Grades 1-4 will have Declaim today. Tune in to Santel #107 at 8:45AM to catch the action if you are not able to attend in person. If you would like to view your child in person the public is welcome. First grade will start at 8:45 with second, third, and forth following.
Best of luck to today's track athletes as they compete in the 281 Conference track meet in Miller with a 10:00 start.
View both the Freeman (May 4th) and Miller (May 7th) Track Results
Forms will be going home with students today regarding Sanborn Central's educational Summer Program The Sanborn Central District will be providing a month of reading and math that are planned for July 5th-29th from 9-11. If you are interested in participating please complete the form and return to your students teacher by Monday, May 17th.
The end of the fourth quarter and last day of school is Wednesday, May 19th. School will conclude for the year with an 11:00 dismissal. Campus will generate a missing assignment report Wednesday, May 12th and eligibility is due at noon on Thursday, May 13th. Blue Day semester test will take place Monday, May 17th and orange day semester test are Tuesday, May 18th. High school students will have open campus during times when testing is NOT taking place. Students who are on the ineligibility list with an F in any class or have missing assignments are required to be in class all day.
Lucy, please pay Mrs. Farrel-Poncelet for your prom shirts.
Friday, May 14th the Varsity golf team travels to the Greater Fish Lake Shootout. Times TBA
Tuesday, May 18th Pre-Region Golf will be held at both Lakeview and Wild Oaks Golf courses in Mitchell with a 10:00 start time.
A Jr High golf meet has been added on May 20 @ Memorial Golf Course in Huron @ 1:00.
Friday, May 21st Golf Regions will again be at Lakeview and Wild Oaks in Mitchell (9:30 start.)
Friday and Saturday May 28th and 29th will conclude the track season with qualifiers traveling to Rapid City
State Golf will take place in Brookings June 7th and 8th.
Any sophomores or juniors interested in attending the HOBY leadership seminar, please contact Mrs. Foxley. The seminar will be held virtually June 10-12, 2021.
Sophomores and juniors interested in dual credits for next year, please come talk to Mrs. Foxley this week! We have to get you registered for classes before summer break.
This is Sanborn Central most current Covid-19 information. If a staff or student has been cleared to return to school they are not listed in our overall count.
Elementary Students-0
Middle School Students-0
High School Students-0
Please continue to self-monitor your students and keep them home if they are not feeling well.