Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November 24, 2015

Tuesday – November 24, 2015
Orange Day - Tutoring
Happy Birthday Mrs. Ogle!

Good Luck to our 5th thru 8th Declaim Participants this morning.

The representative from SDSU will be here at 11:30 to visit with any interested Juniors and Seniors.

We hope to see Ms. Johnson at SC on Wednesday, November 25th.

To accommodate for lost time, we will have school on November 25th with a 1:30 dismissal, December 22nd we will have a full day of school, December 23rd we will dismiss at 11:00 for Christmas Break.  November 25th and November 30th are both Blue Days.

Student Loan Finance Corporation (SLFC) and iHELP Student Loans are proud to announce we are once again offering random draw scholarships to South Dakota high school seniors.  See Mary for more info

The schedule for the 3rd & 4th Basketball has been uploaded to our Google Drive in the Basketball Folder

Information regarding the December 5th JH Boys Basketball Tournament can be found at

A schedule for all basketball 7-12 G/B can be found at

6th Grade Girls Traveling Basketball Team Practices:
Saturday at SC after the 3rd/4th Grade practice so about 11AM. 
Tuesday, December at Woony after GB Practice so like 6:00ish.
Friday, December 4th at Woony after GB Practice 6:00ish. 


Wessington Springs FFA is hosting a Donkey Basketball tournament on December 4th at 7 p.m. in the W.S. gym.  Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA will be taking on W.S. FFA in the first round. Second round matches the W.S. staff against the FFA alumni.  The winner of each round will then face off in a championship game.  The community is welcomed and encouraged to attend and cheer on their team. Advance tickets are $6, tickets at the door are $8, and pre-schoolers get in free.  All proceeds will be donated to the food pantry.  FFA Members, please talk to Mr. Gross if you are interested in being on our FFA Donkey Basketball team.  You must be older than 16 and weigh less than 225 lbs.

Have you paid your FFA dues - $20?

The Sanborn Central fruit delivery will be Dec. 8th at 7:30 a.m.  It is a Blue Day

 The Woonsocket Parent Group is selling hats, gloves, scarves.  If you are interested in purchasing any – here is the link to the order form.  Orders are due next Wednesday, December 2nd

Band food fundraisers are due Wednesday Nov. 25th

There will be no band or lessons on Monday, November 30th.

HS Honors Band - We will be leaving from Woonsocket at 6:30am Monday Nov 30th. Concert will be in the Gregory Memorial Auditorium at 6:30pm. Admission will be $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for students. Meals are $10 for the day. Students can bring concert dress clothes to change into after supper. We will arrive back around 10pm.


The Scholarship Foundation has some exciting news!  They will be conducting a silent auction for 2 sets of Dakota Wesleyan Sport Passes (2 Seats each).  The auction will begin today and end at noon on December 4th.  Bids may be sent to Candi Danek at candi.danek@k12.sd.us     Please put AUCTION in the subject line!  What a way to support our Scholarship Foundation and see some great basketball at the same time.  Watch the e-news for the current top bids daily!

Pampered Chef Deadline Approaching
To honor Tanna’s incredible spirit and “never give up” attitude, Boyd & Dody Hopkins and family have generously offered to match any monies raised up to $50,000 toward a scholarship in memory of Tanna. The monies raised will be placed in a perpetual fund within the South Dakota Community Foundation in Pierre and the interest earned on this fund will be distributed every year to Sanborn Central’s graduating seniors.

We are more than half way to the goal!!

I am conducting a Pampered Chef fundraiser for this great cause that honors Tanna!!

If there are less than $600 in sales before tax, Pampered Chef will donate 10% to the scholarship foundation. If there is $600 or more in orders, 15% of the sales will be donated. Now is a great time to do some holiday shopping!!

There will be catalogs and order forms in the school office. You can also check out the face book event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1643957459219330/

Feel free to browse on line, but all orders need to be placed through Jo Oberg or the school to go through the fund raiser.    https://www.pamperedchef.com/
We have uploaded an order form to our Google Drive in the Community folder

Please turn in orders to the school or you can send a message to me with your order. If you need my email or phone number, contact me through messenger and I will try to get back to you as quickly as possible. 

