Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 16, 2017

May 16, 2016
Last day!!!!
Good Luck to our golfers - Trevor Olson, Trent Kingsbury, Garrett Dean, Shaun Snedeker, Nick Snedeker, Cayden Slykhuis, Aaron Linke, Nathan Linke, Collin Schmiedt, Mike Schmiedt, Andrew Lindgren, Xavier Baysinger, Mariah Jost, Katie Schmit, Maddie Vermeluen, Samantha Dean, and Megan Linke at the 281 Conference meet today!

Congratulations to the final Rebel 100 Club recipients: Trey, Alex, Teagan, Sydney, Joshua, Cami, Tori, Brooklyn, Zayleigh, Sydney, Evan, Randy, Morgan, Bryce, and Ciara!  Layton Zoss was the $25 gift card winner and  Cody Slykhuis  was the $50 gift card winner.   We do believe that each and every one of our Rebels has great character!

The graduation pictures from Photography Unlimited are here.  Seniors – please pick yours up in the office if they weren’t sent home with a sibling.

Found after graduation – a cap with tassel.

Don’t forget that there is a special board meeting Thursday, May 18th at 7:00pm to discuss possible changes to our pre-school program and the opt out!

Our elementary students were provided with tickets to the 15th Annual Wessington Springs Foothills Rodeo (May 27th and May 28th).  Tickets were sent home with elementary students – MS students may stop in the office and pick theirs up if interested.  Please join us in thanking the sponsors F&M State Bank – Plank/White Lake, Horseshoe K Ranch, Hegg Insurance, Swenson Partnership, Weskota Manor Avera, and American Legion William-Fee Post #14.  

The Booster Club is looking for someone to take over the Concession Stand Supervisor position. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:  ordering supplies, preparing food, clean up after all home games, creating a worker schedule, etc.  If you are interested or have questions, please contact Roxann Larson at Roxann.Larson@k12.sd.us or 770-2077.   

Please join us for an open house bridal shower
Jessica Schmit (future bride of Nathan Dawson) Bridal Shower
Sunday, May 21st at 1:30pm
Artesian Community Center.
They will be registering at Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Amazon.com, and Bonnie's DeKor.

I Believe-We Believe-Memorial 5K Run/Walk
Registration Due Friday, May 26th
We will be doing a run/walk again this year during Letcher Alumni weekend. This year our walk will be for Childhood Cancer. We will be doing the event In Memory of Tanna and In Honor of Paisley King.  The run/walk will be held on Saturday June 10th at 10:00 a.m. in Letcher! We hope to see everyone there! If you would just like a shirt we still need you to fill out the form. I will post the registration form on the page as well  - Be sure to like our Facebook Page
Registration Form

Information regarding the Woonsocket Library Summer Reading Program is being sent home with students through 6th grade.  The kick off celebration will be held June 7th.  A registration form (due June 1st) can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxqWDgwTHOqeX1A4TkR2Q2ZUemM/view?usp=sharing

Wednesday – May 17th:  HS Track @ Springs 9:00am
Thursday – May 18th: Region Track @ DeSmet             
       Special Board Meeting 7:00pm

If you would like to have something included in the e-news feel free to send the information to sanborncentral@gmail.com .  We will do periodic blogs during the summer months!