August 18, 2016
Blue Day
All packet forms
are due to Mary by Friday, August 26th.
Tomorrow is school
pride day!
JH/HS FB practice is at Woonsocket today.
7-12 VB practice is at Woonsocket today.
Gross will be hosting Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Informational
Night at SC to from 7pm – 8pm to inform parents about SAEs and the
opportunities that exist through maintaining a high quality project.
BREAKING NEWS: School will dismiss
at 12:30 on Friday, August 26th so that staff and students may
attend the SBA Football game which starts at 2:30. It’s an away game!
form is being sent home with students today that announces the early dismissal
on the 26th as well as needing volunteers on 9/9. We are attempting to allow our students to
attend/participate the Homecoming Parade in Woonsocket on September 9th. To make this happen a lot of volunteers are
needed. Please check out the form and
feel free to print it off and return it.
School pictures will be taken on Friday, August 19th. Elementary students – please give your form
to your teacher. MS & HS students be
sure to have your order form in your hand when you have your picture taken!
Yearbook alert!!!!!
have discovered much to our dismay, that some of the yearbooks have pages stuck
together! If you received yours already please go through it page by
page. If pages are stuck together, please return it to the school
immediately. Thank you - Mrs. Danek and Yearbook Staff
Need a Blackhawk
calendar – stop in the office!
Please remember to send a note
with any student whose afternoon drop off will not be the same place where they
were picked up! Do not assume that the school knows already
The free and reduced lunch forms
can be found in the Menu Folder on our Google drive and were placed in your
packet of forms. You may complete the forms and return to the school at
any time.
Qualified applications benefit
the school district financially in both education and food service through
federal funding.
All FFA members must log into the
Agricultural Experience Tracker (TheAET) ( and update their
Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) records. If a member does not
remember their username and password, they can contact Mr. Gross and he will
get them their information so they can get in. The minimum requirement
for this project is 40 hours worked over the summer entered into the online
system. A grade will be assigned for this after the first two full weeks
of school, August 26th. If a member or parent has questions,
please do not hesitate to email Mr. Gross at
Do you have a child in 5th or
6th grade? Want to play some B-Ball?
Check out the coach’s letter for extra practices!
Melon Festival
The 4th annual
Forestburg Melon Festival will be held on Saturday August 20th.
There will also be a car show again this year along with a bean bag tournament,
kid’s activities, a silent auction, raffles, live music by Scotty and the Melon
Heads and a pork loin supper. Gates will open at 4. For more
information and updates, please go to our Facebook page. For information
on camping, car show, and vending space, please call Adam Alt at 605-770-8512.
Hope to see you all there!
– August 19th: Orange Day
Pride Day
FB JH/HS – Woony 4:00
7-12 VB Woony 3:45
– August 20th: HS FB – Woony 8:00am
7-12 VB SC 9:00am
– August 22nd: Blue Day
HS/JH FB Woony 4:00
7-12 VB SC 3:45
– August 23rd: Orange Day
VB – V @ Hanson Tourney 6:45 – Bus 4:30
HS/JH FB @ Woony – 4:00
– August 24th: Blue Day
Sports Pictures – Woonsocket – 4:00pm
HS/JH FB Woony 4:00
7-12 VB @ SC 3:45
– August 25th: Varsity VB @
Hanson Tourney – Bus @ 4:30 – 6:45
Woony 4:00
Menu: Chicken Quesadilla – Whole Grain
Corn Tortilla Chips & Salsa – Corn – Refried Beans – Salad Bar – Fruit
choice – Milk Choice
Breakfast: Ultimate Breakfast Round –
Fruit Cup – Juice Choice – Milk choice