Thursday May 21, 2020
Wishing everyone a safe and happy break! Below are a few announcements/events that are taking place during the summer months.
Summer Reading Program-
Miss West is offering band lessons during the summer to any band students. They are free of charge. Once she receives your interest form, she will assign you a ½ hour time slot for Thursday mornings. Please contact her at if you have any questions.To sign-up, please fill out this form:
Football parents, please follow the link below to update contact information for all players 7-12 for the 20-21 year. Coach Flatten
Volleyball Players and Parent:
The open gyms will be in Woonsocket the month of June and SC the month of July. We will follow social distance protocol by only allowing 10 or less players/coaches in the gym at a time. As of right now we are planning 2 coaches and 8 players. Due to large numbers we will arrange groups with set times. The coaches will make the groups based off the survey results. We are looking at 45 minute intervals to allow players to leave before new ones arrive. The open gyms will be on Monday mornings at 9, 10 and 11 and the evenings at 5:30, 6:30, and 7:30. This is subject to change depending on the COVID-19 status in South Dakota.
View the 2020 Summer open gym schedule (June 1-June 29) in Woonsocket
All students and their parent/guardian must sign and turn in the attached 2020 Pre-Participant Form Packet to the school. Also, there is a physical form that is in the packet. All incoming 7th and 10th grade students will need to get physicals before they are allowed to participate in the activity.
If you are planning ahead for the 20-21 school year the school supply list is now available.