Monday –
November 23, 2015
Blue Day
Happy Birthday
Austin Schmit!
Sanborn Central
extends our deepest condolences to Dani Johnson and family with the passing of
her grandmother over our long weekend.
Congratulations to our Quiz Bowl team for a 3-2 victory
over Mt. Vernon last week. They will be
playing again at 10:20 on the 30th.
You can listen to the past matches at
to Samantha Dean and Katie Schmit for being selected for Junior High Honor
Band. We will be leaving tomorrow (Tuesday Nov. 24th) from Woonsocket at
6:30am. The Concert is at 2:30pm in the Platte Armory. Students need to be
dressed in concert dress clothes all day. Lunch is $6. We will arrive back
around 5pm.
to the HS students who will be attending the Honor Band on November 30th
– Devin G, Renee F, Breanne B, Adriana S.
Lady Blackhawks – We are so proud of your great performance at the
State Volleyball Tournament this weekend!
CBH All-Conference: 1st team - Myah Selland, 2nd team -
Tayla Weber & Bailey Moody, 3rd Team - Maddie Vermeulen,
Honorable Mention - McKenzy Peterson.
281 All-Conference: 1st team - Myah Selland & Tayla Weber,
2nd team - Bailey Moody, Honorable Mention - Maddie Vermeulen. State B All-Tourney Team: Myah
Selland. State B Stats: Myah
averaged 6.64 kills per set which puts her second all-time in the state B
record book while also leading the tourney with 12 solo blocks. Bailey
and Kayla were both in the top 10 with assists and Maddie was second in the
tourney with seven ace serves. Bailey
ends her volleyball career with 1,100 assists. Myah collected her 1,000
kill during the match with Phillip
and she now has 1,043 kills.
And now you know why!
There will be a football banquet and awards night at the
Woonsocket Gym on Monday, November 23rd for all JH/HS FB players, parents, and
fans at 6:30PM. We ask parents to bring
the following if possible:
grade parents – hotdish/main entrée
11th grade
parents – salad
12th grade
parents – dessert
are providing some chicken
will provide plates, silverware, napkins, cups and drinks
Due to the Football Awards night in Woony, there will no boys open
gym tonight.
A rep from SDSU will visit SC
tomorrow at 11:30 for any interested Juniors and Seniors.
accommodate for lost time, we will have school on November 25th with a 1:30
dismissal, December 22nd we will have a full day of school, December 23rd we
will dismiss at 11:00 for Christmas Break.
November 25th and November 30th are both Blue
Mrs. Moody will be taking all freshmen and
sophomores to Sanford Research Lab tomorrow. We will leave at 8:00
and be back before the buses leave. Students and chaperones MUST have
signed form to go so that means as of right now: Mrs. Moody, Renee Farmer, Royce Hunter, Madi
Moody, Tristan Thomas, Araya White, Catherine Bechen and Sarah Morgan are the
only ones going! No consent form,
no trip!
We hope to see Ms. Johnson at SC on Wednesday,
November 25th.
The schedule for the 3rd
& 4th Basketball has been uploaded to our Google Drive in the
Basketball Folder
Information regarding the December 5th JH Boys
Basketball Tournament can be found at
A schedule for all basketball 7-12 G/B can be found at
Springs FFA is hosting a Donkey Basketball tournament on December 4th at 7 p.m.
in the W.S. gym. Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA will be taking on W.S.
FFA in the first round. Second round matches the W.S. staff against the FFA
alumni. The winner of each round will then face off in a championship
game. The community is welcomed and encouraged to attend and cheer on
their team. Advance tickets are $6, tickets at the door are $8, and
pre-schoolers get in free. All proceeds will be donated to the food
pantry. FFA Members, please talk to Mr. Gross if you are interested in
being on our FFA Donkey Basketball team. You must be older than 16 and
weigh less than 225 lbs.
Have you paid
your FFA dues - $20?
The Sanborn
Central fruit delivery will be Dec. 8th at 7:30 a.m. It is a Blue Day
food fundraisers are due Wednesday Nov. 25th
There will be no band or lessons on Monday,
November 30th.
To honor Tanna’s incredible spirit and “never give up” attitude, Boyd
& Dody Hopkins and family have generously offered to match any monies
raised up to $50,000 toward a scholarship in memory of Tanna. The monies raised
will be placed in a perpetual fund within the South Dakota Community Foundation
in Pierre and the interest earned on this fund will be distributed every year
to Sanborn Central’s graduating seniors.
We are more than half way to the goal!!
I am conducting a Pampered Chef fundraiser for this great cause that honors Tanna!!
If there are less than $600 in sales before tax, Pampered Chef will donate 10% to the scholarship foundation. If there is $600 or more in orders, 15% of the sales will be donated. Now is a great time to do some holiday shopping!!
There will be catalogs and order forms in the school office. You can also check out the face book event at
Feel free to browse on line, but all orders need to be
placed through Jo Oberg or the school to go through the fund
We have uploaded an order form to our Google Drive in the Community
Please turn in orders to the school or you can send a message to me with your order. If you need my email or phone number, contact me through messenger and I will try to get back to you as quickly as possible.
Together, we can make a great impact for future scholarships for Sanborn Central graduates!!!
Jo Oberg
Scholarship Info
Tuesday – November 24th: JH GB @ SC – BB Open
Gym & JHB @ Woony
Freshman & Sophomore Science to Sanford
5-8 Declaim 8:30
JH Honors Band
SDSU Rep 11:30
Wednesday – November 25th: Blue Day – 1:30
GB 1:45 – SC BB Open Gym & JH BB practice – Woony
Thursday – November 26th: Happy Thanksgiving
Friday – November 27th: No School
Saturday – November 28th:3/4th Ball
– 10:00am – Boys @ Woony – Girls @ SC
Sunday – November 29th: GB @ SC – 3:30
Monday – November 30th: GB @ W --- BB @ SC
Quiz Bowl – 10:20
HS Honor Band
GB @ W --- BB @ SC
Today’s Menu: Chicken Nuggets – Mashed Potatoes/Gravy –
Corn – Salad Bar – Wheat Roll & Jelly (6-12) Fruit Choice Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Cereal – String Cheese – Fruit Cup
– Juice Choice – Milk Choice
Menu: Hamburger on a Bun – Sweet Potato Fries – Green
Beans – Salad Bar – Whole Grain Rice Crispy bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Thanksgiving is possible only for those who take time to remember; no
one can give thanks who has a short memory. ~Author Unknown