Monday, August 1, 2016

Attention 7-12 Football Players and Parents

We will be having a football camp for grades 6-7-8 on August 8th and 9th at the Woonsocket practice field.  Due to a scheduling conflict the times have changed for this camp:
·         August 8th – 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
·         August 9th – 9:00 am to 11:00 am
On August 8th, coaches will have meetings with players and parents and do equipment checkout at each school at following times:
·         Sanborn Central – 6:00 pm
·         Woonsocket – 6:45 pm
·         Wessington Springs – 7:30 pm.
If unable to attend, please let one of the coaches know.
High School begins practice August 11th.
7th-8th Grade begin practice August 15th.