Tuesday, March 14, 2017
March 14th Additions
Here's the link for the softball/baseball intent to play forms that was missed in the earlier blog! These are being sent home with students today.
Due back Thursday, March 16th!
and.......Don't forget to VOTE!!!!!!!
Kayla Olson has been nominated for the NIKE I am Sport Award. The athlete with the most votes win. You may vote once per day until March 30th. Here is a link to vote! http://argusleader.secondstreetapp.com/I-Am-Sport-Award/referrals/513d6c6d-5186-4b83-8125-8cf4943cde77
It's time to begin thinking about pre-school screening!!! If you have pre-schoolers at home or know of someone with small children, please check with Mary at 495-4183 or mary.ackman@k12.sd.us to make sure they are included in our list!