Sunday, March 22, 2020

March 22, 2020 Update

Attention all students and families of Sanborn Central School District:

We want to take this time to remind everyone of the plan to pick up all your student's school materials and two sack lunches on Monday, March 23rd.  The times associated with pick up are in the list below:

9:00 - 10:00  -  High School Students
10:00 - 11:00  -  Middle School Students
11:00 - 12:00  -  PreK - 2nd grade
12:00 - 1:00  -  3rd grade - 5th grade

Reminders about the pick up:  If you have students in multiple grade levels, it is ok to come and pick their materials and lunches up at a single time.  We are going to do our best to limit needed access into the hallways, but if your student absolutely needs to get to their lockers, we will allow that, but it will be for a short time and the amount of students allowed at a given time will be monitored (PLEASE BE PAITENT).  If you do not wish to enter the school to pick up your student's materials and lunches, please call the school (495-4183) and let us know.  Someone will then bring your child's materials out to you.  If you have classwork to be turned in from BEFORE we had the school closure, please let your teachers know when you are here for pick up.  

Reminders for students:  Please make sure you are checking and responding to your teachers during this time to make sure you are receiving the classwork.  If this is an issue, please let someone at the school, either Mr. Siemsen or Mrs. Vermeulen, know and we can help make sure you get what is needed.  Do not procrastinate do your assigned work.  If we are out of school longer, more assignments will be given and it will start to pile up and become overwhelming!  Just do a little each day and you will have no problem completing it.  If you have any questions, please contact your teachers and they will get back to you as soon as possible.

Once we have been given guidance and information regarding the upcoming weeks regarding schools opening up or not, we will provide those updates via the blog and Facebook page as well as the messages on the phone, email, and text.  We are cautiously optimistic that we will indeed be in school March 30th, as is intended.  However, we will follow all the information given by our governmental leadership.  We have plans in place for providing more work and meals for the students beyond this week, and will provide updates with the plans to all should the need arise.  

Please be safe and take care of one another during this difficult time.  

Justin Siemsen, Superintendent
Connie Vermeulen, PreK - 8th Principal

Staff of Sanborn Central School District