Friday, April 1, 2016

April 1, 2016

Friday – April 1, 2016
Orange Day
Happy Birthday Sunday to Layton Z, Mason Moody, and Bryce Larson!   July 1st is Mrs. Sanderson’s special day, and Aiden Wormstadt will celebrate July 2nd!

Congratulations to the PEP Healthy Living/Healthy Eating Poster contest Winners: K-4 Cami Edwards and 5-8 Destiny Moe.  Posters will be sent on to create a calendar!  You have made us Rebel Proud!

JH/HS Track at home today.

U10 will practice at 5:30 today with U12 practicing at 6:30 today.

The gym will be off limits due to prom decorating today.  Due to the wet conditions outside – there will be no PE.   MS students bring work to study hall!

U10/U12 practice is still scheduled for 5:30 today in Forestburg, but if it starts raining today we will move practice to the Artesian gym due to the prom using the gym. I will text parents with the changes today after lunch today. Thanks Coach Uecker

Have you picked up your prom T-shirt from Mrs. T Moody?

For Post Prom: students and dates should bring a white or neon shirt to wear for the laser tag, we will see how glow in the dark works.

Prom details: Freshmen pictures = 3:00-3:30, Juniors = 3:30-4:00, Seniors = 4:00-4:30, Sophomores = 4:30-5:00 with class pictures at the beginning of each session.  Doors open at 7:30 (Grand march arranged in band room at 7:50) Grand March at 8:00 Family/Friend pictures opportunity.  Dance 9:00-12:00

Seniors – Upcoming Scholarship dates: 
April 1st - Huron Chamber & Visitor Bureau, SDATAT, Cattlemen’s Foundation, CHS Scholarship
April 8th - Mark Nelson, Frank & Faye Peters 
April 22nd - Conservation Scholarship

Wednesday, April 6th – Golf & Track Pictures at Woonsocket.  Golf Pictures at 2:30 (Dillon M, Garrett D, Trevor O, Trent K).  The track bus leaves at 2:40PM with Track Pictures at 2:50PM.  Track practice will be in Woony.  Members are Abby V, Catherine B, Kayla O, Maddie V, Sarah M, Chloe D, Katie S, Samantha D, Cassidy S, Austin S, Sawyer S, Koby L, Weston B, Logun F, Alex W, Aiden W, Cayden S, and Tater M

Coach Weber's Round-Ball Camp will be held on Thursday, May 26 for students in grades 2nd - 8th next year.  Camp forms can be found on the Google Drive in the Basketball Folder.  Forms are due by Friday, April 22nd so the shirts can be ordered in time for the camp. 

Little League Baseball/Softball Sign Up sheets will be sent home with students today.  Please complete the form and return to Mary by Friday, April 1st

We are proud to announce that Tanna is the main memory kid for this year's Results Radio Cure Kids Cancer Radiothon. Last December our family was interviewed by Results Radio so they could make montages in Tanna honor. All four radio station made their own montages from the interview. They will be played many times throughout Thursday and Friday. They also made 2 snippets: one titled State Tourney and one titled Community support. Each radio station picked a different song and it will only be played on their radio station. So if you would like to hear them all you might have to listen to all four thought the days. Snippets are the same and will be played on all stations. We will also be attending the Radiothon on Friday and will be interviewed on all stations. Here are the times and stations for our interviews: Mix 97.3 @12:10, Hot 104.7@12:18, B102.7@12:40, KIKN 100.5@12:50. We do know that all montages will be played before each of our interviews. I have heard a couple of the montages and they are an awesome tribute to Tanna. I will warn you to have a couple of boxes of Kleenex handy. Thank you again to everyone for the support you have showed our family We Believe...Kingsbury Family

Saturday – April 2nd: Prom – Pictures @ 3:00 Grand March @ 8:00
Monday – April 4th: 5th Science Testing – 8:15 MS Lab
                             JH/HS Joint Track SC
                             U10 Practice 5:30     U12 Practice 6:30
Tuesday – April 5th: HS Track @ Parkston Bus @ 12:45
                              U6 Practice @ 5:30   U8 Practice @ 6:30
                              MS/HS Tutoring
Wednesday – April 6th: Track & Golf Pictures
                              WWTS 1st Lutheran – Artesian 5:30
                              5th Science Testing 8:15 – MS Lab
                             JH/HS Track @ Woony
Thursday – April 7th:  Hanson 3-on-3 deadline
                             8th Science Testing 8:15
                            JH/HS Track Practice @ home
                            U6 practice 5:30    U8 practice 6:30
                            Elementary Tutoring
Friday – April 8th:  11th Science Testing 8:15
                            U10 at 5:30 U12 at 6:30
                            JH/HS Practice at Home
                            Baseball vs. Tri-Valley at Hanson 6:00
Saturday – April 9th: Area Conservation Speech Contest – Huron
Today’s Menu: Pork Rib on a Bun – Tri-Tater – Mixed Vegetables – Salad Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice

Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance? Anonymous

If there is something you would like included in our e-news, please e-mail us at