Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 8, 2016

Thursday – September 8, 2016
Blue Day
Eligibility will be run at noon today!  Please make sure you let the office know when you are posted.  MS Updates are also due at noon today!!!!

Good Luck Lady Blackhawks as Mitchell Christian travels to the Blackhawk Court!  The 6th VB players will scrimmage starting at 5:00 (I had posted earlier that it was JH – but it’s just the 6th) followed by JV and Varsity at 6:30.   You can watch on our Santel Channel 107!!! Ticket takers are R Moody & Moore.

Concession stand workers for tonight’s VB game are: Jim and Lynell Jessen, Lincoln and Vickie Fox, Clark and Sarah Slykhuis, Mark and Kate Schelske – Sorry for the late notice

HS Students – Josten packets are due today!!!

HS/JH Football at Woony today.

Tutoring meets tonight!  Remember on Tuesday and Thursday’s until 5:15!!

There will be a Character Rebel 200 Club meeting Tuesday, September 15th at 7:45 in the Board Room – Come One – Come all

HEALTH SCREENINGS!!!!!!  Health screenings for students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, and 10th will begin next week.  In your packet of forms there should have been a Parental Notification form.  If you do not want your child screened, or you want them screened but the screening results not released to school personnel a form need to be signed and returned.  If you don’t remember completing the form a copy of the form can be found at
High School Activities tomorrow!!!
8:15- Pep Rally
8:30- 9:45 Dodgeball Tourney or Video Games/Movies in the classroom & HS computer lab
10:00- 10:45 Powder Puff Football or remaining in the classroom for previous activities.
11:00 Band Members eat – following the band the remaining HS students will eat. 

Any HS student that is not in band, and not in the homecoming court, can leave once they eat.  If they are waiting for the bus to take them home, then they will be gathered in a classroom to stay until the students are back from the parade and are bussed home.

MS Activities for tomorrow:
8:15 Pep Rally – Create Signage for the parade, stations (Bean Bags, Old Man Golf, Flag FB, etc).
11:00 Band Members eat – following the HS students the MS students will eat

Approximately 11:20 the Elementary students will eat.

MS and EL students and staff will board the bus at 12:00 for Woonsocket on Friday.

We are anticipating the route busses will run at approximately 2:30

Congratulations Blackhawk Cross Country Team!!!  ​Results from the 281 meet yesterday:  Varsity Boys 3rd Place as a team - 6th Spens, 12th Austin, 18th Malachi.  Varsity Girls 3rd Place as a team - 1st Sydney, 12th Trinity, 13th Megan.  JV Boys - 8th Tater, 13th Braxton, 18th Brayden

The Woonsocket Boosters are sponsoring a Tailgate Party before the Football game with Deubrook. See the Flyer for more info

The CBH VB Tourney on Saturday finds the Blackhawks playing MVP at 2:00 in the Den.  The bus will leave SC at noon and 12:15 from Woony. The full bracket can be found at

On Monday, September 12th we will be attending JH and JV jamboree at Mt. Vernon.  The bus will leave WS at 2:15 pm.  We will pick up Woonsocket and Sanborn Central players in Woonsocket at 2:30 pm and then on to Mt. Vernon.  The varsity will practice at 4:00 pm in Woonsocket that day.

Marching Band - The marching band will not be going to Platte next Friday Sep. 16th. Instead, we will be having an all day camp at Woonsocket from 9am to 3pm to finish learning our routine for parade.

5th Grade- Beginning Band - The 5th grade students have been learning about the instruments the last few weeks. This week, they will be trying out all the different band instruments. At the end of the week, I will be sending home a letter about 5th grade band and what instrument they were most successful on.

Next week Tuesday Sep. 13th, Dave Williams will be in the Woonsocket for an instrument showcase from 6pm to 8pm. Stop by and get your student an instrument and then stick around to support your Blackhawks volleyball!!

WANTED:  Mrs. Danek is in search of a steamer (to use on bride maid dresses) that she could borrow for a few days this week.

Friday – September 9th: Orange Day
                     FB vs. Deubrook @ Woony 7:00pm
                     Route Busses running at approximately 2:30 – Tailgate Party at 6:00
                     Blood Drive
Saturday – September 10th:  VB CBH Tourney – Bus at Noon
                      JH FB Jamboree at Parkston
Monday – September 12th:  Blue Day
                      MVP JH/JV FB Jamboree 4:00 – Bus from Woony 2:30
                      9-12 VB Woony     JH VB @ SC
                      HS FB @ Woony
                      Health Screenings
                      School Board meets
Tuesday – September 13th:  Orange Day
                      VB vs. Springs @ Woony JH/JV/V   5:15 – Pep Band
                      Cross Country @ Arlington Bus @ 1:30
                      HS/JH FB @ Woony
                     Character Club Meeting 7:45
Wednesday – September 14th:  Blue Day
                    WWTS Artesian
                    9-12 VB Woony      JH VB SC
                   HS/JH FB @ Woony
Thursday – September 15th:  Orange Day
                   12:30 Dismiss
                   Parent-Teacher Conferences 2:00-7:00
                   HS/JH FB @ SC 4:00
                   9-12 VB 6:15 – Woony
Today’s Menu:     Menu: Pizza – Mixed Vegetables – Salad Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast:  Cereal – String Cheese – Fruit Cup – Juice Choice – Milk Choice

Homecoming means football, floats, and fun. ~Author Unknown

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