Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017

Monday – May 15, 2017
Orange Day
May birthdays yet to celebrate include – Mrs. Farmer on May 17th; Whitney Adams and Ava Bornitz on May 22nd; Mrs. R Moody on May 23rd; Renee Farmer on May 24th; Isabella Bitterman on May 26th; Ms. Farrell-Poncelet and Michael Hoffman on May 28th; and Mr. Harless on May 30th.

Congratulations to our 8th grade students at the Upland Colony School – their graduation ceremony is at 2:00 this afternoon.

Congratulations to Teya Moody and Mason Moody – National JH Rodeo Qualifiers!  Teya Qualified in barrels, Mason in bareback riding, and as a team in ribbon roping.  Nationals are in Lebanon, Tn June 18-24th.  We are so proud of you two!

Everything in the Locker room needs to be out today or it will go in the garbage!

Track………..May 15th practice will be at 11:15 for SC athletes.  May 16th practice will be at 10:00 for SC athletes & May 17th there will be a joint practice at Wessington Springs at 9:00 a.m.

Volleyball Summer Schedule has been uploaded to our Google Drive

Boys Basketball Summer Schedule is out and about!  You can find it at

Pending the weather, the SC elementary Track/Field day schedule may be adjusted with fewer scheduled activities.  If it is raining tomorrow morning, r. McCain will be facilitating stations in the gym.

REMINDER: The FFA Banquet will be held tonight at Sanborn Central!!!! The potluck starts at 6 p.m. 9th/10th: Main Dish and 11th/12th: Salad/Desserts

The Booster Club is looking for someone to take over the Concession Stand Supervisor position. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:  ordering supplies, preparing food, clean up after all home games, creating a worker schedule, etc.  If you are interested or have questions, please contact Roxann Larson at or 770-2077.   

Please join us for an open house bridal shower
Jessica Schmit (future bride of Nathan Dawson) Bridal Shower
Sunday, May 21st at 1:30pm
Artesian Community Center.
They will be registering at Target, Bed Bath and Beyond,, and Bonnie's DeKor.

I Believe-We Believe-Memorial 5K Run/Walk
Registration Due Friday, May 26th
We will be doing a run/walk again this year during Letcher Alumni weekend. This year our walk will be for Childhood Cancer. We will be doing the event In Memory of Tanna and In Honor of Paisley King.  The run/walk will be held on Saturday June 10th at 10:00 a.m. in Letcher! We hope to see everyone there! If you would just like a shirt we still need you to fill out the form  I will post the registration form on the page as well  - Be sure to like our Facebook Page
Registration Form

Information regarding the Woonsocket Library Summer Reading Program is being sent home with students through 6th grade.  The kick off celebration will be held June 7th.  A registration form (due June 1st) can be found at

Cooperation Creating Every Day Heroes
Sanborn County Farmers Union Day Camp
Tuesday – May 23, 2017
Ages 6-13
$5.00 includes Lunch
Registration due May 16th!

Tuesday – May 16th:  LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – 10:00 am Dismiss  
         281 Conference Golf 
         PK-6th Field Day      
         Staff Check Out 10:30 or later    
         HS Track @ SC 10:00
Wednesday – May 17th:  HS Track @ Springs 9:00am
Thursday – May 18th: Region Track @ DeSmet      
        Special Board Meeting 7:00pm

Today’s Lunch is Hamburger – Corn Dog – Hot Dog – Ham & Cheese Sandwiches

And that’s all there is from us for this school year!

Painful though parting be, I bow to you as I see you off to distant clouds.
Emperor Saga

If you would like to have something included in the e-news feel free to send the information to .  We will do periodic blogs during the summer months!