Friday – September 29, 2017
Homecoming Day!
Football with Stanley County at SC
tonight at 7:00 and VB in the 281 Tourney tomorrow at 1:00!
Q107 radio will be broadcasting the
game tonight.
Happy Birthday tomorrow to Sarah
Morgan and Sunday to Sophie Kelly and Mrs. T Moody.
Congratulations to yesterday’s Spirit Winners!!!!! Dawson Ferguson, Tori Hoffman, Kenlie
Fridley, Michael Hoffman, Chloe Ruml, Royce hunter, and Mrs. Ischen!
Busses will
leave SC at 11:15. Students will return to SC after the parade unless we
have received the note stating that they will be picked up from the
parade. Staff will be given lists of students returning on the bus.
Sanborn Central busses will be parked on the street east of the Woonsocket
busses will leave SC at 3:15 (regular time) for their afternoon run.
8-12 Band
students will be bused to and from Woonsocket for the parade tomorrow.
SC/W FFA will be holding
its annual tailgating fundraiser during this week’s game at Sanborn Central vs.
the Stanley County Buffaloes. We will start serving at 6:00 p.m. in the
Sanborn Central School Commons – Burger, Chips, Cookie, and Pop - $5
While tailgating tonight
don’t forget to see a junior and purchase a spot on the “Longest Yard Board”
stand workers for tonight are: Concession
workers for Friday, September 29th’s Football Game are: Amy Moody, Quentin & Tanna Slykhuis, Clark Slykhuis,
Curtis & Sara Adams, Bill & Teri Kelly, Rob
Here’s the updated schedule for the Mt. Vernon on Saturday
for JV and JH Football. Bus will leave WS at 7:30 am and pick up
Woonsocket and Sanborn Central players in Woonsocket at 7:45 am. Reminder players need to bring black and
white jerseys.
Lady Blackhawks play Hitchcock/Tulare
at 1:00 at the SC Gym in the 281 Tourney.
Let’s Go Lady Blackhawks!!!!!
Due to
Homecoming Festivities it’s a short news day!!!!!