not the HS
Cube – fingers crossed that it doesn’t freeze on us! Brackets can be found at
practice is at SC today.
G/B Basketball practice is at Woonsocket today.
VB will practice Thursday at SC until 5:00.
The varsity girls need
to be at the SC gym by 5:10 today and 12:10 on
Saturday, there will be no bus.
Practice is at SC today.
Friday the Spirit Club will be hosting a pep rally at 8:15 and everyone is invited
to attend!
Booster Club will be providing us with lunch on Friday – serving will begin at
will leave SC at 11:15. Students will
return to SC after the parade unless we have received the note stating that
they will be picked up from the parade.
Staff will be given lists of students returning on the bus. Sanborn Central busses will be parked on the
street east of the Woonsocket School.
busses will leave SC at 3:15 (regular time) for their afternoon run.
8-12 Band
students will be bused to and from Woonsocket for the parade tomorrow.
who do not wish to participate in the homecoming festivities on Friday,
September 29th will not be counted absent should they decide not to come to
school on this day. However, if they do want to attend, there will be
activities for them to take part in, a pep rally, including float-making
for grades pre-k - 8, a volleyball tournament for the high school students,
a sprit meal provided by the Booster Club, Homecoming Parade, and powder
puff game between Woonsocket's Girls and SC's girls following the
SC/W FFA will be holding its annual tailgating fundraiser
during this week’s game at Sanborn Central vs. the Stanley County Buffaloes.
We will start serving at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School Commons
– Burger, Chips, Cookie, and Pop - $5
The Juniors are doing their annual prom fundraising for the
year. They will be selling magazines and many other items online.
So talk to a junior or head to the website choose
to shop, type 2520781 for the SC Junior code, type in a junior’s
name, and select items you would like to purchase. Parents: each
junior has set a goal of selling 25 products. If we are able to
accomplish this task, we will be done for fundraising for the year.
For any questions email Mr. Flatten at
The SC Junior
class is doing the longest yard again this year for a prom fundraiser. The
rules remain the same, but prices have been reduced. For $5, you purchase a yard line
(Goal-line to 50). If the last play of the first half ends on that
yard line, you win half of the pot! Mrs. Farrell-Poncelet has the board
and you can reserve your space today. Also, the board will be available
at the school at 6:30 through the first half of game day. Winner will be
announced at halftime. Email
to reserve your line.
In addition to the magazine sales, the juniors will also be selling Little Caesar Pizza Kits. The orders are due by October 11th and will be delivered to the school on October 19th. To order, please contact a Sanborn Central junior, or go to
If your parents were unable to attend conferences yesterday,
they have until October 5th to contact your teachers to earn bonus
Next Friday, October 6th
is Extra Help day. Due to the number of
students gone on Wednesday the 4th, we ask that all assignments be
posted by noon on Tuesday (10/3) to enable generation of reports to hand to
students prior to 3:15. All grade books
will need to be updated again by noon on Thursday, October 5th as
parent notification will begin. Students
with missing assignments or failing grades are required to attend Extra Help Day
from 8-11:00!
With so
many education options and career paths available today, success doesn’t mean
the same thing it used to. A successful career can mean a lot – a great salary,
making a difference in your community, challenging and fulfilling work – and
tech careers offer all that and more. And with Build Dakota, you could
get your tech degree for free. Join us for an informational meeting at
the Wolsey/Wessington School Monday, October 2nd
The JV Football game scheduled for Monday, October 2 with
Wagner at Sanborn Central has been cancelled. The JH game scheduled that
same day at Wagner at 5:00 pm is still on.
FB this week:
Thursday, September 28
o HS Practice at
Sanborn Central – 4:00 pm – helmets and shoulder pads
o JH Practice at
Sanborn Central or Woonsocket? - 4:00 pm – full pads
Friday, September 29 – game vs. Stanley County at Sanborn Central – 7:00 pm
Saturday, September 30 – JH and JV Jamboree at Mt. Vernon. See attached
schedule. Starts at 9:00 am
o Bus will
leave WS at 7:30 am and pick up SC and Woony players at Woonsocket at 7:45 am.
