Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thursday, August 18th (Blue Day)

Back to school paperwork is due back to the office Monday, August 22nd.  A reminder that lunches are not free this year.  A free and reduced application is in your back to school packets and you are encouraged to fill this paperwork out to see if you would qualify.   For school year (SY) 2022-23, families who may qualify for free or reduced-price meals will need to submit a free and reduced-price meal application. As you know, Sanborn Central School District had some flexibilities during COVID so we could serve free meals to all students. That option has now expired, so we can’t serve free meals to all anymore. Instead, families will do what they did before COVID. Schools will take applications and use family income to qualify students for free, reduced-price, or paid meals.  There are still many ways children can get free meals. Children are automatically eligible for free meals if anyone in their household gets SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR benefits. Sanborn Central School District will alert you if your child is automatically eligible.

Congratulations to the following newly elected Middle School Student Council Reps.
Layton Zoss
Alissa Kidder
Lucy Applegarth
Brooklyn Larson

VB practice at SC 9-12th 3:45-5:30
VB practice at SC 7-8th 3:45-5:15

There will be a short NHS meeting on Tuesday, August 23rd at 11:00 am in Mrs. Wilson’s room.

As a reminder when you pack a breakfast or lunch for your student the school refrigerator and microwave are not for student use.

Parents if you have a Middle or High School Student please create a Infinite Campus Parent Portal.  This tool is extremely informational and will help you follow along with assignments, grades, attendance and so much more!
E-mail Laura at to get an account set up.

Save the date school and sports pictures will take place on Wednesday, August 24th.
The online Order Form for School and Sports can be found here: (it’s also inside the PDF)

Activity passes this year are available for purchase.  Please e-mail Gayle at with names.  Passes will be sent home after payment is received.
Family $85
Adult $45
Student $25 (K-12)

From the Kitchen
Today's Lunch-Homestyle Spaghetti, Steamed Broccoli, Pineapple Tidbits
Friday-Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza, Oven Roasted Cauliflower, Choice of Fruit

Breakfast-Pick 1 Breakfast Item, Uncrustable Sandwich, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip BeneFIT Bar, Mini Cinni Rolls
Pick 2 Breakfast Items-Cereal: Reeses, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Trix

August Calendar
August Breakfast
August Lunch

Extra Curricular
2022-2023 Athletic Schedule
Volleyball Game Schedule-Updated
Volleyball Practice Schedule

Friday, August 19 is first varsity game at Mt. Vernon at 7:00 pm. Bus will leave Wessington Springs at 4:00 pm and pick up Woonsocket and Sanborn Central players in Woonsocket at 4:15 pm.

The football program is looking for a couple of people to help with stats and someone to video. It could be students or it could be adults. If interested please let Mr. Kolousek or Mr. McCain know or one of the coaches.
Note – I will help train the stats people for anyone interested. It is pretty easy and you get to stand on the sideline.  

The Volleyball ladies will be in action for the Hanson Early Bird Tournament on Tuesday, August 23rd and Thursday August 25th

Notes from Miss Amundson
Dual Credit Important Dates and Deadlines:
Please make sure to pay attention to your college's dual credit deadlines in order to avoid late fees.
Courses begin: Wednesday, August 17th

Last day to drop a class without having to pay: Tuesday, August 30th

Tuition and fees due: September 16th

**LATC now has online payment available or students can pay by calling 882-5284 Ext 298 with a credit card or mail a check.


Courses begin: Monday, August 22
Last day to drop a class with a refund (by 4:00 PM): Friday, September 2
Tuition and fees due: Tuesday, September 6
Courses begin: Monday, August 22
Last day to drop course: Thursday, September 1
Tuition and fees due: Friday, September 2
Courses begin: Monday, August 22
Last Day to Add/Drop Full Term course with Full Refund: Thursday, September 1
Tuition and fees due: Friday, September 2
Please see Ms. Amundson for any changes to your dual credit course schedule.

WWTS Will Begin Aug. 24Artesian Area WWTS (Walking With the Savior) will begin its 7th year on Wednesday, Aug 24th at the Artesian First Lutheran Church.  The group will meet each Wednesday from 3:50 to 5:30 until the first part of May.  Bible lessons, games, singing, crafts, snacks and faith building activities are on the agenda for this year.  Youth ages preschool through 6th grade are welcome to attend.  This year’s coordinators are Wanda Effling and Judy Wormstadt, with community helpers each week.  If you are interested, please contact Judy at 527-2342 or 999-3140.