Monday, May 8, 2017

May 8, 2017

Monday – May 8, 2017
Blue Day
Don’t forget that there is tutoring today!!!!
The Sanborn Central Community is sending positive thoughts to Miss Paisley King and her family.  Today they are removing that nasty tumor from her liver.  She is in surgery and you can send your well wishes on her Caring Bridge page.
You got this little lady!

It’s Awards Night!!!  Congratulations to all the MS and HS Students who will be receiving academic and athletic awards tonight!  Potluck begins at 6:00pm.  May 8th   6:00pm Start – 6th/7th/10th Casserole, 8th/11th Dessert, 9th/12th grade Salad.    If you’ve never been to an Awards Night you are really missing out!  We acknowledge the best academic performance as well as extracurricular - Plus there is always great food.  SC provides eating utensils, plates, and drinks.

Congratulations Myah Selland – Miss Basketball award was truly deserved!   Hard work and dedication does pay off!

Good luck to those golfing in Howard today – Trevor O, Trent K, Garrett D, Maddie V, and Katie S.  The bus will leave Woonsocket at 12:10 and pick you up!

Lost and Found totes are in the hallway by the office.  Anything left on Friday is gone!

MS students are on their field trip today!

Track at home today.

It’s that time of the year that all bills must be paid!  All bills, books, school property must be returned by May 10th to receive your report card or diploma.  Parent Portal accounts will be deactivated on May 9th for those with outstanding bills.   Parents – please pay your bill ahead and avoid the rush!  May has 12 days for grades PK-11 and 10 days for seniors.   If you know that your child/children will be missing any days - subtract those days. Breakfast is $1.95 for PK-12; Lunch is $2.55 for PK-5th, and $2.80 for 6-12th.  Ala Carte items are still the same price.  Please multiply out what you anticipate your child will be eating, add that to the bill you will receive any day now.   Questions about your account – contact Gayle

The board meets at 4:00 today in the High School Computer Lab.  The agenda can be found at
         At this meeting, there will be a number of items discussed.  However, the board would like                             to highlight 2 main items. 

          First, the preschool program at the school is entertaining some scheduling changes with regard to attendance.  Also being discussed is the options of charging for preschool attendance.  The goal is to make a firm decision on the future of the preschool program. 

         The second item of interest is a resolution to seek an opt out in the amount of $600,000 to begin at the end of the current opt out.  The board wants to make sure all patrons are aware that seeking this opt out will NOT increase their taxes.  To accomplish this goal, the board will use capital outlay funds to offset the increase, thus not affecting taxes. 

       The board would like all interested patrons to attend this meeting and express thoughts, ideas, and concerns during the meeting on these issues.  In addition to the regularly scheduled meeting, the school board has set a special, informative meeting to provide further understanding to interested patrons, scheduled for Thursday, May 18th at 7:00 pm at the school.

8:15am – Friday – May 12th – Graduation Rehearsal (8th grade, seniors, Attendants) – SC Gym

8th grade – don’t forget to return your driver’s ed registration.  Forms with payment are due May 10th!  If anyone else needs a form, please stop in the office.

Semester tests begin this Friday!   Students with failing grades or missing assignments will need to be here all day testing days.  Other HS students may leave during blocks where tests aren’t given or the teacher allows.  Remember to sign in and out!

GraduationSaturday4:00pmSC Gym
Picture Schedule for Saturday – 2:00 Individual (8th & seniors) 3:00 8th grade class followed by Seniors
Picture order forms can be found at

Thursday, May 11th at 2:45 there will be a football meeting for all interested boys in grades 6-11.

Leaving at 7:50 tomorrow for the 281 Track Meet are: Logun F, Kayla O, Myah S, Catherine B, Sarah M, Weston B, Koby L, Abby V, Alex W, Sawyer S, Austin S, Ethan J, Eric R, Aiden W       Go Blackhawks!!!!