Players need to bring both black and white jerseys.
Need 3 to 4 volunteers to be on the chain gang on Friday night.
Either e-mail or call the school 495-4183
if you can help. Q107 radio will be broadcasting the game with Stanley County on Friday.
Wessington Springs Land & Range on Wednesday – October 4th are:
SC Students: Harley, Samantha, Noah, Chloe, Amber, Katie, Cayden,
Aiden, Cole, Madi, Eric, Austin, Sawyer, Alex, Trent, Sarah, and
Catherine. Leave Sanborn Central @ 7:50
a.m. and Woonsocket @ 8:05 a.m. Return to School around 3:15 p.m. Other Notes:
Let Mr. Gross know if you are loading at a school other than the one you
attend. Everyone will need a pencil;
Range will also need their clipboard.
Meal will cost $8. You will pay when you go through the line
instead of paying Mr. Gross.
The following students will be attending the All-State Chorus prep day at NSU in Aberdeen on Wednesday, October 4th: Lucy N, Ellie K, Alexis K, Katie M, Kendra M, Dayton E, Harley K, and Brighten H. The bus will be departing Sanborn Central at 6:00 am and Woonsocket at 6:15 am.
We have been receiving general questions about recent topics going on in the district and wanted to update you with some information: 1. Air Conditioning in the Gym—this has been a topic of conversation for a few years now. We have many comments on how hot the gym is not only in the fall/spring/summer but also with large crowds at basketball games in the winter. We advertised for bids and had quite a few inquiries but only one company submitted a bid in the amount of $138,500. The board felt this was too much to spend so we rejected this bid. Mr. Siemsen did get some feedback from interested parties that we should get some more specifications in our proposal. Travis Sichmeller of Mettler/Sichmeller Engineering proposed his engineering services to us at last month’s meeting and estimated a construction cost in the range of $40,000-$55,000. We will be discussing this further at next months meeting.
2. Energy Savings Project-- this project deals with replacing our current florescent/HID lighting system with new LED lights. Our current system has a life expectancy of 7-10 years. We are starting our 14th year in the building and lights are ok but we will probably have to start replacing fixtures more often. There is a 10-year, 0% loan program through the State of SD that is trying to help schools become energy efficient. It has been calculated that by changing our system we would save $8907.00 on annual energy costs and $5057.00 on annual maintenance costs. (These are only projections based on assumptions like 10 hr days, replacing certain amount of fixtures each year, etc.) We had 2 companies return proposals and we accepted the low bid from Bechen Electric for the amount of $83,170.56 CONTINGENT on our securing the state loan. This would be an annual payment of roughly $8,318 which we hope to recoup through our annual savings while gaining new/improved lighting. If we don’t secure the loan we are not obligated to the project but would pursue other options.
3. Increasing SPED tax levy-- We had an unexpected situation arise after our budget was finalized but before our request for taxes was due so we amended our SPED budget request from $35,000 to $100,000. This will be an INCREASE in property tax to our patrons(projecting about 22 cents/acre depending on final valuations) This tax increase is from our SPED levy. It is NOT due to OPT-OUT/Capital outlay changeover that we proposed earlier this year.
