Wednesday – May 10, 2017
Blue Day
May 12th all Computers and chargers must be returned to the labs and
put in their slots for check out purposes!
a reminder that our Rebel Character Counts Board will close on Friday at noon!
Just a warning – all school property and bills must be taken care
of before you will receive your report card or diploma! If Ms. Farrell-Poncelet’s list is an
indicator it’s huge!
Library Books Need to be returned or paid for. This morning there were 28 books not returned!
to our Golf team……At the Howard Invitational……Trevor Olson
placed 9th and Alissa Ball placed 8th. The Girls placed second as a team.
to Kayla Olson (VB) and Myah Selland (BB) for being selected to the Q107 Elite
The track
teams are off to the CBH Track meet today…..Lots of Luck!
The 3rd
grade is enjoying a visit with their Pen Pals today.
Good Luck
to the Ducks in their game against Salem today!
Drivers Ed
Forms are due today!
grade will report to Band at 11:35 today – non-band with Mrs. Coulthard and you
will have LA at 2:39.
Good Luck
to the elementary students presenting their declaim pieces tomorrow. (Grades 1-4 at 8:30)
It’s that
time of the year that all bills must be paid! All bills, books, school
property must be returned by May 10th to receive your
report card or diploma. Parent Portal accounts will be deactivated for
those with outstanding bills. Parents
– please pay your bill ahead and avoid the rush! May has 12 days for
grades PK-11 and 10 days for seniors. If you know that your
child/children will be missing any days - subtract those days. Breakfast is
$1.95 for PK-12; Lunch is $2.55 for PK-5th, and $2.80 for 6-12th.
Ala Carte items are still the same price. Please multiply out what you
anticipate your child will be eating, add that to the bill you will receive any
day now. Questions about your account – contact Gayle
& MS grades are due on report cards by 8:00am Monday, May 15th.
May 12th – final Semester tests for the year begin! Students with failing grades or missing
assignments will need to be here all day testing days. Other HS students may leave during blocks
where tests aren’t given or the teacher allows.
Remember to sign in and out!
– Friday – May 12th – Graduation Rehearsal (8th grade,
seniors, Attendants) – SC Gym
Graduation – Saturday
– 4:00pm – SC
Schedule for Saturday – 2:00 Individual (8th & seniors) 3:00 8th grade
class followed by Seniors
order forms can be found at
May 11th at 2:15 there will be a football meeting for all interested
boys in grades 6-11.
participating in the 5-8 Vocal Contest need to report to the music room at 2:15
tomorrow: Ayla M, Jaslyn S, Shania C, Isabella B, Kerstyn S, Tapanga H, Sidney
S, Logan S, Harley K, Ellie E, Casady D, Michael H, Emmie K, Dayton E, Ellie K,
Lily O, and Isaiah H
Summer Schedule has been uploaded to our Google Drive
Basketball Summer Schedule is out and about!
You can find it at
The FFA Banquet will
be held at Sanborn Central next Monday, May 15th starting at 6 p.m. The meal
will be a potluck with the following assignments: 9th/10th:
Main Dish and 11th/12th:
schedule for the 5-8th vocal contest on May 11th can be
found on our Google Drive in the music folder.
Booster Club is looking for someone to take over the Concession Stand
Supervisor position. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the
following: ordering supplies, preparing food, clean up after all home
games, creating a worker schedule, etc. If you are interested or have
questions, please contact Roxann Larson at or
Little League Baseball players – practice on Thursday will be in
Letcher due to new Agri Lime going on the Artesian Field.
practice in Letcher tonight starting with U8 at 5:30, U10 at 6:00, U12 and U14
at 6:30. If your jersey from last year
has the lettering coming off, please bring it with you and it will be replaced
at no charge. If you need a jersey or need a new size, please be ready to let
us know that night also. If you have not signed up yet and want to play,
there is still time to do so. Please show up to practice on the 10th.
We will hand out a practice schedule and game schedule that night. Also,
if you would like to order fan apparel, here is the order form to do so and
they need turned in by May 10th to have them here timely. If
you have any questions, please contact Tara Morris at 999-9089, Jerome Evans at
999-9080 or Tambi Wormstadt at 770-3077. Thanks!
Summer Youth shirts are waiting to be ordered! Orders due May 10th
Community Folder on our Google Drive is where you can find a form!
The Artesian
CIA will be holding a work night at the Artesian Baseball Diamonds on Thursday,
May 11 at 6:30pm. There will be two loads of agrilime that need to be hauled
and raked on the infield. Any extra hands willing to bring shovels or rakes
will be greatly appreciated!
Please join us for an open house
bridal shower
Jessica Schmit (future bride of Nathan Dawson) Bridal Shower
Sunday, May 21st at 1:30pm
Artesian Community Center.
They will
be registering at Target, Bed Bath and Beyond,, and Bonnie's DeKor.
I Believe-We Believe-Memorial
5K Run/Walk
Registration Due Friday, May 26th
We will be
doing a run/walk again this year during Letcher Alumni weekend. This year our
walk will be for Childhood Cancer. We will be doing the event In Memory of
Tanna and In Honor of Paisley King. The run/walk will be held on Saturday
June 10th at 10:00 a.m. in Letcher! We hope to see everyone there! If you would
just like a shirt we still need you to fill out the form
I will post the
registration form on the page as well
- Be sure to
like our Facebook Page

regarding the Woonsocket Library Summer Reading Program is being sent home with
students through 6th grade. The kick off celebration will be
held June 7th. A registration form (due June 1st)
can be found at
Cooperation Creating
Every Day Heroes
Sanborn County Farmers Union Day Camp
Tuesday – May 23, 2017
Ages 6-13
$5.00 includes Lunch
Registration due May 16th!
Thursday – May 11th: Orange Day
HS Track @ Home
MS Vocal Contest 2:00pm
1-4th Declaim
FB meeting at 2:15
Friday – May 12th: Blue Day Semester Tests No Eligibility
Graduation practice 8:15
Golf @ Plank
Saturday – May 13th – Graduation 4:00pm
Monday – May 15th: Orange Day Orange Testing
HS track @ Home
FFA Banquet @ SC 6:00
Pre-School Celebration-No 5-8
2:00pm Upland Colony Graduation EL/MS Grades by 8:00
Tuesday – May 16th:
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – 10:00 am Dismiss
281 Conference Golf
PK-6th Field Day
Today’s Menu: Pork Rib on a Bun – Tri-Tater – Mixed Vegetables – Salad
Bar – Fruit Choice - Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Strawberry PBJ or Chocolate Chip Waffle Rounds
Lunch: HS/MS Chicken Drumsticks
– Beef Sticks – Pork Rib – Ham & Cheese Sandwich EL Chicken Nuggets or Chicken Patty
Keep Calm and Graduate – Class of 2017
If you would like something included in our e-news, please send the
information to