Leaving at 7:40 on Wednesday for the CBH Track Meet are: HS - Logun F, Kayla O, Myah S, Catherine B, Sarah M, Weston B, Koby L, Abby V, Alex W, Sawyer S, Austin S, Ethan J, Eric R, Aiden W      MS Teya M, Shania C, Dayton E, Teagan S, Noah W, Tryce S, Zach N

The schedule for the 5-8th vocal contest on May 11th can be found on our Google Drive in the music folder.

The Booster Club is looking for someone to take over the Concession Stand Supervisor position. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:  ordering supplies, preparing food, clean up after all home games, creating a worker schedule, etc.  If you are interested or have questions, please contact Roxann Larson at or 770-2077.   

 Softball practice in Letcher next Wednesday May 10th starting with U8 at 5:30, U10 at 6:00, U12 and U14 at 6:30.  If your jersey from last year has the lettering coming off, please bring it with you and it will be replaced at no charge. If you need a jersey or need a new size, please be ready to let us know that night also.  If you have not signed up yet and want to play, there is still time to do so.  Please show up to practice on the 10th.  We will hand out a practice schedule and game schedule that night.  Also, if you would like to order fan apparel, here is the order form to do so and they need turned in by May 10th to have them here timely.  If you have any questions, please contact Tara Morris at 999-9089, Jerome Evans at 999-9080 or Tambi Wormstadt at 770-3077. Thanks! 

Art/Let Summer Youth shirts are waiting to be ordered!  Orders due May 10th
Community Folder on our Google Drive is where you can find a form!

Attention Little League Baseball Players:   Practice on Sunday, May 7th in Artesian.  Rookies will practice from 5:00-6:00 and Minors will practice from 6:15-7:30.  If you have any questions call Joel Amick at 1-605-299-6517.  Your complete schedule can be found on our Google Drive – Forms and Publications – Community Folder

Please join us for an open house bridal shower
Jessica Schmit (future bride of Nathan Dawson) Bridal Shower
Sunday, May 21st at 1:30pm
Artesian Community Center.
They will be registering at Target, Bed Bath and Beyond,, and Bonnie's DeKor.

I Believe-We Believe-Memorial 5K Run/Walk
Registration Due Friday, May 26th
We will be doing a run/walk again this year during Letcher Alumni weekend. This year our walk will be for Childhood Cancer. We will be doing the event In Memory of Tanna and In Honor of Paisley King.
The run/walk will be held on Saturday June 10th at 10:00 a.m. in Letcher! We hope to see everyone there! If you would just like a shirt we still need you to fill out the form :) I will post the registration form on the page as well  - Be sure to like our Facebook Page
Registration Form

Tuesday – May 9th: Orange Day    HS 281 Track – Bus 7:50  
      Ducks vs. SF Christian 
     4/5th Field Trip           
Wednesday – May 10th: Blue Day          CBH JH/HS Track - Bus 7:40     
     Ducks vs. Salem  
     Drivers Ed Forms Due
Thursday – May 11th: Orange Day          HS Track @ Home  
     MS Vocal Contest 2:00pm     
    1-4th Declaim 8:30
Friday – May 12th: Blue Day     Blue Semester Tests 
    No Eligibility 
   Graduation practice 8:15
   Golf @ Plank
Saturday – May 13th – Graduation 4:00pm
Monday – May 15th – HS track @ Home       
   FFA Banquet @ SC        
  Orange Semester Testing
  Pre-School Celebration     
  No Chorus     
  2:00pm Upland Colony Graduation
Today’s Menu: Hamburger on a Bun – Sweet Potato Fries – Green Beans – Salad Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Mini Pancakes – Sausage Patty – Fruit Cup – Juice Choice – Milk Choice

Last but not least, I would say you should have big dreams, full dreams, not half dreams. You know, it's very simple. You can't put a large box in a small box. Well, you cannot put a full life in a small dream box. - ELIAS ZERHOUNI

Is there something you would like included in our e-news?   Just send the information to