4. Football facilities—with our move to 11-man football this year and projected future in class 11B we are requesting feedback on whether to update our facilities for larger crowds/teams. We feel we would need to include 1. Better/more bleacher seating, 2. Crows nest facilities for both sides to seat coaches, video people, and radio personnel 3. Restroom/concession facilities 4. Parking We will host our varsity game this year and a couple of JV/JH games at Forestburg. We are in the process of gathering some cost estimates for these upgrades so we can have discussions on whether we want to put money into continuing to host games in Forestburg. Please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
Wanted Help in the Concession Stand….. for Saturday. Games will start at 1:00pm with the championship
match starting at approximately 5:30pm.Please let Ashly or Tambi know if
you can help out. Ashly
(605) 770-2221
Tambi (605) 770-3077
workers for Friday, September 29th’s Football Game are: Amy Moody, Quentin & Tanna Slykhuis, Clark Slykhuis,
Curtis & Sara Adams, Bill & Teri Kelly, Rob
Concession Workers for Tuesday, October 3rd
are: Emily Kisor, Nicole Tarbox, Matt &
Angie Meier, John & Gayle Bechen, and Matthew & Angel Holbrook
Concession workers for Thursday, October 5th
are: Greg & Jeannette Cornelius, Jim &
Angie Fridley, Mark Stevens, Mark & Brenda Nelson, and Tiffany Tueffel
What is the Sanborn Central Booster Club? The booster club
is an organization that helps Pre-K thru 12th grade students and staff at
Sanborn Central by providing additional funding for different activities
throughout the school year. A few of the items the booster club has helped fund
in the past are; field trips, playground equipment, state tournament
activities, bleachers, I-pads, supplemental reading programs and record boards.
The concession stand is run by the booster club and all proceeds from the
concessions go back to the booster club to help make Sanborn Central the best
it can be!
We have set up a work schedule for the concession stand. If
you can not work your scheduled shift please find someone to switch with you
and let Ashly Uecker (1-605-770-2221) or Tambi Wormstadt (1-605-770-3077) know
of the changes. Thank you for all your help it is much appreciated! Ashly Uecker & Tambi Wormstadt
5th/6th Basketball Games at SC:
October 12th- Girls 4:00pm Boys
Stacy & Ivy Senska, JD & Jenny Easton, Jim & Angie
November 9th- Girls 6:00pm Boys
Marty & Tambi Wormstadt, Toby Moody, Jenni Greenway, Daniel
& April Kneen
Nov 11th- Cancer Tournament –TBA
Kayla Hanebuth, Mark & Kate Schelske, Steve & Roxann Larson,
Jeremy & Ashly Uecker, Quentin & Tana Slykhuis
The Booster Club list of Concession workers for the
5/6th Basketball Games can also be found at
The list for HS Games Concession workers can be found at:
Wednesday – October 4th
County Food Pantry – Feeding South Dakota
Community Center
A great
way to supplement your pantry! More
details can be found at
Friday –
September 29th: FB vs. Stanley County @ SC
Band Plays
School Spirit Day
Pep Rally 8:15
Tailgate Party 6:00
Saturday: JV/JH FB Jamboree @ Mt. Vernon – Bus 7:45
from Woony
281 VB Tourney
CBH 8th VB Tourney @
Plank – 1:00 start
Monday –
October 2nd – Blue Day: FB @ SC
7-12 VB @ Woony
JH FB @ Wagner Bus 2:45
5/6th G/B BB @ SC
CC @
Rep 11:35
Practice @ Woony
Tuesday –
October 3rd – Orange Day: VB
vs. SBA @ SC -7/8th Scrimmage 4:15 (Farmer/Farrell-Poncelet)
JH/HS FB @ Woony
G/B BB @ Woony
Cheer Practice at SC
updated by noon
– October 4th – Blue Day:
Land & Range @ Springs
HS FB @ Woony
VB @ SC 9/12 VB @ Woony
MTI Rep at 11:35
State Chorus Rehearsal Bus @ 6:00
Sonshine Club/Confirmation – Letcher
WWTS – Artesian
Thursday –
October 5th – Orange Day: VB
vs. TDA @ SC 4:15 JH/C/JV/V
HS FB @ Woony
vs. MVP @ SC
G/B BB @ Woony
Last Day Conference Bonus Points
Menu: Baked Chicken Drumstick – Savory Rice – Corn – Salad Bar – Oatmeal Roll –
Fruit/Milk Choice
Breakfast: Ultimate Breakfast Round – Fruit Cup – Juice Choice – Milk Choice
means football, festivities, and friendship. ~Author Unknown
us anything that you would like included in our e-news