Together, we can make a great impact for future scholarships for Sanborn Central graduates!!!
Jo Oberg

Scholarship Info
Student Loan Finance Corporation (SLFC) and iHELP Student Loans are proud to announce we are once again offering random draw scholarships to South Dakota high school seniors. We will be awarding five $1,000 scholarships to South Dakota high school seniors that are attending a college, university or technical institute in the 2016-2017 academic year.  These scholarships are good for any school in any state!  Every scholarship application will be automatically entered into a drawing for a free iPad.
The applicants are responsible for submitting scholarships to SLFC.  The scholarship winners will be chosen at random.  The criterion to qualify for the $1,000 scholarship is that the applicant must be: 1) a high school senior for the 2015/2016 academic year, 2) scholarship will be applied to 2016/2017 academic year cost of education and 3) not on academic probation.  
Below is a link for the scholarship application form that the student must complete to be eligible and return to SLFC.  They can email the completed form to loans@slfc.com or email the form to iHELP Scholarship, Student Loan Finance Corporation, 124 South First Street, Aberdeen, SD  57401-4107.  Postmark deadline is March 31, 2016. 
We also offer college planning services on our web site, http://www.ihelploan.com/cps/ which helps students in planning for college.  This information on this site is design for students from grades 8-12.  If you have questions or would like to learn more feel free to contact me by phone or email.  I look forward to hearing from you! 

Thank You,
Craig Green
Marketing Manager
P: 605-622-4507

We will begin the 2016 4-H Shooting Sports season with a sign-up/safety night on Monday, December 7th.  We will complete sign-up/registration, get information out, questions answered, and safety training done for the majority of the shooters prior to us starting our regular practices.   

All disciplines and all ages have to complete the safety training.  Seniors and older junior members will be asked to assist with beginners during the safety training.  Juniors and seniors will also have the opportunity to take the safety test that day if they feel they are ready.  Beginners should probably wait a little longer to be better prepared for the test, but will also have the option to take it if they feel they are ready.   

At least one parent should plan to attend with the shooters.  We will talking about the schedule, explaining how the Match Shoots and state qualification works, discussing County Shoot placing determination, and options for 22 Rifle & Pistol for junior & senior members. 

Shooting Sports practice will begin on Sunday, January 3rd at 2 pm and regular practice will run 2-6 each Sunday.  You are not required to be at every practice…pick the days that work for you, and also pick the time that works for you…that may be 2-6 or 2-4 or 3-5 or 4-6. 

Special note – we will offer seniors and older junior members (which sometimes may include a younger family member) the option to come an hour earlier than the regular shooting time to allow them to get some shooting done ahead of the busyness that comes with beginners, younger junior shooters, and new shooters.  If you receive a text alerting you of the earlier time, you may come an hour early; otherwise, please come at the regular start time or later.  

Plan for Monday, Dec 7th is as follows:
6:30-7:00 Complete enrollment paperwork and 4-H online registration
6:30-7:00 Supper available!!
7:00-8:00 Safety training and information

I have attached the registration forms so these can be completed and ready when you get there.  Cost for registration is $15 per shooter.  Checks can be made out to Sanborn County Shooting Sports. 

Note…we want to have as many shooters as possible at the Dec 7th session – but if you can’t make it, just let me know wand we will schedule the safety training at one of the Sunday sessions. 

If you know of someone new interested in 4-H Shooting Sports, please pass on the information. 
Paula Linke    plinke@santel.net

Wednesday – November 25th: Blue Day – 1:30 Dismiss
                      GB 1:45 – SC     BB Open Gym & JH BB practice – Woony
Thursday – November 26th:  Happy Thanksgiving – No School
Friday – November 27th:  No School
Saturday – November 28th: 3/4th Ball – 10:00am – Boys @ Woony – Girls @ SC
Sunday – November 29th:  GB @ SC – 3:30
Monday – November 30th: GB @ W --- BB @ SC
                  Quiz Bowl – 10:20
                   HS Honor Band
                   GB @ W  --- BB @ SC
Tuesday – December 1st: GBB @ Woonsocket      BB @ SC
Menu: Hamburger on a Bun – Sweet Potato Fries – Green Beans – Salad Bar – Whole Grain Rice Crispy bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: BeneFIT Bar – Fruit Cup – Juice Choice – Milk Choice
   Menu: Sloppy Joe on a Bun – Whole Grain Chips (9-12) – Sweet Potato Puffs – Baked Beans/Green Beans – Salad Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action. ~W.J. Cameron