Thursday, November 17, 2016


Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow!  Thank a Lady Blackhawk!

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!  Santel will be streaming the State B tourney on their Special Events Channel 3!  Mitchell Telecom will be streaming the B's on Channel 402!

Theme Days for the Tourney are:
Thursday- Cowboy-Country Theme (Chosen by Woonsocket Student Body)
Friday- Secret-Agent Theme (Chosen by Sanborn Central Student Body)
Saturday- Everyone- BLACKHAWK DAY

 A meeting room at the YWCA on east side of crossroads has been reserved for a SOCIAL by the booster clubs for SC/W parents/players/fans on Thursday after the first session around 4:30PM. A taco bar from Taco Johns will be set up and socials for Friday and Saturday will be announced at a later time.  

SDPBS will be airing Saturday night’s games on TV.  You can watch live all 3 days at  as well as live game statistics, photos, social media and blog posts at that same website.

A WELCOME HOME CELEBRATION has been scheduled for 11:30AM on Sunday, November 20th, in the Woonsocket Gym.  A caravan will meet and escort the team from the 3 mile corner east of Woonsocket starting at 11:15AM.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to show support for our Blackhawk Girls Volleyball Team. 

There will be school on November 23rd with a 1:30 dismissal!