Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18th (SC District Parents)

TO: Sanborn Central District Parents

Staff have created packets for students to complete at home. Some staff have also given assignments online. Students please check your Google classroom on a consistent basis. It is important to complete these assignments in order for your child’s education to continue during this 4th quarter. Staff members will be disseminating assignments through various methods.

Paper packets will be predominate in the lower grades.

Assignments, books, computers, and packets can be picked up on Monday, March 23 in the commons. The only entrance to the building will be through the common's door (East entrance.)  Please bring any previously assigned homework to be handed in on this day.  All teachers classrooms will be off limits at this time and we ask that your pickup be done in a timely manner (5-10 minutes).  MS student will be allowed to take home a computer to complete work.  After this point, the school will continue to remain locked to all nonessential personnel.
The schedule below outlines the timeframe in which each grade level is allowed to come to school to pick up necessary materials for the week.  Each student will also be provided with two lunches free of charge.  Those who receive snackpacks will also receive those at this time.

9:00-10:00 High School students
10:00-11:00 Middle School students
11:00-12:00 PreK-2
12:00-1:00 3-5

We understand some families have students in multiple levels, therefore, choose a time which works for you. The school will lock at 1:30 with no further admittance. The school district and food personnel are communicating with the state regarding the possibility of providing a couple of meals which would be available for pick up on Monday as well.

You will be receiving one week’s of assignments. These assignments are due March 30.  If we are not in session, you will receive a second weeks of assignments. The computers are property of the school, any damage during the closing of school will be the responsibility of the parent.
All teachers can be reached by emailing their K-12 account (first

Should further closures be necessary, the district will make decisions based upon recommendations from the South Dakota Department of Education and Governor Noem.
Information will be distributed as it is made available to the district.

*Family Literacy Night on March 26th has been postponed.

*Senior Presentation are postponed.  A new date will be determined at a later time.

*Due to the unpredictable school schedule and safety issues, pre-school screening will be held in August 2020.

Teacher notes and information
All Ag students, make sure you are checking your e-mails and Google classroom for updates and assignments.
  • Plant Science students, you will be taking your spider plants home on Monday when you pick up your items from school. This will go along with your assignment for the week. 
  • If for some reason, you are not on Google Classroom or do not have the code - please e-mail Miss. Ronning ASAP!
  • 7th Grade Ag - please make sure you join '7th Grade Ag' in Google Classroom. 
    • This is the code: p3gnk2m
All HS Science students go to the McGraw Hill website.  Your assignments and messages will be posted there.  Feel free to call or text Mrs. Moody with any questions at 605-770-4772

Mrs. Wilson's students-check google classroom for assignments and videos.  If you have any questions please call, text or e-mail. or 605-999-4209

Mr. Flatten's classes will take place via Google Classroom.  Students already have access to the classroom and are familiar with procedures besides Weight Training. These students should look at their email to join the classroom for assignments and workouts.  If a student does not have access to internet, please notify Mr. Flatten and arrangements will be made.  Please come Monday to pick up all textbooks as they will be utilized for assignments.  If a parent/student has any questions, they can email, text, or call Mr. Flatten.  Email:  Cell: 605-880-9859

Here are a couple of music resources for students to experiment with and enjoy:
Elementary: PBS Kids Music Games
Middle/Junior High/High School:  Chrome Music Lab 

Comcast Opens Xfinity WiFi Network Nationally for Free -

Xfinity WiFi Free For Everyone: Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country will be available to anyone who needs them for free – including non-Xfinity Internet subscribers. For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, visit Once at a hotspot, consumers should select the “xfinitywifi” network name in the list of available hotspots and then launch a browser.

AT&T -
Consistent with FCC Chairman Pai’s “Keep Americans Connected Pledge” announced today and concerns raised by members of Congress, which we share, AT&T is proud to support our customers by pledging that, for the next 60 days (as of March 13, 2020), we will Keep our public Wi-Fi hotspots open for any American who needs them.

T-Mobile -
T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile customers on our current plans with limited data with data will automatically have unlimited smartphone data for the next 60 days (excluding roaming). No action required.

Sports Information
Congratulations to the girls on winning the 281 conference regular season title.
 to the following girls on making all-conference:
1st team - Trista White
2nd team - Trinity Boschee
3rd team - Kaylee White
Honorable mention - Brooke Doering