Thursday, April 7, 2016

April 7th - FFA State Updates

In the event that a student hasn't brought the packet of forms for State Convention home, we have uploaded them to our Google Drive.  You can print them off at 


Students attending the State FFA Convention next week are: Dillon M, Garrett D, Austin S, Sawyer S, Madi M, Trent K, Abby V, Eric R, Alex W, Trevor O, Tyler J, Royce H, Kyle Z, Catherine B, and Sarah M.  Please notify Mr. Gross if you intend to get on the bus for State Convention anywhere other than the school where you are enrolled.  Pick up sites are Woonsocket, Sanborn Central, and Artesian.

On Sunday April 10th we will start bag checks at Woonsocket at 11: 50 a.m. and plan to leave by 12:10 p.m. We will then stop at Sanborn Central and plan to leave there by 12:30 p.m. and finally stop at Artesian and plan to leave there by 1:00 p.m.

Members have received a packet with forms that must be signed and the rules for State Convention.  Some of these must be provided in duplicate.  There are extra copies in the packet for those forms that must be provided in duplicate.